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#POW Power Metal – Total Voting Rights
31st January 2023 / Leave a comment
Power Metal Resources plc (“Power Metal” or the “Company”)
Total Voting Rights
In accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority’s Disclosure and Transparency Rules, the Company hereby announces that as at 31 January 2023 there were 1,727,574,806 ordinary shares of 0.1 pence each in issue, none of which are held in treasury. Therefore, the total number of voting rights in the Company is 1,727,574,806.
The above figure of 1,727,574,806 may be used by shareholders in the Company as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change in their interest in, the share capital of the Company under the FCA’s Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
Power Metal #POW Tati Project Botswana – Drill Programme Results
23rd August 2022 / Leave a comment
Tati Project Botswana – Drill Programme Results
Company’s Inaugural Drill Programme Confirms Target Geological Formations, Returns Near Surface Gold and Application for Adjacent Prospective Land Successfuly Lodged
Power Metal Resources PLC (LON:POW), the London listed exploration company seeking large-scale metal discoveries across its global project portfolio, announces results from the Company’s inaugural drilling programme on the Tati Project (“Tati” or the “Project”) located within the Tati Greenstone Belt near Francistown, Botswana.
– Drill programme completed safely and on-budget. Primary programme objective to confirm prospective geological formations was completed successfully.
– Near surface gold mineralisation intersected, including shallow depth Reverse Circulation (“RC”) drilling results of up to 5.17g/t gold (“Au”) over 3m from 9m downhole.
– Further Prospecting Licence (“PL”) application lodged, covering along strike extension of identified major regional gold prospective structure.
– The 1614-hectare lodged PL application covers a strong gold-in-soil anomaly and the historical Cherished Hope Gold Mine.
Maps highlighting various aspects of the 2021 drilling programme can be found below at the following link:
Paul Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of Power Metal Resources plc commented:
“It took a certain boldness for our team to advance the Tati Project to the drilling stage so quickly. However, due to the thin sand cover over most of the Project, we felt that gaining knowledge of the underlying geological formations through relatively inexpensive RC drilling was crucial in order to better gauge the overall prospectivity of the Project. The drilling results achieved will now allow us to continue to push our Tati exploration forward at pace.
The RC drillholes completed within PL126/2019 targeted a relatively small area within a much broader gold-in-soil anomaly. Our main goal was to better understand how the geochemical anomaly correlated with the thinly blanketed geological formations. What we found was very encouraging.
Whilst our main programme goals were to gain a better understanding of the subsurface geology over the Project, we were encouraged to obtain near surface gold including results of up to 5.17g/t Au over 3m from a shallow depth of only 9m. Importantly, as noted above, these results were achieved from only a small area tested within a much larger geochemical anomaly.
In parallel with our ground exploration work programmes, we completed a further detailed analysis of the broader Tati Greenstone Belt surrounding the Project – with the hopes of identifying additional gold targets located near to the Project.
Significantly, we were able to identify a 1614-hectare area adjacent to our PL126/2019 licence, and further along strike of a regionally important northwest-southeast trending structure, which contained widespread, strong gold soil anomalism – including several targets of greater than 100ppb gold-in-soil (much stronger than the area tested by the 2021 drilling campaign). As a result, we moved swiftly to secure this area by submitting a new licence application to cover all anomalous zones identified.
By applying the positive drill findings from this early RC programme across the entire Project and specifically into this new application area, we have in our view confirmed that the Tati Project is a major target for gold discoveries.
We are seeking to accelerate our work on this exciting Project.”
Programme Background:
Drill Programme |
A total of 1,062m of RC drilling was completed across five target zones which was undertaken by Power Metal’s drill partners Equity Drilling Ltd and Mindea Exploration and Drilling Services (Pty) Ltd.
All drill holes as part of this programme were shallow, and completed to depths ranging from 21-81m, with an average depth of 47m. RC drilling provides a inexpensive, and rapid testing method which is well suited for an early-stage drilling campaign.
