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Children sick as Russia’s landfill crisis turns toxic – Sky News

By Diana Magnay, Moscow Correspondent

Most landfills in Moscow are filled well beyond capacity, leaving many families worried about a mass poisoning of their children.

No one likes a landfill in their backyard, especially not when it makes their children sick. That’s what happened in the town of Volokolamsk, three days after Russia’s general election.

As the world’s diplomats worried about a poisoning in Salisbury, the residents of Volokolamsk worried about a mass poisoning of their sons and daughters. More than 60 children were treated at a local clinic for headaches, nausea and breathing difficulties.

Locals blamed a particularly toxic emission from the nearby Yadrovo dump, one of 15 across the Moscow region filled well beyond capacity with waste from the capital.

At the end of March, district officials declared a state of emergency because of excessive levels of hydrogen sulphide in the air.

Two months later and the people of Volokolamsk are still protesting – back in their central square as Alexei Navalny rallied his supporters for a day of anti-Putin protests across Russia.

Never mind wider freedoms, all they want is to be able to wake up in the morning without worrying which way the wind blows or whether their child should take a gas mask to school.

It’s not just Volokolamsk. There are ongoing protests in nine other towns across the Moscow region, burdened with the detritus their consumerist cousins in the capital throw away.

In Volokolamsk, residents have managed to reduce the number of garbage deliveries to 80 a day, with volunteers taking it in turns to monitor them.

In Kolomna on the other side of Moscow, locals work in shifts through the night to check they don’t get more than their fair share. Sometimes it ends in clashes with lorry drivers or police.

Protests there have been banned so the best Kolomna residents can do now is single-man pickets.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Moscow produces eight million tons of waste a year, one fifth of all the garbage in Russia – with 90% of that dumped in landfills.

The ministry of ecology admits that of the 15 landfills across the Moscow region, 13 do not meet the required standards.

Last year, Vladimir Putin ordered the Kuchino landfill to close after residents there begged him to during his annual direct phone in. But that’s just aggravated the problem – Moscow’s garbage has to go somewhere.

It is food waste which causes the buildup of gases. Look at the Yadrovo dump and you can see the heat it generates, shimmering above the litter.

Sergei Orlov, who volunteers at the Yadrovo gates, says you can tell when there’s a particularly strong emission because there’ll be a puff of black smoke rising from the dump. Three to five minutes later, the smell hits you.

According to Alexei Kiselev, head of the Greenpeace Russia toxic program, Moscow has the biogas facilities to process food waste as well as 432 recycling plants which could handle the rest.

He thinks Moscow could easily sort its trash and recycle if there was the political will to do so. But there isn’t.

Link here for the full article on the Sky News website

Sky’s Ocean Rescue campaign encourages people to reduce their single-use plastics. You can find out more about the campaign and how to get involved at www.skyoceanrescue.com

Powerhouse Energy #PHE – World Waste to Energy and Resources Summit

Powerhouse Energy #PHE CEO Keith Allaun will be joining an amazing line up of 60 world-class speakers at the forthcoming World Waste to Energy & Resources Summit

Held in London, May 23rd & 24th 2018 this years event brings together a host of international waste management CEO’s, innovators, tech providers, bankers, industrial end users and investors for two days of intensive networking.

This years summit places a firm focus on advanced technologies, highlighting the need for innovation in order to stimulate the worldwide growth of the industry. It will showcase some of the most exciting technologies and innovations currently transforming the waste to energy/resources market.

A member of this year advisory board, Powerhouse CEO Keith Allaun will be delivering a speech on “Innovation in Action: Demonstrating the Potential of Advanced Conversion Technologies” during day one. The Powerhouse Energy Group are a supporting partner of this years event increasing their profile as a senior influencer and thought leader in the market.

Other highlights of the event include:

  • The role of waste to energy in the transition to a low carbon economy
  • Alternative financing mechanisms
  • The build-out of projects in international markets
  • The production of high-value fuels and chemicals from waste
  • 60 world-class speakers

This years event has also put in place a 1:1 meeting software to allow for pre-arranged meetings to be made, allowing you to maximise your networking potential.

For more information click here

A First in Europe; Producing Hydrogen from Waste to Recharge Clean Cars – FuelCellsWorks

  • A waste to energy plant in Créteil (France): SMITDUVM selects SUEZ, in partnership with TIRU, for 20-year construction and operation contract

The Syndicat Mixte Intercommunal of Val-de-Marne Urban Waste Treatment (SMITDUVM) has awarded SUEZ, in partnership with TIRU, and through their dedicated company Valo’Marne1, a contract to build and operate Créteil’s waste to energy plant. The 20-year contract is worth about 900 million euros.

