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Brand CEO Alan Green talks Bacanora Lithium #BCN, Powerhouse Energy #PHE, Bluefield Solar Fund #BSIF & SciSys #SSY with Justin Waite on Vox Markets podcast.
Alan Green CEO of Brand Communications discusses Bacanora Lithium (BCN), Powerhouse Energy (PHE), Bluefield Solar Income Fund (BSIF) & Scisys (SSY) with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets podcast. The interview is 19 minutes 7 seconds in.
Powerhouse Energy #PHE – Interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2018
Powerhouse Energy Group #PHE – Response to BBC Presentation
The Directors of PowerHouse Energy Group plc (AIM: PHE), the UK technology company pioneering hydrogen production from waste plastic and used tyres, noted a technology referenced on the recent BBC program, “Inside Out,” that converts waste plastic back into liquid hydrocarbons and fuels – effectively returning it into the fossil fuel it once was. While plastic waste is, indeed, a challenge that must be overcome, we believe there is a better solution.
The Powerhouse Energy DMG® System, having been operating and demonstrated at the University of Chester, Thornton Science Park, Energy Centre for the past year, will responsibly, and economically recover the energy from plastics in an environmentally sound manner rather than simply turning waste plastic into another form of greenhouse gas emissions. DMG® allows the conversion of plastics into substantial amounts of road-fuel quality hydrogen to enable the operation of hydrogen-powered trucks, buses and cars with the cleanest of fuels: zero-emission hydrogen.
DMG® affords the conversion of waste plastic to EcoSynthesis gas to displace liquid hydrocarbons responsible for substantive pollution. Excess energy produced through the thermal conversion of non-recyclable plastic can be used to generate low-carbon electricity to power Electric Vehicles.
The Directors of PHE believe our technology, which is being readied for commercial deployment, is a substantially more eco-friendly solution to plastic waste than returning it into a hydrocarbon fuel. We would welcome an open discussion with Friends of the Earth and the BBC regarding our proposals for solutions to the scourge of plastic mis-management. DMG® is one such solution.
Commenting on the show, PowerHouse CEO Keith Allaun noted: “plastic management through effective energy recovery is a key to our future, and key to the health of our planet. While “land-fill mining” may become a part of our future, we at PowerHouse have created a responsible, economically efficient, and environmentally robust solution to the problem that exists today – the mis-management of plastics. We look forward to working with industry to roll-out DMG® as part of the wider solution to this global challenge.”
For more information, contact:
PowerHouse Energy Group plc Tel: +44 (0) 203 368 6399
Keith Allaun, Chief Executive Officer
WH Ireland Limited (Nominated Adviser) Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666
James Joyce / Chris Viggor
Turner Pope Investments Ltd (Joint Broker) Tel: +44 (0) 203 621 4120
Ben Turner / James Pope
Ikon Associates (Media enquiries) Tel: +44 (0) 1483 271291
Adrian Shaw Mob: +44 (0) 7979 900733
About PowerHouse Energy
PowerHouse Energy has developed a proprietary process technology – DMG® – which can utilise waste plastic, end-of-life-tyres, and other waste streams to efficiently and economically convert them into EcoSynthesis© gas from which valuable products such as chemical precursors, hydrogen, electricity and other industrial products may be derived. The PowerHouse technology is the world’s first proven, modular, hydrogen from waste (HfW) process.
The PowerHouse DMG® process can generate in excess of 1 tonne of road-fuel quality H2, and in excess of 28MW/h of exportable electricity per day.
The PowerHouse process produces low levels of safe residues and requires a small operating footprint, making it suitable for deployment at enterprise and community level.
PowerHouse is quoted on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM Market under the ticker: PHE, and is incorporated in the United Kingdom.
For more information see: www.powerhouseenergy.net
NBC News: Plastic straw ban? Cigarette butts are the single greatest source of ocean trash – PowerHouse Energy #PHE
Cigarette butts have long been the single most collected item on the world’s beaches, with a total of more than 60 million collected over 32 years.
Environmentalists have taken aim at the targets systematically, seeking to eliminate or rein in big sources of ocean pollution — first plastic bags, then eating utensils and, most recently, drinking straws. More than a dozen coastal cities prohibited plastic straws this year. Many more are pondering bans, along with the states of California and Hawaii.

Yet the No. 1 man-made contaminant in the world’s oceans is the small but ubiquitous cigarette butt — and it has mostly avoided regulation. That soon could change, if a group of committed activists has its way.
A leading tobacco industry academic, a California lawmaker and a worldwide surfing organization are among those arguing cigarette filters should be banned. The nascent campaign hopes to be bolstered by linking activists focused on human health with those focused on the environment.
