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Power Metal Resources #POW – CEO Paul Johnson tells Proactive’s Andrew Scott why he’s committed for the long-term

Power Metal Resources PLC’s (LON:POW) Paul Johnson speaks to Proactive London’s Andrew Scott soon after buying 2mln shares in the explorer taking his stake to 4.9%. Johnson says he has a great deal of confidence in the company and its assets and in order to help realise the potential he feels they have he’s planning to dedicate a great deal more time to the job than he has perhaps done in similar roles previously”. ”I actually want to do this job really well, find something major …. increase the valuation of the company 50-100 times”.

Tiziana CEO Kunwar Shailubhai discusses the company’s anti il6 technology to deliver drugs to lungs with Andrew Scott at Proactive Investors

Tiziana Life Sciences (LON:TILS)(NASDAQ:TLSA) CEO and chief scientific officer Kunwar Shailubhai discusses the recent excitement around inhalation and the direct delivery of drugs to lungs. ”It makes a lot of sense”, he says.

Shailubhai says he’s pleased he’s covered this approach in his recent patent and in fact was one of the first to do it . ”COVID-19 grows in lungs, that’s where it proliferates and produces inflammation .. that leads to what’s known as a Cytokine Storm and that’s the main reason for respiratory failure”, he says.

”Right now drugs are being delivered by intravenous … it works, but think about it this way, only a fraction of the drug reaches the lung so to give an effective treatment you have to give a higher dose”. Shailubhai also discusses why a vaccine isn’t the complete answer to the coronavirus crisis and why antibodies have a crucial role to play.

Open Orphan #ORPH Exec Chairman Cathal Friel speaks to Proactive’s Andrew Scott about the new US biotech deal

Open Orphan PLC’s (LON:ORPH) Cathal Friel speaks to Proactive London’s Andrew Scott after signing a new deal with a US biotech for the provision of a respiratory syncytial virus human challenge study.

Macarthur Minerals buoyed by share spike for major shareholder Cadence Minerals on iron ore deal – Proactive Investors

by John Miller. 

Macarthur is also encouraged by a robust iron ore market enhanced by low shipping rates and low oil prices.

Macarthur Minerals Limited (ASX:MIO) (CVE:MMS) remains focused on bringing to production its Western Australia iron ore projects, with the price of the key commodity remaining robust and largely unaffected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

While encouraged by the robust iron ore market, Macarthur is also buoyed by the performance this week of one of its largest shareholders Cadence Minerals PLC (LON:KDNC).

Cadence, an investment group that has a keen interest in opportunities in the iron ore sector, has this week doubled to GB 6.55p after the Amapá Iron Ore Project in Brazil received court approval to start iron ore shipments.

Shared iron ore vision

Macarthur and Cadence share the same vision of producing a high-grade, low-impurity iron ore concentrate and for this reason, Cadence has been a long-term corporate partner and investor in Macarthur.

Both companies are developing profitable and significant iron ore assets globally with Macarthur focused on the Lake Giles Iron Project in Western Australia.

The common ground extends beyond this vision with Cadence chairman Andrew Suckling also a non-executive director of Macarthur and chairman of the company’s Audit Committee.

Feasibility study progress

At Lake Giles, Macarthur is making strong progress on a feasibility study, focusing on the higher-value magnetite resource.

The location of Lake Giles with existing and planned logistics.

XRF assays and David Tube Recovery (DTR) analysis from infill drilling completed at the end of 2019 have confirmed significant intersections of magnetite mineralisation.

These results are being incorporated into an updated mineral resource model being prepared by CSA Global.

Detailed ‘route to market’ studies, including port and rail designs, are underway and remain a key priority as they will form the background of rail access, haulage and port contracts.

Tenders have also been called for metallurgical testing, process and infrastructure design, and mining studies to support a detailed feasibility study.

Large magnetite resource

Lake Giles mineral resources include the Moonshine magnetite resource and the Ularring hematite resource, which is approved for development.

Moonshine has an inferred magnetite resource of 710 million tonnes while Ularring has indicated resources of 54.5 million tonnes at 47.2% iron and inferred resources of 26 million tonnes at 45.4% iron.

Core samples from Lake Giles.

Macarthur’s executive chairman Cameron McCall said the company’s business case remained strong.