The new contract includes numerous innovations to help improve the energy mix, boost the plant’s environmental performance, and develop the region’s circular and inclusive economy. Within the next three years, the waste to energy plant will also be equipped with the industry’s latest smart technologies.

An innovative facility producing several types of energy

The project includes an increase in the plant’s energy from waste production capacity, on one hand to extend Créteil’s heating network starting in 2020, and on the other hand to supply SMITDUVM’s municipalities with green electricity for the same price as normal electricity.

Working in partnership with TIRU, SUEZ will also provide concrete solutions to meet citizens’ expectations in terms of reducing environmental footprint and improving air quality by:

  • using a transfer station at Champigny-sur-Marne to improve collection vehicle flow and reduce the associated carbon footprint;
  • producing hydrogen from waste to recharge clean cars – a first in Europe;
  • reducing NOx emissions to less than 50 mg/Nm3;
  • installing a pilot carbon sink to capture CO2 using microalgae.

Valo’Marne, an energy hub based on the circular and inclusive economy

SUEZ pledges to boost local employment and social inclusion by working alongside local stakeholders, particularly thanks to Maison pour Rebondir Grand Paris / Val-de-Marne, the social innovation and employment laboratory founded by SUEZ.

A project to build a 4,500 m2 urban agriculture greenhouse to grow tomatoes using heat produced from the waste to energy plant, then sell them through local distribution channels, will create six new jobs.

An innovative and informative exhibition focusing on the circular economy will also be set up at the facility, paving the way towards a sustainable development education in urban environments, within the Greater Paris region.

Partners committed to a sustainable region

To Pierre De Montlivault, CEO of TIRU “the site of the SMITDUVM is a perfect illustration of the future of household waste recovery sector. Valo’Marne implements everything that has been imagined more virtuous. ”

According to Philippe Maillard, CEO of Recycling & Recovery France, this project is a shining example for the Paris region. “SUEZ has mobilised all its energy, creativity and expertise to provide SMITDUVM with innovative, efficient and farsighted solutions. I am certain that, together, we can make this plant a reference within the Ile-de-France region, in terms of its contribution to the circular economy.”

Link here for the original article.

Directors Talk – CEO Q&A with Keith Allaun at Powerhouse Energy Group #PHE

CEO Q&A with Keith Allaun at Powerhouse Energy Group PLC (LON:PHE).

Powerhouse Energy Group PLC (LON:PHE) Chief Executive Officer Keith Allaun caught up with DirectorsTalk for an exclusive interview to discuss their first international DMG distribution agreement with Tresoil and the supply potential to other countries.

Q1: If we could just start with the announcement on your first international distribution agreement for the DMG hydrogen from waste unit that’s going to be supplying hydrogen for bus projects in Bulgaria and Romania. Now, the agreement is with Tresoil, what can you tell me about them Keith?

A1: Well, Tresoil is a company that’s about 11 years old and has been working in the alternative energy space throughout the EU with a focus on Eastern Europe over the course of its existence.
We’ve been in contact with Tresoil on and off for nearly 5 years and identifying projects that made sense as we continued to mature the technology and redefine the technology. Once, we hit the go button, once we realised we had finally achieved the version of the technology that was replicable, commercialisable, extensible, modular, that met all of our criteria, we were ready to start developing relationships as we did with Waste2Tricity as a project development partner here in the UK.

With Tresoil, we looked at Tresoil as more of a project identification partner, particularly in the EU and particularly in the eastern EU and the reason we’re focussed on eastern Europe in the EU is because eastern Europe actually has some of the worse air pollution in the world, literally in the world. At one point, Sofia, Bulgaria was all but declared uninhabitable due to the quality of its air and the preponderance of that pollution is coming from particulate matter that is being spewed out by things like diesel buses.

So, the EU has a major push for the decarbonisation of public transportation and that basically means getting buses to be hydrogen- fuelled or battery-powered. The problem of course with battery powered is if your electricity is still being generated through brown coal, or coal, you’re just moving the CO2 and the particulate matter, and all of those things, from one place to another. Whereas with the hydrogen fuel cell bus, your emission is zero, you have a zero CO2 tailpipe emission and your emission is water vapour.

