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Cobham Now Fails to Meet Challenges

Cobham COB is yet another UK industrial giant which has proved incapable of meeting challenging trading conditions and the full year outcome will be behind management expectations, despite hopes of some improvement in quarter 4. The Chief Executive announced in August that he is stepping down and his replacement will  be in place by January.

Plus 500 PLUS Despite new customers rising by 47% to record levels in quarter 3, revenue for the quarter fell by 4%. The strong growth of the first half has continued and the first 9 months has still produced record revenue with a rise of 14% and record new customers with a rise of 18%. The company is now to concentrate on increasing revenue for the rest of the year rather than catching new customers.

Fusionex Intl. FXI The momentum created in the first half has continued, leading to a strong financial performance and the company expects that full year EBITDA will be significantly ahead of market expectations.

Petra Diamonds PDL First quarter production to the 30th September rose by 30% producing revenue of $94.7m. This years second tender at which sales of 574 carats were achieved was held in October and produced sales of  $66.4m. Petra says that it will be free cash flow positive as from the second half of 2017. Since last November the share price has risen from 50p to Fridays close at 139p.

Cerillion CER expects full years results will show an increase of 6% and 8% respectively in revenues and EBITDA after continuing second half progress. Its performance is underpinned by a strong back order book.

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Randall & Quilter Rebounds

Randall & Quilter RQIH has produced a significantly stronger first half year performance this year than it did in 2015. Last years first half loss of £4.5m has been transformed into a profit of £1.2m for the current half year to the 30th June  and last years loss per share of of 4.7p  has become a positive 1.5p per share. The company says that the outlook is now very promising and strong trading is expected for the remainder of the year.

Dechra Pharmaceuticals DPH enjoyed strong growth both in its existing operations and in the three acquisitions which it made in the year to 30th June. Revenue from existing operations rose by 11% led by North America with a rise of 37.9% and consolidate revenue which includes acquisitions was up by 21.7%. The final dividend is to be increased by 9% to 18.46p.

Koovs plc KOOV continued to produce further strong growth during the 17 weeks to 31st July, with sales growth of 115%, registered users up by 201% and weekly website traffic by 142%.


Plus 500 Ltd. PLUS produced record revenue and profits for the half year to the end of June and is raising its interim dividend by 10%.  revenue rose by 25%, net profit by 10% and earnings per share by 11%. The second half has started with further strong growth which is expected to contnue for the rest of the year

Wizz Air Holdings WIZZ The continuing boom in the demand for budget air fares saw Wizz Airs passenger numbers rise by 16.6% in August, almost exactly in line with a capacity increase of 17%. On a rolling 12 months basis capacity rose by 18.3% and passenger numbers by 19.8%.Competition in budget fares is not as fierce as it was as at least one of the former budget big boys makes it clear to its passengers that it is quite happy to charge more than the established schedule airlines, when it can get away with it, especially in the peak summer traffic season.


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