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UK Investor Magazine Podcast – CEO Alan Green discusses UK Small Cap re rate, Cadence Minerals #KDNC, ECR Minerals #ECR

Alan Green joined the UK Investor Magazine Podcast to dive into a selection of UK equities and provide scenarios for broader markets after the Autumn Statement.

This Podcast explores potential scenarios for UK markets and the catalysts for a rerating of UK mid and small caps.

We discuss Cadence Minerals (LON:KDNC) and ECR Minerals (LON:ECR).

Alan outlines the valuation case for Cadence Minerals, given the current share price and the underlying value of their portfolio of mining assets.

ECR Minerals is proceeding with a more positive tone after a change of leadership. Alan provides an update on activities.

Listen here- https://ukinvestormagazine.co.uk/a-uk-small-cap-rerate-cadence-minerals-ecr-minerals-with-alan-green/

Vox Markets Podcast – CEO Alan Green talks about: Destiny Pharma, ECR, Acuity, First Class Metals & Truspine

Our CEO Alan Green ,talks about the following companies:

Destiny Pharma #DEST

ECR Minerals #ECR

Acuity RM Group #ACRM

First Class Metals #FCM

Truspine #TSP


Listen: https://audioboom.com/posts/8339925-alan-green-talks-about-destiny-pharma-ecr-acuity-first-class-metals-truspine

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