“Investor confidence across the board has taken a hit lately but we’re confident that the company is close to receiving a major shot in the arm on the back of an updated resource estimate and how we will get this to market.”

“Resolute” market fundamentals

He said: “On a macro-level, there are supportive market fundamentals that remain resolute; global steel production continues to rise and so does the demand for higher-grade, lower-impurity iron ore feedstock such as magnetite.

“While the prices of most major commodities are wilting in the face of the coronavirus, iron ore has been resilient with the benchmark 62% iron product hovering around a relatively robust $US90 per tonne, that’s up from $US72 in November last year.

“Lower oil prices, lower shipping rates as well as a declining Australian to US dollar should see a rapid rebalancing as all these variables impact positively on corporate returns.”

Ruling a key Amapá milestone

The Amapá ruling from the Commercial Court of São Paulo marks a key milestone for re-starting the Brazilian project.

This project is owned by DEV Mineração SA (DEV) in which Cadence can earn a 20 per cent stake.

Independent surveys of the iron ore stockpiles indicate that 1.39 million tonnes of iron ore in three stockpiles are available for immediate export with an average grade of 62.12% iron.

First shipment could be as early as the end of this quarter, but this depends upon the receipt of permits and any COVID-19 restrictions that may apply.

Cadence CEO Kiran Morzaria said: “For Cadence, this a significant step forward for the redevelopment of the fully integrated Amapá Iron Ore Project.

“We are truly entering the operational phase of the asset, and despite the current turbulent and volatile market conditions, the iron ore prices remain robust.

“Our chairman (Andrew Suckling) has previously referred to Amapá as a ‘company changing’ project for Cadence, and it is now on its way to deliver this goal.”

Low shipping rates

Macarthur and Cadence are also encouraged by low shipping rates due to the decreased supply of iron ore to market and this is enhanced by very low oil prices.

This will also have an impact on existing suppliers as the ongoing need for iron ore pushes up demand, particularly post-COVID-19.

Suckling said: “The ruling from Brazil’s São Paulo court marks a significant milestone for the re-opening of the Amapá iron ore project and its long-term benefits for stakeholders and the region.

“This ruling brings the Amapá project back to life.

“Despite the severe disruption created by COVID-19, management has remained focused on delivering the Amapá project as planned, supported by a robust iron ore market that continues to justify the opportunity.”

“On cusp of transformational change”

The importance of this deal has been recognised by prominent UK-based wealth management and corporate broking company WH Ireland Group PLC (LON:WHI) that states “Cadence is on the cusp of a transformational change”.

In a new research note on Cadence, WH Ireland states: “An easy to ship stockpile of 1.4Mt of 62% iron ore would sell for a current SPOT price of $84/t. Taking in re-handling and port costs (WHIe) of $10/t and ocean freight estimate of $30/t leaves an operating margin of nearly $45/t of iron ore shipped.”

This is “a healthy margin which could be used to pay senior bank creditors (once agreement has been reached) and complete a feasibility study into the reopening of the Amapá mine and pay for some of the new infrastructure required”.

Link here to view the original Proactive article

Open Orphan: Flu vaccine data showcased in peer reviewed article – Proactive Investors

by Ian Lyall. 

FLU-v has been developed by Imutex, 49%-owned by Open Orphan unit hVIVO

The results of a successful phase IIb trial of a potential flu vaccine being developed by an Open Orphan PLC  (LON:ORPH) joint-venture have been written up in a peer-reviewed article carried by a scientific journal.

The data from FLU-v 004 challenge study underlined its ability to reduce mild-to-moderate symptoms of the illness.

FLU-v has been developed by Imutex, 49%-owned by Open Orphan unit hVIVO, as the first ‘universal’, broad-spectrum influenza vaccine.

The publication of the results in the periodical ‘npj Vaccines’ follows hard on the heels of results from a separate field assessment of the drug, which revealed “cellular and humoral immunogenicity” from a single dose of adjuvanted FLU-v.

In other words, the jab immediately provoked an immune response.

Imutex, meanwhile, is scheduling meetings with regulators on both sides of the Atlantic ahead of further trials.

“Progression to larger phase III studies with FLU-v can further describe the cellular immune response and evaluate how the vaccine interacts with influenza disease,” said Open Orphan chief executive Trevor Phillips.