The RC chip samples collected were sent to Intertek Group plc’s laboratory located in Perth, Australia, for multi-element analysis.
Exploration to Date
Exploration on the Project has advanced at a rapid pace to its current stage since Power Metal exercised its option to acquire a 100% interest in the Project on 28 July 2021.
Work to date has included soil sampling, ground-based magnetics and radiometrics, as well as intermittent prospecting and rock sampling over select targets.
Rationale for Early Drilling |
Kalahari sands which blanket the majority of the Project have precluded widespread geological mapping and prospecting, as a result the Company decided to launch the drilling campaign in order to obtain bedrock RC chip samples from the various target areas below Kalahari sand cover.
The main goal of the drill programme was to test for the presence of the geological formations which host many of nearby historic and currently operating gold and nickel mines within the Tati Greenstone Belt.
The laboratory assay results, combined with geological logging of the RC bedrock samples have provided the company with important geological information which will help guide future exploration and drilling campaigns on the Project.
Key Findings Include:
A northwest-southeast oriented quartz reef was intersected in multiple drillholes over a combined strike length of 200m; including highlight results of 5.17g/t Au over 3m (TGRC00017) from 9-12m and 1.3g/t Au over 3m from 15-18m.
· The drillholes were targeting only 200m of strike length along a 2,000m Au-in-soil anomaly (open to east and west) discovered by the Company during a Phase I geochemical survey completed over PL126/2019 and announced on 14 September, 2021. The Au-in-soil anomaly is coincident with a prominent northeast-southwest oriented structure which extends for at least 14km to the nearby Monarch Gold Mine.
· Based on the work undertaken to date, Power Metal, through its 100%-owned Botswana subsidiary Tati Greenstone Resources Pty Ltd., lodged a new Prospecting Licence (“PL”) application in order to cover the southeastern extension of this regionally important gold prospective structure.
· The PL applicaton covers an additional 6km of strike-length along this significant structure, including several large-scale Au-in-soil anomalies as well as the historical Cherished Hope Mine. If granted, this area represents a high-priority exploration target for the Company going forward.
All RC samples were shipped to Johannesburg for sample preparation at Intertek Genalysis’ (“Intertek”) prepararatory facility, and further sent on to Intertek’s laboratory located in Perth, Australia, where they underwent analysis. All samples from this programme were sent as 3m composite samples. Subsequently, 1m samples from the zones of interest returned from the sample composites have been compiled and sent off to Intertek for further sample preparation and analysis.
PL126/2019 Drill Results
A total of 7 RC drillholes (TGRC00017-TGRC00023) were completed on PL126/2019 targetting 200m of strike length within a >2,000m long (open to the east and west) Au-in-soil anomaly defined by the company during its 2021 Phase I geochemical work programme. 6 of the drillholes were completed within a fan array, at a set dip of -50 ° , with each hole being stepped back 20m from another. The two fans were positioned exactly 200m along strike from one another, with the 7th hole being completed within the middle of the array – approximately 100m equidistant from each drillhole fan.
Drillholes intersected a modest to shallow dipping quartzite unit with variable gold grades including highlight results up to 3m of 5.17g/t Au. The drill results highlighted the down dip extent of the quartzite, which remains open at depth and along strike.
Mapping within the area identified a northwest-southeast oriented structure which extends at least 17km, intersecting the nearby Monarch Gold Mine along its extent. The structure extends from the 2021 drilling area, as well as to previously unstaked ground to the southeast of PL126/2019. Additionally, Power Metal was able to obtain historically geochemical data collected over this ground, which showed a larger and higher-tenor Au-in-soil anomaly than the area targeted during the 2021 drilling campaign. As a result, a Prospecting Licence application was lodged with the Botswana Department of Mines (“DOM”). The Company is waiting for the results of this PL application, and will update the market once an update is available.