So, our focus is with our connection with the MOU we signed 6 weeks ago, and we’re moving towards contract with Wrightbus, the contract is with their lawyers now as we speak, to effectively jointly tender to provide turnkey solutions for cities to have both hydrogen production and hydrogen fuel cell bus fleets. The interesting thing is hydrogen fuel cell buses cost more than diesel buses, but the EU provides a €200,000 per bus rebate, making them effectively on-par with diesel buses and hydrogen fuel cell buses actually get better mileage per gallon equivalent of hydrogen than they do in diesel. Again, there’s zero CO2 footprint so it eliminates the particulates issue and it eliminates the greenhouse gas issue and that has a dramatic effect on the health of the region and the viability of the region and its ability to expand economically.

So, we’re really excited about the opportunities that we’re pursuing in eastern Europe, there are half dozen cities beyond Bucharest and Sofia that we’re pursuing for large bus tender procurement plans. They’re looking at initially 30 buses with the anticipation that over the next few years they’re going to be replacing up to 1,500 buses per city so that’s a pretty significant thing. If you look at the fact that TFL, Transport for London, recently acquired 23 hydrogen fuel cells buses, you understand that the fuel cell is actually becoming the mechanism of choice.

Not to go off on this but I was chatting to somebody from Scottish Power the other day who happened to be talking about the grid, the electric grid here in the UK, and its inability to keep up the hoped increase in use of battery-powered electric vehicles. The average person – they don’t have the ability to charge their vehicle at home, you can’t use a standard outlet to charge your electric vehicle at home – you need special equipment installed and you need to ensure that you have adequate power density through your lines to be able to provide charging for electric vehicles.

So, if you do 1 vehicle per 8 houses, you can potentially get away with it, if you do 2 electric vehicles per 8 houses, the infrastructure isn’t there yet. It’s going to start having an effect on the grid, it’ll have an effect on the local grid, they’re quite concerned that they’re looking at a 20 plus year project to bring the grid up to par in terms of its ability to provide charging fully for electric vehicles.
Our approach is to put the electricity on the bus, being made on the bus, being made on the car with a mobile fuel cell – Toyota has made the commitment to have 44,000 fuel cell vehicles on the road in Japan within the next 4 years, 44,000. The Metropolitan Police of London have made a commitment to acquire 550 new fuel cell vehicles for their police force in London over the next 2 years.

So, this is a trend that is growing, and this is something that is really quite significant and if one looks at what the barriers to entry have been historically for hydrogen fuel cells, it’s really been the advancement of the fuel cell technology which has finally come to the place where these mobile fuel cells are truly providing significant energy and power and – the cost of hydrogen.

Hydrogen is still an expensive fuel, and a very expensive replacement fuel, unless you use a technology like ours, the Powerhouse DMG, Distributed Modular Gasification technology, which allows us to produce and sell hydrogen at a cost that is on par with diesel and petrol and that completely changes the market dynamics. So, instead of having to pay price premium for an ecologically and energetically more efficient product, you no longer have to pay that premium because we can produce it at a cost that is accessible to the market.

We’re just getting started with the EU, the opportunities that the EU represents, they’ve truly made a significant monetary commitment of hundreds of millions of euros for public transportation infrastructure decarbonisation over there. They’ve got the political will to do it and the people who are farthest behind in the curve are the people in eastern Europe and as well as Poland and Hungary, there a number of opportunities we are pursuing aggressively, we’re in the final round of several large-sized grant applications. So, with those grants comes substantive money for feasibility studies, for proof of concept demonstration facilities for full-scale demonstration facilities, literally with the EU paying up to 70% of the capital cost for the development of these DMG facilities and that’s completely non-dilutive money for our shareholders to acquire that.

Powerhouse has been a company that has never acquired a single dime of government money, our business model has never been built on needing CFD’s or any of these government schemes to provide subsidies. We’ve always felt that our job is to be on the stand on our own and our business model needed to reflect the fact that we can make it without government handouts. We have absolutely shown that and proved that and that’s the case here in the UK, however if we have the luxury of being afforded non-dilutive money that’s going to benefit our investors, we are absolutely going to take advantage of it. So, adding this new skill set, if you will, to the mix, this skill set of being able to adequately compete, successfully compete for EU money is a tremendous opportunity for us.


Q2: I guess that’s where Tresoil come in, what can you tell me about the agreement there?

A2: The Tresoil agreement – Tresoil has relationships at very high levels with government throughout eastern Europe and so there in each of these cities, in each of these regions, they’ve got very high-level relationships that allows us ‘access to the table’ to discuss tenders and then to compete on a level playing ground.

