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Photo-Me To Increase Dividend by 20%

Image result for photo me logoPhoto-Me Intnl PHTM updates that the year to 30th April has been a year of excellent progress, with profit before tax expected to be at record levels after an increase of about 20% over 2016 which will enable the commitment to a 20% year on year rise in the ordinary dividend, to be met.

Investment in new products, growth of the laundry business, especially in Europe and that old friend, favourable currency movements, have all contributed to the success. The launch of the first ever laundrette in Japan, has proved to be a success.

Image result for plus 500 logo

Plus 500 Ltd. PLUS The positive trends evidenced in the first quarter have continued, Second quarter trading revenue has been stronger and margins have been maintained.

Image result for inmarsat logoInmarsat plc ISAT has announced that Quatar Airways Airways has become the first Middle East megacarrier to select its advanced new GX Aviation in-flight broadband solution, which will be initially available on 130 aircraft

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Photo – Me Raises Interim by 20%

Photo-me International PHTM is raising its interim dividend by 20% after first half results to the 31st October came in ahead of the board’s expectations. Strong growth saw revenue up by 19.2% (4% on a constant  currency basis) and pretax profits by 20.2% ( 4.3% on a constant currency basis). The board now expects that full year profits will significantly exceed current market expectations.

Brainjuicer BJU Gross and pre tax profit will both be above current market forecasts following strong second half market trading. The company is changing its financial year end from the 31st December to 31st March but unaudited results will still be published for the current year to 31st December.

Marshalls MSLH The first five months of the second half have produced strong trading in the domestic end market with a rise in revenue of 15%. Order intake and revenue continue to be robust.

Plant Impact PIM Trading in the first quarter has been strong and the company is particularly excited by the success of Veritas, the company’s main soybean crop enhancement product which has accounted for most of the sales.

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