PL127/2019 Drill Results
A total of 6 RC drillholes (TGRC0001-TGRC0006) were drilled targeting along the strike extension of the Signal Hill gold mine. The drillholes were drilled along two fan arrays, which included 3 holes per fan. The holes were drilled to a maximum depth of 81m. No significant results were achieved in these holes. The drillholes all intersected various banded iron formation (“BIF”), schist and siltstones intervals with variable calcite alteration.
A total of 6 RC drillholes (TGRC0007-TGRC0012) were drilled targeting a nickel (“Ni”)-in-soil anomaly which was postulated to represent an extension of mafic-ultramafic units which host the nearby Selkik and Tekwane nickel mines. The drillholes were drilled along two fan arrays, which included 3 holes per fan. The holes were drilled to a maximum depth of 81m. Several holes intersected variable BIF, dacite, shale and schist intervals, and locally, disseminated pentlandite and pyrite mineralisation were logged.
A total of 4 RC drillholes (TGRC0013-TGRC0016) were drilled targeting a northwest-southeast oriented As-in-soil anomaly identified by the Company during its Phase I soil sampling programme. The holes were drilled to maximum depth of 51m. The drillholes were drilled along two fan arrays, which included 2 holes per fan. The drillholes intersected variable meta andesite, dolerite, schist and quartzite with variable hematite alteration.
In all instances, the drillholes completed as part of the programme on PL127/2019 were targeting geochemical anomalies identified by Power Metal during its 2021 Phase I soil samping programme. In many cases, these Ni- and arsenic (“As”)-in-soil anomalies were kilometre scale, and as a result only minimal parts of these anomalies were adequately tested during this programme.
Programme Data:
Tati 2021 Drill Programme Assay Table
Hole ID |
From (m) |
To (m) |
Interval (m) |
Au (ppb) |
Au* (gram/ton) |
TGRC00001 to TGRC00016 |
No Significant Values |
TGRC00017 |
9 |
12 |
3 |
>2,000 |
5.174 |
TGRC00018 |
0 |
3 |
3 |
101 |
– |
TGRC00019 |
No Significant Values |
TGRC00020 |
0 |
3 |
3 |
106 |
– |
Incl. |
15 |
18 |
3 |
1,299 |
– |
TGRC00021 |
21 |
24 |
3 |
591 |
– |
TGRC00022 |
39 |
42 |
3 |
255 |
– |
TGRC00023 |
0 |
3 |
3 |
131 |
– |
*Overlimit assay anaylsed via FA25/OE (25g Fire-Assay)
Tati 2021 Drill Programme Collar Table
Drill hole ID |
Dip |
Azimuth |
Hole Depth (m) |
Northing** |
Easting** |
TGRC00001 |
-50° |
90° |
21 |
584342 |
7635151 |
TGRC00002 |
-50° |
66° |
51 |
589342 |
7634767 |
TGRC00003 |
-50° |
90° |
81 |
584303 |
7635156 |
TGRC00004 |
-50° |
90° |
21 |
584324 |
7634902 |
TGRC00005 |
-50° |
90° |
51 |
584305 |
7634903 |
TGRC00006 |
-50° |
90° |
81 |
584284 |
7634903 |
TGRC00007 |
-50° |
340° |
21 |
581941 |
7638331 |
TGRC00008 |
-50° |
340° |
51 |
581965 |
7638298 |
TGRC00009 |
-50° |
340° |
81 |
581965 |
7638298 |
TGRC00010 |
-50° |
270° |
21 |
582330 |
7638996 |
TGRC00011 |
-50° |
270° |
51 |
582347 |
7638985 |
TGRC00012 |
-50° |
270° |
81 |
582366 |
7638972 |
TGRC00013 |
-50° |
66° |
21 |
589360 |
7634776 |
TGRC00014 |
-50° |
66° |
51 |
589342 |
7634767 |
TGRC00015 |
-50° |
66° |
21 |
589752 |
7634113 |
TGRC00016 |
-50° |
66° |
51 |
589735 |
7634113 |
TGRC00017 |
-50° |
45° |
21 |
559931 |
7653529 |
TGRC00018 |
-50° |
45° |
51 |
559916 |
7653512 |
TGRC00019 |
-50° |
45° |
81 |
559904 |
7653493 |
TGRC00020 |
-50° |
45° |
21 |
559780 |
7653652 |
TGRC00021 |
-50° |
45° |
51 |
559763 |
7653639 |
TGRC00022 |
-50° |
45° |
81 |
559749 |
7653624 |
TGRC00023 |
-50° |
45° |
30 |
559849 |
7653602 |
TGRC00001 |
-50° |
90° |
21 |
584342 |
7635151 |
** Projection: WGS84 – UTM Zone 35S
The technical information contained in this disclosure has been read and approved by Mr Nick O’Reilly (MSc, DIC, MIMMM, MAusIMM, FGS), who is a qualified geologist and acts as the Competent Person under the AIM Rules – Note for Mining and Oil & Gas Companies. Mr O’Reilly is a Principal consultant working for Mining Analyst Consulting Ltd which has been retained by Power Metal Resources PLC to provide technical support.