“It’s pretty clear there is no health benefit from filters. They are just a marketing tool. And they make it easier for people to smoke,” said Thomas Novotny, a professor of public health at San Diego State University. “It’s also a major contaminant, with all that plastic waste. It seems like a no-brainer to me that we can’t continue to allow this.”
A California assemblyman proposed a ban on cigarettes with filters, but couldn’t get the proposal out of committee. A New York state senator has written legislation to create a rebate for butts returned to redemption centers, though that idea also stalled. San Francisco has made the biggest inroad — a 60-cent per pack fee to raise roughly $3 million a year to help defray the cost of cleaning up discarded cigarette filters.
Cigarette butts have now also fallen into the sights of one of the nation’s biggest anti-smoking organizations, the Truth initiative. The organization uses funds from a legal settlement between state attorneys general and tobacco companies to deliver tough messages against smoking. The group last week used the nationally televised Video Music Awards to launch a new campaign against cigarette butts. As in a couple of previous ads delivered via social media, the organization is going after “the most littered item in the world.”
It’s no wonder that cigarette butts have drawn attention. The vast majority of the 5.6 trillion cigarettes manufactured worldwide each year come with filters made of cellulose acetate, a form of plastic that can take a decade or more to decompose. As many as two-thirds of those filters are dumped irresponsibly each year, according to Novotny, who founded the Cigarette Butt Pollution Project.
The Ocean Conservancy has sponsored a beach cleanup every year since 1986. For 32 consecutive years, cigarette butts have been the single most collected item on the world’s beaches, with a total of more than 60 million collected over that time. That amounts to about one-third of all collected items and more than plastic wrappers, containers, bottle caps, eating utensils and bottles, combined.
People sometimes dump that trash directly on to beaches but, more often, it washes into the oceans from countless storm drains, streams and rivers around the world. The waste often disintegrates into microplastics easily consumed by wildlife. Researchers have found the detritus in some 70 percent of seabirds and 30 percent of sea turtles.
Those discarded filters usually contain synthetic fibers and hundreds of chemicals used to treat tobacco, said Novotny, who is pursuing further research into what kinds of cigarette waste leech into the soil, streams, rivers and oceans.
“More research is needed to determine exactly what happens to all of that,” said Nick Mallos, director of the Trash Free Seas campaign for the Ocean Conservancy. “The final question is what impact these micro-plastics and other waste have on human health.”

Tobacco companies initially explored the use of filters in the mid-20th century as a potential method for ameliorating spiraling concerns about the health impacts of tobacco. But research suggested that smoke-bound carcinogens couldn’t be adequately controlled. Then “filters became a marketing tool, designed to recruit and keep smokers as consumers of these hazardous products,” according to research by Bradford Harris, a graduate scholar in the history of science and technology at Stanford University.
Over the last two decades, the tobacco companies also feared being held responsible for mass cigarette litter, said Novotny. Internal company documents show the industry considered everything from biodegradable filters, to anti-litter campaigns to mass distribution of portable and permanent ashtrays.
Industry giant R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. launched a “portable ashtray” campaign in 1991, distributing disposable pouches for butts in test marketing with its Vantage, Camel and Salem brands. (A handy pocket behind the pouch was designed for storing matches, keys and loose change.) The company donated to the nationwide Keep America Beautiful anti-litter campaign and in 1992 it installed its own “Don’t Leave Your Butt on the Beach” billboards in 30 coastal cities.
More recently, an R.J. Reynolds subsidiary, Santa Fe Natural Tobacco Company, has launched a filter recycling effort, and the company mounts an intensive public awareness campaign about litter leading into Earth Day. It also says it continues with the portable ashtray effort — distributing some four million pouches to customers this year.
A spokesman for Philip Morris USA, another big manufacturer, said admonitions on cigarette packs are part of a campaign that also includes installing trash receptacles, encouraging the use of portable ashtrays and support for enforcement of litter laws.
But academics who followed such campaigns said they encountered an essential problem: Most smokers preferred to flick their butts.
In industry focus groups, some smokers said they thought filters were biodegradable, possibly made of cotton; others said they needed to grind the butts out on the ground, to assure they didn’t set a refuse can afire; others said they were so “disgusted” by the sight or smell of cigarette ashtrays, they didn’t want to dispose of their smokes that way. In one focus group cited in industry documents, smokers said tossing their butts to the ground was “a natural extension of the defiant/rebellious smoking ritual.”
