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First Development Resources #FDR – CEO Tristan Pottas talks to Alan Green

Alan Green talks to First Development Resources #FDR CEO Tristan Pottas. FDR isĀ a UK based company seeking major mineral discoveries in Australia with three copper-gold projects in the highly-prospective Paterson Region of Western Australia and a uranium and Rare Earth Element project in the mining friendly Northern Territories. Tristan discusses how, backed by largest shareholder Power Metal Resources #POW, the team assembled an impressive board ahead of the IPO later this year. We then discuss Australia as a premier destination for mining companies, before discussingĀ the Wallal, Braeside West and Ripon Hills Gold & Copper assets, and in particular the Havieron-esque magnetic bullseye discovered by the team at Wallal. Tristan then looks at the potential at the Selta Uranium and REE project, before outlining some upcoming milestones for investors to watch out for.

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