This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (“MAR”), and is disclosed in accordance with the Company’s obligations under Article 17 of MAR.
For further information please visit https://www.powermetalresources.com/ or contact:
Power Metal Resources plc |
Paul Johnson (Chief Executive Officer) |
+44 (0) 7766 465 617 |
SP Angel Corporate Finance (Nomad and Joint Broker) |
Ewan Leggat/Charlie Bouverat |
+44 (0) 20 3470 0470 |
SI Capital Limited (Joint Broker) |
Nick Emerson |
+44 (0) 1483 413 500 |
First Equity Limited (Joint Broker) |
David Cockbill/Jason Robertson |
+44 (0) 20 7330 1883 |
Power Metal Resources plc (LON:POW) is an AIM listed metals exploration company which finances and manages global resource projects and is seeking large scale metal discoveries.
The Company has a principal focus on opportunities offering district scale potential across a global portfolio including precious, base and strategic metal exploration in North America, Africa and Australia.
Project interests range from early-stage greenfield exploration to later-stage prospects currently subject to drill programmes.
Power Metal will develop projects internally or through strategic joint ventures until a project becomes ready for disposal through outright sale or separate listing on a recognised stock exchange thereby crystallising the value generated from our internal exploration and development work.
Value generated through disposals will be deployed internally to drive the Company’s growth or may be returned to shareholders through share buy backs, dividends or in-specie distributions of assets.
Power Metal Exploration Programmes Underway/Results Awaited
Power Metal has exploration programmes completed or underway, with results awaited, as outlined below:
Project |
Location |
POW % |
Work Completed or Underway |
Results Awaited |
Alamo Gold Project |
Earn-in to 75% |
Excavation of multiple test pits and mapping & sampling. |
Field and assay results from on-site work programme. |
Athabasca Uranium |
Canada |
100% |
Data compilation across uranium properties |
Interpretation results from 2 of 7 properties. |
Authier North Lithium |
Canada |
Earn-in to 100% |
Soil & rock sampling completed |
Technical Review of exploration results & define next exploration steps. |
Ditau Project |
Botswana |
50% |
Drill programme focused on key targets notably drilling of potential carbonatites and targeting rare-earth elements. |
Field updates and receipt & review of laboratory assay results. |
Kalahari Copper Belt |
Botswana |
50% |
Exploration programme underway across the South Ghanzi Project and further exploration at the more recently acquired South Ghanzi Extension and Mamuno licence areas |
Field programme findings and defined drill targets for near term drilling. |
Molopo Farms |
Botswana |
53% |
Review of recent exploration findings. |
Determine next exploration steps and action plan. |
Haneti Project |
Tanzania |
35% |
Diamond drill programme completed |
Receipt & review of laboratory assay results. |
Victoria Goldfields |
Australia |
49.9% |
Diamond drill programme underway
Field updates and receipt & review of laboratory assay results. |
Paterson Projects |
Australia |
83.33% |
Wallal passive seismic and 2D seismic processing work programme completed. Review of historical data and target generation for Ripon Hills & Braeside West projects.