“Their efforts — anti-litter campaigns and handheld and permanent ashtrays — did not substantially affect smokers’ entrenched ‘butt flicking’ behaviors,” said a research paper co-authored by Novotny.

That’s left cities, counties and private groups like the Ocean Conservancy to bear the brunt of the cleanups. There have been a few other quixotic solutions, like the French amusement park that recently trained a half dozens crows to collect spent cigarettes and other trash.
Original Article by NBC News can be found here
Powerhouse Energy #PHE CEO Keith Allaun & Director David Ryan discuss progress with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets Podcast
Keith Allaun, CEO and David Ryan, Technical Director of Powerhouse Energy #PHE discuss progress at the company and why David purchased £30,000 of shares at a 40% premium to the current price…plus Alan Green CEO of Brand Communications discusses Catenae Innovation (CTEA) Crawshaw Group (CRAW) Gordon Dadds Group (GOR) Predator Oil & gas (PRD)
Powerhouse Energy Group #PHE Issue of Equity
PowerHouse Energy Group plc (AIM: PHE), the UK technology company pioneering hydrogen production from waste plastic and used tyres, announces that the Company is issuing 12,504,924 ordinary shares of 0.5p each in the Company (“Ordinary Shares”) to service providers for the settlement of fees. 11,707,317 of these Ordinary Shares are being issued at 0.5125p and 797,607 Ordinary Shares are being issued at 0.5015p in accordance with the terms of the relevant service agreements.
Application has been made for the admission of 12,504,924 Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM and it is expected that this will occur on or around 14 August 2018. These shares will rank pari passu in all respects with the Company’s existing issued Ordinary Shares.
Subsequent to the issue of Ordinary Shares, the Company will have 1,681,764,954 Ordinary Shares in issue.
PowerHouse has no shares in Treasury, therefore this figure may be used by Shareholders, from Admission, as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change in their interest in, the share capital of the Company under the FCA’s Disclosure and Transparency Rules.
For more information, contact:
PowerHouse Energy Group plc Tel: +44 (0) 203 368 6399
Keith Allaun, Chief Executive Officer
WH Ireland Limited (Nominated Adviser) Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666
James Joyce / Chris Viggor
Turner Pope Investments Ltd (Joint Broker) Tel: +44 (0) 203 621 4120
Ben Turner / James Pope
Ikon Associates(Media enquiries) Tel: +44 (0) 1483 271291
Adrian Shaw Mob: +44 (0) 7979 900733
About PowerHouse Energy
PowerHouse Energy Group plc is the developer of DMG©, the distributed, modular, thermal conversion system which allows for the distributed eradication of waste, the generation of distributed electricity, and the production of distributed hydrogen with the world’s first small, modular, hydrogen from waste process (HfW).
The Company is focused on technologies to enable efficient energy recovery from municipal and industrial waste streams that would otherwise be directed to landfills and incinerators; or from renewable and alternative fuels such as biomass, tyres, and plastics for power generation, or the production of high-quality hydrogen as a fuel for transport. DMG© allows for easy, economical, deployment and scaling of an environmentally sound solution to the growing challenges of waste eradication, landfill diversion, electrical demand, and distributed hydrogen production.
The PowerHouse DMG© process can generate in excess of 1 tonne of road-fuel quality H2, and in excess of 28MW/h of exportable electricity per day.
The PHE process produces very low levels of safe residues and requires a small operating footprint, making it suitable for deployment at enterprise and community levels.
PowerHouse is quoted on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM Market. The Company is incorporated in the United Kingdom.
For more information see www.powerhouseenergy.net
PowerHouse Energy #PHE – All resolutions passed at today’s AGM
PowerHouse Energy Group plc (AIM: PHE), the UK technology company pioneering hydrogen production from waste plastic and used tyres, is pleased to announce that all resolutions proposed at its AGM held today were duly passed.
For more information, contact:
PowerHouse Energy Group plc Tel: +44 (0) 203 368 6399
Keith Allaun, Chief Executive Officer
WH Ireland Limited (Nominated Adviser) Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666
James Joyce / Chris Viggor
Turner Pope Investments Ltd (Joint Broker) Tel: +44 (0) 203 621 4120
Ben Turner / James Pope
Ikon Associates(Media enquiries) Tel: +44 (0) 1483 271291
Adrian Shaw Mob: +44 (0) 7979 900733
About PowerHouse Energy
PowerHouse Energy has developed a proprietary process technology called DMG® which can use waste plastic end-of-life-tyres and other waste streams to convert them into cost efficient energy in the form of electricity and ultra clean hydrogen gas fuel for use in cars and commercial vehicles (FCEV: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles) and other industrial uses. The PowerHouse technology is the world’s first proven, modular hydrogen from waste (HfW) process.
