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Ian Pollard – Blame The Headwinds, Not The Management

ConvaTec Geoup CTE admits to a disappointing performance in 2017 due to unspecified headwinds and significant challenges, the nature of which are not disclosed..Supply constraints from which it suffered during the year will continue to have an impact in 2018, especially in the first half due to back order fulfillment and lost orders. Revenue for the full year rose by 4.5% and reported operating profit by 60.9%

RELX PLC REL is increasing its fully year dividend for 2017 by 10% after reporting another year of underlying growth in revenue, operating profit and earnings. Adjusted operating profit grew by 6%, underlying revenue by 4%, and adjusted earnings per share on a constant currency basis, by 7%. Further growth is forecast for 2018.

Earthport plc EPO updates that revenue rose by 8% for the 6 months to the 31st December but adjusted gross margins fell by 9% and administrative expenses rose by 7%. The adjusted EBITDA loss more or less doubled to £3.2m. Core services remain strong despite first half challenges and the new business pipeline is also strong but cash flow break even point is not expected to be reached until 2019.

Venn Life Sciences VENN Using the headwind from project deferrals in the first half of 2017as an excuse the board believes that the small fall in revenue from £18.2m to £17.8m, an improved EBITDA performance and a closing cash position down by nearly two thirds, reflects solid progress

Sanderson Group plc SND will report at todays AGM that following the acquisition of Anisa Group in November, total group revenues for the four months to the end of January are approximately one third ahead of the same period last year. On a like for like basis and excluding Anisa, Sanderson revenues are 5% ahead and operating profit some 10% ahead.

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