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Tertiary Minerals #TYM – Result of General Meeting

Further to the announcement of 4 March 2021, the Company is pleased to advise that the General Meeting (“GM”) was held today, as scheduled, and that the special resolution to approve the disapplication of pre-emption rights in respect of shares authorised for issue at the Company’s last Annual General Meeting (the “Resolution”) was duly passed.

As advised, and because the meeting was held as a closed meeting, the vote on the Resolution was conducted by poll. The result of the poll was as follows:

Resolution to approve the disapplication of pre-emption rights
Votes For % of votes


Votes Against

% of votes cast Total Votes Total Votes as

% of the No. of issued ordinary shares

120,927,011 91.66 11,008,564 8.34 131,935,575 11.15 662,326

Included in this result are the valid proxies for shareholders who were not present at the GM whereby the Chairman was directed to vote, and voted, as follows:

Proxies voted by Chairman for shareholders not voting in person at the GM
Votes For % of proxy votes Votes Against

% of proxy votes At Chairman’s discretion Withheld
110,549,098 90.94 11,008,564 9.06 0 662,326

A vote withheld is not a vote in law and votes withheld are not counted in the result.

Further information:


Tertiary Minerals plc

Patrick Cheetham, Executive Chairman

 +44 (0)1625 838 679



SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP

Nominated Adviser & Broker

Richard Morrison/Caroline Rowe



+44 (0)203 470 0470

Peterhouse Capital Limited

Joint Broker

Lucy Williams/Duncan Vasey


+44 (0)207 469 0930

Notes to Editors

Tertiary Minerals plc (ticker symbol ‘TYM’) is an AIM-traded mineral exploration company building and developing a multi-commodity project portfolio – Industrial minerals, base and precious metals.

Tertiary Minerals #TYM – Notice of General Meeting – Wednesday 24 March 2021

Tertiary Minerals plc, the AIM traded company building a multi-commodity project portfolio announces that it is holding a General Meeting on Wednesday 24 March 2021.  The business of the General Meeting will be to consider and, if thought fit, to pass a special resolution to empower the directors to disapply the pre-emption rights in respect of those shares that were authorised for issue by Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 28 January 2021 (“the AGM”).

Having raised capital recently, as announced on  26 January 2021, the Company has no immediate plans to issue new securities.

However, a resolution to disapply pre-emptive rights has been approved at all previous Annual General Meetings but failed to pass at this year’s AGM.  Given that only 4.25% of shares then in issue were voted at the AGM, the Directors are of the view that the wishes of the Shareholders as a whole may not have been properly represented and would like to give Shareholders a second opportunity to consider granting this authority.

The Board considers that this resolution is in the best interest of the Company’s shareholders and the Company as a whole. Accordingly, the Board unanimously recommends that Shareholders vote in favour of the New Resolution, as they intend to do so in respect of their own beneficial holdings of Ordinary Shares which amount, in aggregate, to 15,579,080 Ordinary Shares representing approximately 1.32 per cent. of the total issued share capital of the Company as at today’s date.

A circular and Notice of General Meeting has today been posted to shareholders.

General Meeting Arrangements

The General Meeting will be held at 11.00am on Wednesday 24 March 2021.

The Board continues to monitor the Government advice in relation to the COVID-19 situation and public gatherings. The Board believes that all shareholders will wish to comply with these guidelines and therefore physical attendance in person at the GM will not be permitted. The Company encourages shareholders to appoint the Chairman as their proxy with their voting instructions. Forms of Proxy must be received by no later than 48 hours before the commencement of the meeting and can be submitted electronically at www.signalshares.com.

The Company will continue to monitor the situation and if Government advice dictates that further changes to the arrangements for the General Meeting are necessary, details will be published on the website and via a Regulatory Information Service.

For more information please contact:

Tertiary Minerals plc:
Patrick Cheetham, Executive Chairman +44 (0) 1625 838 679
SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP

Nominated Adviser and Broker

Richard Morrison +44 (0) 203 470 0470
Caroline Rowe  
Peterhouse Capital Limited

Joint Broker

Lucy Williams + 44 (0) 207 469 0930
Duncan Vasey  


Event Date
Posting of the Circular and Notice of General Meeting Thursday 4 March 2021
Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of Proxy 11.00 a.m. Monday 22 March 2021
Latest time and date for receipt of CREST Proxy Instructions 11.00 a.m. Monday 22 March 2021
General Meeting 11.00 a.m. Wednesday 24 March 2021
Announcement of the results of the General Meeting Wednesday 24 March 2021

Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure

Certain information contained in this announcement would have been deemed inside information as defined in Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 until the release of this announcement.

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