Findings from multiple work programmes including final approvals and preparations for planned deep diamond drilling. |
Selta Project |
Australia |
83.33% |
Field reconnaissance work now underway, including mapping and sampling. |
Field updates. |
Power Metal Resources #POW – Ditau Camp Project Botswana – Drilling Update
29th April 2022 / Leave a comment
Ditau Camp Project Botswana – Drilling Update
Power Metal Resources plc (LON:POW) the London listed exploration company seeking large-scale metal discoveries across its global project portfolio announces an update from the Ditau Camp project (the “Project”) in Botswana.
The Project is held by Botswana based Kanye Resources Pty Limited (“Kanye”), which is a 50/50 joint-venture partnership with Kavango Resources plc (LSE:KAV) (“Kavango”) – who are the operators.
Kavango confirm the completion of the first diamond drill hole at the Ditau Camp Project, Botswana, hole DITDD003 (the “Borehole”).
The hole was completed to a total depth of 300.14m, which the Company’s technical team believes has tested the geophysical target at this specific location.
The Borehole intersected units including a breccia of 20.44m from 83.9m, and a dolomitic carbonate rock from 154.89m. This latter may contain stromatolitic features.
Kavango’s technical team is now assessing the provenance of the breccia unit, which it believes may represent either a weathered carbonatitic ash flow or a weathered Dwyka tillite.
In addition, a 7.16m intrusive, considered to be a dolerite, was intersected from 247.73m.
While the provenance of the breccia unit is uncertain Kavango has performed some initial portable X-Ray Fluorescence (“pXRF”) readings on the matrix and larger clasts, with a view to comparing these with both carbonatitic ash flow and also unweathered Dwyka tillite. The latter has been drilled in recent Kavango diamond drillholes in the region and will be used for these pXRF checks.
Subsequent to this the cores from DITDD003 will be cut and sent to an accredited laboratory for whole rock analysis with petrological work also carried out on selected samples.
Hole DITDD003 is one of six planned boreholes in the current programme. The drill rig is currently being moved to the pad for the next hole in the campaign, DITDD004.
The technical information contained in this disclosure has been read and approved by Mr Nick O’Reilly (MSc, DIC, MIMMM, MAusIMM, FGS), who is a qualified geologist and acts as the Competent Person under the AIM Rules – Note for Mining and Oil & Gas Companies. Mr O’Reilly is a Principal consultant working for Mining Analyst Consulting Ltd which has been retained by Power Metal Resources PLC to provide technical support.
This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (“MAR”), and is disclosed in accordance with the Company’s obligations under Article 17 of MAR.
Power Metal Resources #POW – Tati Project Prospecting Licence 049/2022 Successfully Granted Covering Major Gold Anomalies
22nd April 2022 / Leave a comment
Power Metal Resources PLC (LON:POW) the London listed exploration company seeking large-scale metal discoveries across its global project portfolioannounces a further update from the Company’s 100% owned Tati Project (“Tati” or the “Project”) located within the Tati Greenstone Belt near Francistown, Botswana, following the release of the 2021 drilling results announced on 4 April 2022:
– Prospecting Licence (“PL”) PL049/2022, covering the historical Cherished Hope Gold Mine as well as a large gold-in-soil anomaly coincident with a prominent northeast-southwest oriented regional structure has been granted.
– The 16.14 km2 licence is held in the name of Tati Greenstone Resources Pty Ltd, which is a 100% owned, Botswana-based, subsidiary of Power Metal.
– The Company’s land position within the exciting Tati Greenstone Belt (“TGB”) has now been enhanced materially, and highly prospective grounds with strong historical gold results are 100% owned by Power Metal.
– The Company is undergoing an in-depth review of all historical results covering the newly granted PL, and will update the market in due course with next exploration steps.