The PowerHouse DMG® process can generate in excess of 1 tonne of road-fuel quality H2, and in excess of 28MW/h of exportable electricity.
The PHE process produces low levels of safe residues and requires a small operating footprint, making it suitable for deployment at enterprise and community level.
PowerHouse is quoted on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM Market. The Company is incorporated in the United Kingdom.
For more information see www.powerhouseenergy.net
PowerHouse Energy #PHE – AGM Statement..full commercial operation should commence in the latter half of 2019
PowerHouse Energy Group plc (AIM: PHE), the UK technology company pioneering hydrogen production from waste plastic and used tyres, is holding its Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) at 11.00am today. The general update to be provided by the Board at the AGM will include the following statement:
“As stated in our recent results we are on track with the engineering design of the DMG® process and can report the latest performance and modelling data is showing strong results in terms of the outputs from a variety of feedstocks. The generic Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Engineering is now complete, allowing initial safety design reviews and independent third party design reviews to be initiated on schedule.
“The commercialisation phase is now well underway, further building on our existing strategic partner relationships, with encouraging discussions taking place with a number of potential commercial partners and end users, in the main arising from the waste management, transport and cement production sectors.
“While our intent was to have our first commercial facility operational by the end of 2018, lead time delays in material acquisition and operational financing have now made that unlikely. It is worth noting that while a portion of the funds raised over the past 18 months were used to progress the Company’s test-engineering and operational efforts, the majority of funds were used to repay the Hillgrove Note – an absolute necessity for the Company’s future – which created an impediment to the speed of our commercial engineering efforts.
“We are now focussing on application and site specific financing packages and permitting for market led applications which will optimise returns to shareholders and customers alike. The build and commissioning of the first DMG® system will take, depending on specific customer requirements, in the order of 12 months to complete. Consequently, the Board’s revised view is that, dependent upon acquiring finance for the facility in a timely manner, full commercial operation should commence in the latter half of 2019.
“We are also actively pursuing a number of grant applications, which if successful, will result in additional funding during 2019.
“We look forward to positive progress during the rest of the year and beyond as the commercialisation strategy for our proprietary DMG® technology platform targets revenues to move PowerHouse towards becoming a profitable and sustainable business meeting the ever growing global needs for efficient elimination of plastic waste and end of use tyres and the production of clean energy.”
For more information, contact:
PowerHouse Energy Group plc Tel: +44 (0) 203 368 6399
Keith Allaun, Chief Executive Officer
WH Ireland Limited (Nominated Adviser) Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666
James Joyce / Chris Viggor
Turner Pope Investments Ltd (Joint Broker) Tel: +44 (0) 203 621 4120
Ben Turner / James Pope
Ikon Associates(Media enquiries) Tel: +44 (0) 1483 271291
Adrian Shaw Mob: +44 (0) 7979 900733
About PowerHouse Energy
PowerHouse Energy has developed a proprietary process technology called DMG® which can use waste plastic end-of-life-tyres and other waste streams to convert them into cost efficient energy in the form of electricity and ultra clean hydrogen gas fuel for use in cars and commercial vehicles (FCEV: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles) and other industrial uses. The PowerHouse technology is the world’s first proven, modular hydrogen from waste (HfW) process.
The PowerHouse DMG® process can generate in excess of 1 tonne of road-fuel quality H2, and in excess of 28MW/h of exportable electricity.
The PHE process produces low levels of safe residues and requires a small operating footprint, making it suitable for deployment at enterprise and community level.
PowerHouse is quoted on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM Market. The Company is incorporated in the United Kingdom.
For more information see www.powerhouseenergy.net
Plastic Waste In The Oceans Could Treble Within The Next Decade – Huffington Post
12 million tonnes of our rubbish is dumped in the ocean every year
Click here to view the original article with videos.
The amount of waste plastic in the oceans could treble in the next 10 years unless urgent action is taken to curb the problem, a report has warned.
It’s estimated that a frankly staggering 12 million tonnes of plastic rubbish is dumped into the oceans every single year.
Plastic waste, along with global warming and industrial pollution present the largest dangers to our oceans warns the Foresight Future of the Sea Report for the Government.
The scientists behind the report warned of the danger of the oceans being “out of sight, out of mind”, with more known about the surface of Mars and the Moon than the deep sea bed.
Every year 12 MILLION tonnes of plastic waste enters our oceans.
We must tackle plastic pollution, and a deposit return scheme is a great way of doing so.