Chairman Cathal Friel added: “The need for better, more broadly protective vaccines against influenza is a high priority worldwide, and few new vaccines have demonstrated efficacy in humans as seen in the results of the challenge study for FLU-v 004. 

“This is the first universal influenza vaccine that has shown this protection from influenza and reduction of symptoms in late-stage studies and together with the highly statistical immune results reported in a peer review article earlier this week means that the risk of failure in a phase III setting is greatly reduced compared with entering into phase III studies with no efficacy data.”

Link here to view the original Proactive article

Cadence Minerals chief provides upbeat assessment of Brazil iron ore project as green light is given for stockpile exports – Proactive Investors

by Ian Lyall. 

Speaking to Proactive’s Andrew Scott earlier, Kiran Morzaria said the former Anglo American and Cliffs Natural Resources mine, which is in the north of the country, had been “substantially de-risked”

Cadence Minerals PLC (LON:CNC) chief executive, Kiran Morzaria, provided an upbeat assessment of the potential of the Amapá iron ore project in Brazil after the green light was given to begin high-grade exporting stockpiled material to China.

Shipments are likely to start in “late Q2, early Q3”, he confirmed, adding: “We are in advanced discussions with off-takers and contractors, including the local port authorities and trucking companies.”

Speaking to Proactive’s Andrew Scott earlier, Morzaria said the former Anglo American and Cliffs Natural Resources mine, which is in the north of the country, had been “substantially de-risked”.

He pointed out the formerly producing operation comes complete with a rail spur and port – two pieces of infrastructure than can add significant costs to a project such as Amapá.

“Yes, it all requires some rehabilitation,” he added. “But it’s de-risked technically and has a product that was well-liked in China.”

Mineral resource investor Cadence has US$2.5mln sitting in escrow which it will hand over for a 20% stake in Amapá once the last of its pre-conditions is met. This requires a settlement to be reached with the secured bank creditors.

Amapá is host to 1.39 Mt ore in three stockpiles with an average grade of just over 62%.  The proceeds from sales will help bring the mine back into production.

The project, which was shuttered in 2012, produced 6.1 Mt of iron ore concentrate.

Link here to view the original Proactive article

Cadence CEO Kiran Morzaria interview with Andrew Scott of ProActive Investors

Cadence CEO Kiran Morzaria & Andrew Scott of ProActive Investors discuss the recent Court Approval to ship iron ore stockpiles at its Amapá project in Brazil, marking a significant step forward for the company & asset

Proactive Investors – Open Orphan #ORPH catching global attention with ‘stunning’ FLU-v results & world-first coronavirus study

Open Orphan PLC‘s (LON:ORPH) Cathal Friel and its subsidiary hVIVO’s chief scientist Dr Andrew Catchpole sat down with Proactive London’s Andrew Scott.

This morning Open Orphan announced the results from a clinical trial of a broad-spectrum flu jab that they’re jointly developing have been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

The data from the FLU-v 003 phase IIb study of the FLU-v vaccine appeared in the Annals of Internal Medicine periodical.

Also this week hVIVO began developing the world’s first human coronavirus challenge study.

hVIVO owns Europe’s only quarantine clinic with an onsite virology lab where the challenge model will be developed and used.

Proactive Investors interview with the Open Orphan #ORPH team on its future and ‘the lottery ticket’ sitting within hVIVO

Open Orphan PLC‘s (LON:ORPH) Cathal Friel speaks to Proactive London’s Andrew Scott following the completion last week of its £5.3mln fundraise.

Also in studio is adviser to Open Orphan and founder of hVivo Professor John Oxford.

Professor Oxford’s been a leader in the field of vaccine and anti-viral clinical trials for the last 20 years.

hVivo, which has recently been acquired by Open Orphan, owns the largest commercial quarantine clinic in northern Europe and could play a role in treating patients affected by the recent outbreak of coronavirus.

Cathal Friel, Open Orphan #ORPH CEO confirms to Proactive Investors that the hVIVO deal is done

Cathal Friel, CEO of Open Orphan announces that the hVIVO deal is finally in the bag and tells Proactive London what the timeline for shareholders now looks like. Cathal also provides some news on the Genomic Database and explains how he expects hVIVO to make a profit.

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