Paul Johnson, Chief Executive Officer of Power Metal Resources plc commented:
“The grant of this additional prospecting licence is a significant achievement for the Tati Project, covering a number of major gold anomalies identified by our team during a in-depth desktop analysis completed following the receipt of our 2021 drilling programme assay results.
With this new PL now granted, our upsized exploration footprint covers multiple targets across a highly prospective area for gold mineralisation, and we are accelerating exploration efforts to test the new Au-in-soil anomalies secured.
For readers wishing to learn more of the gold prospectivity at Tati, the maps immediately following this comment provide a clear picture.”
Maps highlighting the newly granted licence can be found below at the following link:
Tati 049/2022 Licence Grant Map – Power Metal Resources plc (LON: POW)
The technical information contained in this disclosure has been read and approved by Mr Nick O’Reilly (MSc, DIC, MIMMM, MAusIMM, FGS), who is a qualified geologist and acts as the Competent Person under the AIM Rules – Note for Mining and Oil & Gas Companies. Mr O’Reilly is a Principal consultant working for Mining Analyst Consulting Ltd which has been retained by Power Metal Resources PLC to provide technical support.
This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (“MAR”), and is disclosed in accordance with the Company’s obligations under Article 17 of MAR.
For further information please visit https://www.powermetalresources.com/ or contact:
Power Metal Resources plc |
Paul Johnson (Chief Executive Officer) |
+44 (0) 7766 465 617 |
SP Angel Corporate Finance (Nomad and Joint Broker) |
Ewan Leggat/Charlie Bouverat |
+44 (0) 20 3470 0470 |
SI Capital Limited (Joint Broker) |
Nick Emerson |
+44 (0) 1483 413 500 |
First Equity Limited (Joint Broker) |
David Cockbill/Jason Robertson |
+44 (0) 20 7330 1883 |
Power Metal Resources plc – Background
Power Metal Resources plc (LON:POW) is an AIM listed metals exploration company which finances and manages global resource projects and is seeking large scale metal discoveries.
The Company has a principal focus on opportunities offering district scale potential across a global portfolio including precious, base and strategic metal exploration in North America, Africa and Australia.
Project interests range from early-stage greenfield exploration to later-stage prospects currently subject to drill programmes.
Power Metal will develop projects internally or through strategic joint ventures until a project becomes ready for disposal through outright sale or separate listing on a recognised stock exchange thereby crystallising the value generated from our internal exploration and development work.
Value generated through disposals will be deployed internally to drive the Company’s growth or may be returned to shareholders through share buy backs, dividends or in-specie distributions of assets.
Power Metal Exploration Programmes Underway/Results Awaited
Power Metal has exploration programmes completed or underway, with results awaited, as outlined below:
Project |
Location |
POW % |
Work Completed or Underway |
Results Awaited |
Alamo Gold Project |
Earn-in to 75% |
Excavation of multiple test pits and mapping & sampling. |
Field and assay results from on-site work programme. |
Athabasca Uranium |
Canada |
100% |
Data compilation across uranium properties |
Interpretation results from all Properties complete. Next steps upcoming. |
Authier North Lithium |
Canada |
Earn-in to 100% |
Soil & rock sampling completed |
Technical Review of exploration results & define next exploration steps. |
Ditau Project |
Botswana |
50% |
Drill programme focused on key targets notably drilling of potential carbonatites and targeting rare-earth elements. |
Field updates and receipt & review of laboratory assay results. |
Kalahari Copper Belt |
Botswana |
50% |
Exploration programme underway across the South Ghanzi Project and further exploration at the more recently acquired South Ghanzi Extension and Mamuno licence areas |
Field programme findings and defined drill targets for near term drilling. |
Molopo Farms |
Botswana |
53% |
Review of recent exploration findings. |
Determine next exploration steps and action plan. |
Haneti Project |
Tanzania |
35% |
Diamond drill programme completed |
Receipt & review of laboratory assay results. |
Victoria Goldfields |
Australia |
49.9% |
Diamond drill programme underway
Field updates and receipt & review of laboratory assay results. |
Paterson Projects |
Australia |
83.33% |
Wallal passive seismic and 2D seismic processing work programme completed. Review of historical data and target generation for Ripon Hills & Braeside West projects.