So, Tresoil is involved in the identification of these projects and we’re anticipating the way things will roll out is we will put together SPC’s/SPV’S, special purpose vehicles or special purpose companies, that PHE will own at least half of and that Tresoil will own a minority stake in. Each of us is responsible for identifying investors to come to the table to fund those SPV’s and so, depending on the level of funding that we bring to those SPV’S, will typically lead to our level of participation in the SPV or our level of ownership in the SPV.

Under all circumstances, PHE will always be receiving a licencing revenue from those SPV’s, a technology licencing revenue, and that’s anticipated to be 20% of the net profit of the SPV as a whole, off the top. The rest of the SPV will be shared amongst the owners of the SPV who are anticipated to be Powerhouse, Tresoil, Waste2Tricity and then third-party providers. We are also, as I mentioned, working very closely with Wrightbus, we anticipate that through that relationship, we’ll be seeing some participation of these SPV’s as well.


Q3: What is the potential for the supply of your units across other cities in these countries?

A3: This is one of the things that excites me most, I know that at this time of the morning, after a long week, I may not sound super excited but let me tell you. We’ve always envisioned that with this concept of distributed modular gasification, DMG was going to be rolled out and that it was like a set of Legos that we could click together and commission in 30 days and have up and running and generating pure hydrogen energy for our customers.

We truly anticipate that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of opportunities for the distribution of DMG across Europe and the UK alone. If we look at the studies that have come out recently, they’re anticipating something in the neighbourhood of 1,200 hydrogen refuelling stations in the UK by 2050 and they’re anticipating over 400 fuelling stations in Germany alone by 2025 – so that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The fact is, when you look at a survey that KPMG engaged in just recently, over 1,000 automobile executives, these are guys whose job it is to make investment decisions for automobile companies, they did this survey and the automobile executives came to the conclusion that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, by the year 2030, were going to represent fully 25% of the automotive market. It’s unknown what percentage of the overall transportation market, our belief is that industrial transportation and marine transportation is going to have an even more rapid uptake of hydrogen fuel cells – and that battery-powered vehicles, we’re going to be looking at 26%. If you look at the fastest-growing trend in the market of mobile technologies, you see that hydrogen fuel cells are expected to be the fastest-growing trend for the next 6 years.

So, being involved now, we’re legitimately at the bottom of the J-curve, I’ve been saying this for months and it’s finally come out with validation from other third-party sources; McKinsey, KPMG, The Hydrogen Council, a variety of third-party sources who are indicating that hydrogen is truly the fuel of the future. The thing is, hydrogen is the material that actually fuels the sun and we’re able to extract that hydrogen from end-of-life materials, from waste plastics, from end-of-life tyres, and literally squeeze every drop of hydrogen energy out of those materials and provide a clean, green, economically efficient solution to our transportation needs immediately – and start having a significant impact on the influence of CO2 and particulates, those kinds of greenhouse gasses that are affecting our climate so dramatically.


Q4: Just talking about significant impact, your latest asset, an appointment for a Commercial Operations Manager, Bruce Nicholson, what does Bruce bring to the table?

A4: Bruce brings a very big brain. We’re extremely pleased to be working with Bruce and have identified Bruce.

Bruce has spent the past 25 years in the energy sector, both in alternative energy and in oil and gas, and he recognises that the future is represented by legitimate alternatives, his engagement with us and the future of hydrogen is something that truly excites him. Given his history of delivering multi-million pound and multi-billion-pound projects, both from a project management standpoint, from a business development standpoint, from a financial overview perspective, really provides us with the lynchpin, if you will, of our executive management team.

We’ve got a tremendous Chief Financial Officer in Chris Vanezis, we’ve got a tremendous Technical Director in Dave Ryan, we’ve now got Bruce on board engaged in commercial operations and I’m the CEO. When we added Dr Cameron Davies as Non-Executive Chairman last year, completely freed me up to begin to engage in the activities of building the company and building the infrastructure of this company and building external relationships for this company appropriately.

So, the four of us in this executive management team are able to, in a very ‘lean and mean’ way, get stuff done in a way that frankly the company has never seen. So, we’re just in tremendous strides, we’re moving forward aggressively with planning and permitting, we feel that should be done within the next couple of months, that we’re going to be able to start breaking ground – that we’re moving forward aggressively on the finalising of our commercial facility in the North West, the engineering finalisation.

