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Tag Archives: Pure Circle Ltd
Ian Pollard: Pure Circle Mystery – Directors In The Dark
Pure Circle Ltd PURE announces that the Directors have noted the increase in trading volumes and the share price volatility over the past few trading sessions. They are not aware of any price sensitive information about the Company which has yet to be disclosed and previous disclosures made by the Directors in their opinion reflect fairly the most updated performance of the Company.
Computacenter CCC enjoyed a record first half with sales growth of 29.5% producing a record gross first half revenue of over 2bn for the first time. This continued the outstanding performance from the second half of 2017, ensuring that 2018 will also be a year of significant progress, helped by bouyant market conditions.Revenue for the six monthe to the 30th June, rose by 18.1% and profit before tax by 24.3% or 9.5% on statutory basis. The interim dividend is to be increased by 17.6%.
Camellia plc CAM Profits for the half year to the 30th June were better than expected and the interim dividend is to be increased by 8.1% from 37 to 40p. per share. However Kenya tea prices are now experiencing significant downward pressure and avocado selling prices have fallen significantly
Inspiration Healthcare Group plc IHC updates that it has continued to trade at satisfactory levels during the first half and expectations for the full year remain unchanged.
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