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Strong Growth At Plant Impact
Plant Impact PIM enjoyed strong growth during the year to 31st July, with revenue up by 60% and gross profit by 59%. The company believes it is well positioned to continue to develop successfully. The share price on the other hand has not been strong. during the past 12 months it has fallen from 62p to to 46p at which level it formed a double bottom in March and July and now stands at 49.5p.
WPP plc WPP Third quarter reported revenue jumped by 23.4% in sterling terms but the weakness of the pound led to that becoming a much more modest 7.6% at constant currency levels and over the first nine months, 8.5%. Nonetheless WPP is still on target for yet another record year. Like for like growth in the first three quarters of 2015 averaged 5.5% but 2016 has been well down on that with an average of 3.5%. WPP claims that many of its clients have a challenging problem which is the short term attitude of institutional investors and analysts with the result that the CEO’s of major companies can now expect to remain in office for no more than 6-7 years whilst the life expectancy of Chief Financial Officers is even less. Activist investors seem to regarded with some disdain.
Centamin CEY Third quarter gold production rose by 41% over quarter three 2015, whilst full year 2016 production is now expected to be towards the upper end of guidance, whilst costs will be at the lower end. Underground drilling at Sukari has produced positive results and an updated reserve and resource estimate is expected during quarter 4.
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Alan Green discusses Plant Impact (PIM) on the ADVFN podcast
Alan Green discusses Plant Impact (PIM) with Justin Waite on the ADVFN podcast. The interview starts 20 minutes in. Click here to listen.
Plant Impact (PIM) Grows A Profit
At the beginning of 2014 the shares of Plant Impact stood at 13p after which they rose steadily to reach 65p 18 months later, since when they have fallen back slightly to their current 54p.
The company is a leader in plant science innovation, developing and formulating products which enhance crop capacity, enabling growers to improve quality and deliver consistently higher marketable yields.
The preliminary results released today for the year to 31st June show a strong rise in turnover from £2.5m in 2014 to £4.5m. this year. In addition the company has turned last years loss of £0.7m. into a small but maiden profit of £0.1m. Gross profit nearly doubled from £1.8m. to £3.5m.
The share price has responded so far this morning with a rise of 2p. to 56p
The CEO claims it has achieved a number of milestones during the year and looks forward to maintaining the momentum with further substantial growth.
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Alan Green discusses Plant Impact (PIM) on the ADVFN podcast
Alan Green discusses the potential growth of Plant Impact (PIM) with Justin Waite on the ADVFN podcast.
Click here to listen to the podcast.