We’re talking with significant engineering companies around the world who are interested in being part of our multi-hundred unit roll out. We’ve begun to structure this SPV mechanism which allows us to finance each of the facilities in a way that does not dilute our shareholders but brings the company superior value whilst minimising risk.

So, we really feel like we’re sitting in ‘the catbird seat’ and we are ‘one-of-one’ companies that are providing hydrogen from waste – we’re not a waste to energy company – we are a pure hydrogen energy company that happens to also generate electricity as part of the process. Our principal focus is on getting hydrogen into consumer use and industrial transport use and into marine use because, as was mentioned in a Shell report just 2 weeks ago, they don’t believe that there is any way for us to achieve our climate change imperatives, in the time necessary, unless we fully adopt hydrogen. So, they have made a significant commitment to hydrogen.

PowerHouse Energy #PHE – Clarifications re Equity Placings


The following amendments have been made to the ‘Equity Placings’ announcement released on 18 April 2018 at 12:10PM.

The number of New Ordinary Shares issued and being applied for Admission in the text should read 115,255,355 representing 7.5 per cent of the enlarged share capital. The Company has therefore raised gross proceeds of £576,276.76 in addition to the 64,744,645 existing shares placed on behalf of Hillgrove Investments pty ltd, thereby eliminating the shares related to the convertible note.

All other details remain unchanged. The full amended text is shown below.

PowerHouse Energy Group, plc

Equity Placings

PowerHouse Energy Group plc (AIM: PHE), the UK technology company pioneering hydrogen production from waste plastic and end-of-life tyres, announces the placing of New and Existing Ordinary Shares with private shareholders.

Details of the Placing

The Company has placed 180,000,000 ordinary shares, representing an issue of 115,255,355 new shares and 64,744,645 existing shares.

The Company has issued 115,255,355 New Ordinary Shares of 0.5p each at 0.5p per share in an over subscribed placing and direct subscription to raise gross proceeds for the Company of £576,276.76. The net proceeds will be utilised to support the commercial development of PowerHouse’s proprietary technology DMG® which takes plastic and rubber waste streams and converts them into cost efficient energy in the form of electricity and ultra clean hydrogen gas fuel.

In addition, all of the shares remaining in the control of PowerHouse as a result of the Convertible Note with Hillgrove Investments Pty Ltd have now been placed. The final 64,744,645 Ordinary Shares of 0.5p  remaining in relation to Hillgrove as announced on 31 January 2018  have been placed at 0.5p per share with private shareholders on behalf of Hillgrove which is now no longer a substantial shareholder in the Company. The Placings were carried out by the Company’s Broker, Turner Pope Investments TPI Limited, and Joint Placing Agent, Cornhill Capital

Application is being made for the admission of 115,255,355 new Ordinary Shares, representing 7.5 per cent of the enlarged share issued shares in issue to trading on AIM and it is expected that this will occur on or around 25 April 2018. These shares will rank pari passu in all respects with the Company’s existing issued Ordinary Shares.

Subsequent to the issue of the New Ordinary Shares, the Company will have 1,532,558,289 Ordinary Shares in issue and there are no shares in Treasury, therefore this figure may be used by Shareholders, from Admission, as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change in their interest in, the share capital of the Company under the FCA’s Disclosure and Transparency Rules.

Keith Allaun, CEO of PowerHouse, said: “We are delighted with the support from existing and new shareholders. The PowerHouse System continues to demonstrate that at commercial scale, our outstanding waste-to-hydrogen technology will be delivering distributed hydrogen in the most ecologically responsible, economically efficient, distributed manner, and position PowerHouse as a key hydrogen player. We intend to be providing the lowest cost hydrogen fuel in the world, whilst making a major contribution to reducing the plastic and rubber waste problem- and dramatically reducing air pollution.”

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014. Upon the publication of this announcement via Regulatory Information Service (“RIS”), this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.


PowerHouse Energy Group plc
Keith Allaun, Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +44 (0) 203 368 6399
WH Ireland Limited (Nominated Adviser)
James Joyce / Chris Viggor
Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666
Turner Pope Investments TPI Ltd (Broker)
James Pope / Andy Thacker
Tel: +44 (0) 203 621 4120
Gable Communications Limited
John Bick / Justine James
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7193 7463

About PowerHouse Energy

PowerHouse Energy has developed proprietary process technology called DMG® which takes plastic and rubber waste streams and converts them into cost efficient energy in the form of electricity and ultra clean hydrogen gas fuel for use in cars and commercial vehicles (FCEV: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles) and other industrial uses. The PowerHouse technology is the world’s first proven hydrogen from waste (HfW) process.

