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TexRAD paper wins registrars prize at ARGANZ 2017 meeting – Feedback Plc (FDBK)

Many congratulations to Raj Deva for winning the registrar’s prize for his TexRAD paper. The paper, entitled “Radiogenomics in clear cell real cell carcinoma: Initial evidence for associations between CT heterogeneity, gene mutation count and survival” was presented by Raj at the recently concluded Abdominal Radiology Group Australia and New Zealand annual meeting 11-12 February, 2017, Sydney, Australia (http://arganzmeeting.com).  



Raj works within Professor Ken Miles’s research group at Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH), Brisbane, Australia.

Professor Miles is the Principal Investigator, leading a number of exciting research projects using the TexRAD research software at PAH, including an evaluation of how TexRAD analysis of lung cancer on PET/CT can be most effectively incorporated into clinical workflows to ensure timely availability of the results at lung cancer multi-disciplinary team meetings.

Link to the ARGANZ website here

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