Findings from multiple work programmes including final approvals and preparations for planned deep diamond drilling. |
Selta Project |
Australia |
83.33% |
Field reconnaissance work now underway, including mapping and sampling. |
Field updates. |
Power Metal Resources #POW – Insider Warrant Extension
18th March 2022 / Leave a comment
Power Metal Resources plc (LON:POW), the London listed exploration company seeking large-scale metal discoveries across its global project portfolio, announces an extension of December 2019 financing warrants held by Paul Johnson and Edmund Shaw, Directors of the Company (the “Insider Warrants”).
Extension of Insider Warrants
As 17 March 2022 the following Insider Warrants remained outstanding:
Warrant Holder |
Number of Warrants |
Exercise Price |
Paul Johnson |
6,250,000 |
0.7p |
Ed Shaw |
5,000,000 |
0.7p |
The Insider Warrants were issued following participation in the December 2019 financing and had an original expiry date of 17 December 2021 which was extended by 3 months to 17 March 2022 as announced on 17 December 2021.
The Company is undertaking numerous exploration programmes and corporate activities across its portfolio where current and near term expected work streams include:
North America:
– Progression of the First Class Metals plc and Golden Metal Resources plc listing processes, and administrative matters related thereto.
– Commercialisation activities in respect of the Silver Peak project in British Columbia, Canada.
– Technical data compilation review across five of the Company’s seven uranium exploration projects surrounding the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, Canada, and commercialisation activities in respect of the Athabasca uranium portfolio.
– Technical review of the Authier North Lithium project, including additional information following publication of an updated Mineral Resource by neighbour Sayona Mining1
– Matters in relation to the Kavango Resources plc option to acquire Kalahari Key Mineral Exploration Pty Limited and become a Molopo Farms Complex (“MFC”) project partner with Power Metal (expiry 18.3.22) and development of next stage exploration plans for the MFC project.
– For the Tati Project in Botswana targeting gold/nickel, receipt and technical review of assay results from the completed reverse circulation programme, potential additional assay testing and various commercial matters relating to the Tati Project.
– Preparations in Botswana for upcoming drill programmes at the Ditau Camp Project targeting rare earth elements and the Kalahari Copper Belt Project targeting copper/silver mineralisation.
– For the Haneti Project in Tanzania, receipt and technical review of assay results following the completed diamond drill programme.
– For the Victoria Goldfield’s project in Victoria, Australia, exploration field updates and the receipt and review of assay results from a diamond drill programme. Also, progression of the listing process for the project holding company, New Ballarat Gold Corporation plc, and administrative matters related thereto.
– Findings from the field reconnaissance site visits currently underway for the Wallal Project in Western Australia and Selta Project in the Northern Territory. In addition, findings from in-depth desktop reviews of the Ripon Hills and Braeside West projects in Western Australia. Also, progression of the listing process for the projects holding company, First Development Resources Limited, and administrative matters related thereto.
As a result, the December 2019 Warrants held by Paul Johnson (Chief Executive Officer of Power Metal) and Ed Shaw (Non-executive Director of Power Metal) could not be exercised by the expiry date of 17 March 2022 and may be extended under the warrant instrument, as outlined below.
Under the December 2019 Warrant instrument clause 2.3 provides that should any December 2019 Warrant holder be in the possession of price sensitive information and be thereby precluded from exercising warrant subscription rights, the exercise period shall be extended until 20 business days following the date on which the Warrant holder ceases to be an insider.
Given the level of ongoing operational activity there is a material likelihood that the receipt of price sensitive information could frequently restrict the ability of Paul Johnson and Ed Shaw to exercise the December 2019 warrants.
Reflecting the above the Company has extended the Insider Warrants expiry date by three months to a new expiry date of 17 June 2022.
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