The PowerHouse process converts 25 tonne of plastic or rubber waste into 1 tonne H2 per day and 28 MWh per day of electricity.

The PHE process produces low levels of safe residues and requires a small operating footprint, making it suitable for deployment at enterprise and community level.

PowerHouse is quoted on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM Market. The Company is incorporated in the United Kingdom.

For more information see www.powerhouseenergy.net.

PowerHouse Energy #PHE CEO Keith Allaun discusses the oversubscribed £900,000 equity raise with Andrew Scott at Proactive Investors

Keith Allaun, CEO at PowerHouse Energy Group PLC (LON:PHE), caught up with Andrew Scott at Proactive Investors following their new equity issue – an oversubscribed £900,000 capital raise to support ongoing commercial development of its energy systems.

Theresa May ‘declares war on plastic’ in Government’s Environmental Plan – Sky News

A £61.4m war chest to fight the rising tide of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans has been announced by the Government.

Theresa May has set out plans to get rid of avoidable plastic waste within 25 years – as she also confirmed the 5p bag charge will be extended to all shops.

The Prime Minister said she wanted to “make ours the first generation to leave the natural environment in a better state than we found it”.

Unveiling her Environmental Plan in a speech in west London, she called plastic “one of the great environmental scourges of our time”.

Single-use plastic wasted every year in the UK would fill the Royal Albert Hall 1,000 times, the PM said.

Supermarkets will also be encouraged to have plastic-free aisles where items such as fruit and veg are loose rather than wrapped up in film.

Charges and taxes on single-use items, for example takeaway containers, will also be considered.

And the 5p plastic bag charge will now also be brought in for smaller shops, which were previously exempt.

But critics of the plan have called it a “missed opportunity” and say it should be underpinned by new laws in order to hold the Government and businesses to account.

Speaking at London’s Wetland Centre, Mrs May insisted that Brexit would not lead to lower environmental standards.

She said: “We will incorporate all existing EU environmental regulations into domestic legalisation when we leave.

“We will set out our plans for a new, world-leading independent statutory body to hold government to account and give the environment a voice.”

Other pledges include aid to help developing nations reduce plastic use and a new Northern Forest from Cheshire to Lancashire and Yorkshire.

There was no confirmation in the PM’s speech of a suggested 25p charge on the millions of disposable coffee cups used each year – of which only a tiny percentage get recycled.

Link here for the full article on the Sky News website

Sky’s Ocean Rescue campaign encourages people to reduce their single-use plastics. You can find out more about the campaign and how to get involved at www.skyoceanrescue.com

PowerHouse Energy Group #PHE raises £900k gross in oversubscribed equity placing

PowerHouse Energy Group plc (AIM: PHE), the UK technology company pioneering hydrogen production from waste plastic and end-of-life tyres, announces the placing of New and Existing Ordinary Shares with private shareholders.

Details of the Placing

The Company has issued 180,000,000 New Ordinary Shares of 0.5p each at 0.5p per share in an over subscribed placing and direct subscription to raise gross proceeds for the Company of £900,000.00. The net proceeds will be utilised to support the commercial development of PowerHouse’s proprietary technology DMG® which takes plastic and rubber waste streams and converts them into cost efficient energy in the form of electricity and ultra clean hydrogen gas fuel.

All of the shares remaining in the control of PowerHouse as a result of the Convertible Note with Hillgrove Investments Pty Ltd have now been placed. The final 64,744,645 Ordinary Shares of 0.5p  remaining in relation to Hillgrove as announced on 31 January 2018  have been placed at 0.5p per share with private shareholders on behalf of Hillgrove which is now no longer a substantial shareholder in the Company. The Placings were carried out by the Company’s Broker, Turner Pope Investments TPI Limited, and Joint Placing Agent, Cornhill Capital.

Application is being made for the admission of 180,000,000 new Ordinary Shares, representing 11.7 per cent of the enlarged share issued shares in issue to trading on AIM and it is expected that this will occur on or around 25 April 2018. These shares will rank pari passu in all respects with the Company’s existing issued Ordinary Shares.

Subsequent to the issue of the New Ordinary Shares, the Company will have 1,532,558,289 Ordinary Shares in issue and there are no shares in Treasury, therefore this figure may be used by Shareholders, from Admission, as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change in their interest in, the share capital of the Company under the FCA’s Disclosure and Transparency Rules.

Keith Allaun, CEO of PowerHouse, said: “We are delighted with the support from existing and new shareholders. The PowerHouse System continues to demonstrate that at commercial scale, our outstanding waste-to-hydrogen technology will be delivering distributed hydrogen in the most ecologically responsible, economically efficient, distributed manner, and position PowerHouse as a key hydrogen player. We intend to be one of the  lowest cost  providers of  hydrogen fuel in the world, whilst making a major contribution to reducing the plastic and rubber waste problem- and dramatically reducing air pollution.”

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014. Upon the publication of this announcement via Regulatory Information Service, this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.


PowerHouse Energy Group plc
Keith Allaun, Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +44 (0) 203 368 6399
WH Ireland Limited (Nominated Adviser)
James Joyce / Chris Viggor
Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666
Turner Pope Investments TPI Ltd (Broker)
James Pope / Andy Thacker
Tel: +44 (0) 203 621 4120
Gable Communications Limited
John Bick / Justine James
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7193 7463

About PowerHouse Energy

PowerHouse Energy has developed proprietary process technology called DMG® which takes plastic and rubber waste streams and converts them into cost efficient energy in the form of electricity and ultra clean hydrogen gas fuel for use in cars and commercial vehicles (FCEV: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles) and other industrial uses. The PowerHouse technology is the world’s first proven hydrogen from waste (HfW) process.

The PowerHouse process converts 25 tonne of plastic or rubber waste into 1 tonne H2 per day and 28 MWh per day of electricity.

The PHE process produces low levels of safe residues and requires a small operating footprint, making it suitable for deployment at enterprise and community level.

PowerHouse is quoted on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM Market. The Company is incorporated in the United Kingdom.

For more information see www.powerhouseenergy.net

PowerHouse Energy #PHE signs first international distribution agreement for DMG® technology into Hydrogen Bus Projects in Bulgaria and Romania

PowerHouse Energy Group plc (AIM: PHE), the UK technology company pioneering hydrogen production from waste plastic and end-of-life tyres, announces its first international distribution agreement for its proprietary DMG® hydrogen from waste (HfW) process targeting the supply into hydrogen bus projects in Bulgaria and Romania. The agreement is summarized as follows:

  • Agreement between PowerHouse, Tresoil Biofuels SRL, a leading Energy Project Developer in Romania and Bulgaria and  Waste2tricty, PowerHouse’s Projects Development partner.
  • Provides a cost-effective turnkey solution through PowerHouse’s partner, Wrightbus, a leading bus manufacturer of zero emission hydrogen buses.
  • Covers the supply of PowerHouse’s proprietary technology DMG®, the hydrogen from waste (HfW) process, into hydrogen bus projects in Bulgaria and Romania.
  • Tresoil will be responsible for applying for grants, integrating with end users and enabling the establishment of Special Purchase  Vehicles’s which will initially be 51% owned by the PHE/W2T relationship and 49% by Tresoil.

Bus operators in Romania and Bulgaria are actively seeking to replace aging fleets of highly polluting public transport buses, with the region encouraged by the EU to deploy low carbon alternatives. Tresoil is a well established company in Bucharest and has been involved in seeking grants for alternative energy projects and is considered a leading specialist in this area.

Powerhouse Energy, Waste2tricity and Tresoil have negotiated a three way binding agreement to seek deployments of hydrogen buses fuelled by PowerHouse’s DMG technology in partnership with Wrightbus, a leading bus manufacturer of zero emission hydrogen buses (See announcement of 20 February 2018).  The potential has been identified not only in Bucharest and Sofia, but also in many other cities across these two countries as they seek to comply with EU directives to reduce pollutants and particulates.

This agreement is in line with the Company’s strategy to identify commercially viable opportunities for sales of DMG units,  with various EU funding initiatives supporting decarbonising transport including  grants for hydrogen bus and potential grants for the capital required to deploy PowerHouse’s DMG system. The virtuous circle of destroying mixed plastics and producing carbon neutral hydrogen and electricity falls into many categories that may be eligible for both grants and soft loans in this region and will support the desire and willingness of the local municipalities to improve the environment for their populations.

PowerHouse, Wrightbus and Tresoil can offer a competing economic solution with an attractive pay back.  The distribution agreement provides that PowerHouse has the right to agree and veto the commercial terms proposed to any end user  identified via Tresoil

Commenting, Keith Allaun, CEO of PowerHouse said: “We are delighted to have signed our first international agreement for DMG®, the world’s first proven hydrogen from waste process. The environmental challenges in both Bulgaria and Romania are well documented and there is clearly a determined approach in both countries to take on the pollution problem. PHE technology provides the ideal solution, particularly now as bus companies have started to replace the aging bus fleets.”

Roger Preston, Managing Director of Tresoil, added: “With the assistance of European development funds, which are specifically destined for hydrogen bus projects, we will be looking to partner with bus operators across all the major cities in both Bulgaria and Romania where there is intense pressure as they seek to comply with EU directives to reduce pollutants and particulates. bring emissions up to European standards.”

For more information, contact:

PowerHouse Energy Group plc
Keith Allaun, Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +44 (0) 203 368 6399
WH Ireland Limited (Nominated Adviser)
James Joyce / Chris Viggor
Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666
Turner Pope Investments Ltd (Broker)
Andy Thacker
Tel: +44 (0) 203 621 4120
Gable Communications Limited
John Bick / Justine James
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7193 7463

About PowerHouse Energy

PowerHouse Energy has developed proprietary process technology called DMG® which takes plastic and rubber waste streams and converts them into cost efficient energy in the form of electricity and ultra clean hydrogen gas fuel for use in cars and commercial vehicles (FCEV: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles) and other industrial uses. The PowerHouse technology is the world’s first proven hydrogen from waste (HfW) process.

The PowerHouse process converts 25 tonne of plastic or rubber waste into 1 tonne H2 per day and 28 MWh per day of  electricity.

The PHE process produces  low levels of safe residues and requires a small operating footprint, making it suitable for deployment at enterprise and community level.

PowerHouse is quoted on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM Market. The Company is incorporated in the United Kingdom.

For more information see www.powerhouseenergy.net

About Tresoil Biofuels SRL

Tresoil Biofuels SRL’ background in renewable energy has always been on finding new innovation in sustainable green practices. Tresoil managing director with over 35 years business  experience in taking companies from concept stage and growing them into profitable organisations in the UK and Europe, saw the renewable transport fuel from waste in Romania as the next key market for expansion and for him to deploy his entrepreneurial skills. He came to Romania 11 years ago with Eco Europe SRL and Eco2uk.com companies whose missions were carbon-neutral transport fuel technologies, with high value by-products for sale in Europe.

Battle against plastic in world’s oceans gets £61.4m war chest – Sky News

by Ian Francis, Sky news Reporter

A £61.4m war chest to fight the rising tide of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans has been announced by the Government.

The fund was announced by Theresa May ahead of the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in London next week.

The Prime Minister is due to ask all the 52 leaders at the meeting to sign up to the Commonwealth Clean Oceans Alliance set up to help developing Commonwealth countries research and improve waste management.

So far four Commonwealth countries, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Vanuatu and Ghana, have joined the UK in the alliance.

The Government said £25m of the fund is available to help researchers investigate the issue of marine plastic from a scientific, economic and social perspective.

Another £20m has been earmarked to curb plastic and other environmental pollution generated by manufacturing in developing countries and prevent it seeping into oceans.

That leaves £16.4m which will be spent on improving waste management at a national and city level to stop plastics entering the water. 

The Government pledged to match public donations to tackle plastic waste through the UK Aid Match up to a total of £5m.

The PM said: “This week we will look closely at how we can tackle the many threats to the health of the world’s oceans, including the scourge of marine plastic pollution.

“As one of the most significant environmental challenges facing the world today it is vital that we tackle this issue, so that future generations can enjoy a natural environment that is healthier than we currently find it.

“The UK public has shown passion and energy in the fight against plastic waste, and I believe the Commonwealth is uniquely placed to further this transformative action.

“It is a unique organisation with the strength and the commitment to make a difference.”

She added: “If we stand together, we have the opportunity to send not only a powerful message to the world, but also to effect real change.”

Britain, which is co-chairing the event with Vanuatu, will ask Commonwealth nations to follow the UK’s lead in banning microbeads and slashing the number of single use plastic bags.

WWF chief executive Tanya Steele said: “This alliance, and the leadership the UK Government is showing through the Commonwealth, demonstrates that we’re committed to being part of a global solution.

“Two billion people around the world lack access to effective waste collection, so much of the plastic they use ends up in our oceans.”

“Devoting UK international development money to help poor communities clean up and better manage their waste isn’t just good for nature, it’s good for people too.”

Sky’s Ocean Rescue campaign encourages people to reduce their single-use plastics. You can find out more about the campaign and how to get involved at www.skyoceanrescue.com

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