RT and sign to help #EndOceanPlastics
>>> https://t.co/dm4CITSYuj pic.twitter.com/64EssWhAnb— Greenpeace UK (@GreenpeaceUK) March 17, 2018
He said: “When people get to see what is in the ocean, and the Blue Planet series and so on have helped people to visualise it, and then I think their reaction is twofold, one is complete wonder at what is there, and in other cases complete horror at what we’re potentially doing to it.
“It’s this sense of the unexplored world on our own planet, but also it’s important to us, we know less about the bottom of the sea than the moon or Mars, but nothing lives on the moon or Mars, but things live in our ocean and they’re vitally important to us.”
Plastic pollution, which is set to treble between 2015 and 2025 without intervention, has a physical presence in the oceans, and can accumulate on the coasts or in particular areas of the sea.
The spread of plastic pollution in our oceans has gotten so bad that in September last year scientists actually found lumps of polystyrene near the North Pole.
The ocean and its health is hugely important to the UK, with 95% of the country’s international trade travelling by sea, the internet carried by subsea cables, and oceans storing carbon dioxide and heat and producing oxygen and food.
But there are also opportunities for the UK to cash in the global “ocean economy” – which is set to double to 3 trillion US dollars (£2 trillion) by 2030 – in areas where the country is a world leader, such as offshore wind.
Andrew Hore – Quoted Micro 9 July 2018
Ananda Developments (ANA) joined NEX on 4 July having raised £930,000 at 0.45p a share. Ananda is the latest medicinal cannabis-focused investment vehicle. The pre-money valuation was £500,000 There are already potential investments being assessed and management has built up relationships with businesses in Israel and Canada. A reverse takeover valued at up to £10m appears most likely.
Medicinal cannabis business investor Sativa Investments (SATI) has acquired PhytoVista Laboratories from a company owned by Sativa boss Geremy Thomas. Sativa is paying £235,000 in cash and £200,000 in shares at 4p a share. PhytoVista operates a laboratory that tests cannabis oils and hemp products. Because of the demand for the shares, the shareholders originally subject to the orderly market arrangements will be allowed to trade in the shares with the consent of Peterhouse.
KR1 (KR1) has made four more investments. The company invested £593,000 in Dfinity network tokens. Dfinity is developing a supercomputer to host the next generation of software and it is expected to offer unlimited capacity. A further £100,000 has been invested in the Flying Carpet Project, which is involved with a communication protocol for devices, such as drones and automated cars. The number of tokens that the cash will represent has not been decided. A 1.25% stake has been acquired in Connext Inc, which is developing a payment hub, for $50,000 and the same amount of money has acquired a 10% stake in Blocksmith. There is a 12-month option to acquire a further 5% of blockchain system development agency Blocksmith for $100,000
Ace Liberty and Stone (ALSP) has increased its dividend by 25% to 1.25p a share. The shares go ex-dividend on 12 July. This will cost £500,000. Property acquisitions have been completed in Oldham and Wigan. The total cost is £6.4m and the rental income is just over £597,000.
Monreal (MORE) has left AIM and joined NEX. Monreal has net cash of £730,000 and the plan is to invest in private technology, media and telecoms businesses.
Tectonic Gold (TTAU) has received a refund of €289,000 (£256,000) from the French tax authorities. This relates to the 2009 tax year and Tectonic hopes to get a €416,000 (£368,500) refund for the 2010 tax year. VSA Capital has been appointed as financial adviser and joint broker.
Ganapati (GANP) is launching blockchain-enabled casino games and plans to issue a utility token, which will be called G eight C, through an initial coin offer. Pre-sales of the tokens should start in the fourth quarter of 2018.
EcoVista (EVTP) has raised £300,000 at 0.035p a share.
There have been previously unreported trades by a broker in Karoo Energy (KEP), All Star Minerals (ASMO), Valiant Investments (VALP) and Clean Invest Africa (CIA).
Film and video localisation services provider Zoo Digital (ZOO) continues to gain momentum. Content owners can sell programmes in additional territories because using Zoo’s services means that it is economic when it was not in the past. That means that the addressable market is even bigger because it includes back catalogue that would not have been localised previously. In the year to March 2018, revenues rose from $16.5m to $26.8m and Zoo moved into profit. That pre-tax profit is expected to more than treble to $1.8m this year.
eve Sleep (EVE) is growing but not at the rate that was hoped for and the chief executive and founder has stepped down. That was inevitable considering the ridiculously high valuation put on the company when it floated and how it has not justified that level of optimism. The mattress supplier grew sales by 61% in the first half when the market had expected more than doubled sales. A new distribution agreement with beds retailer Dreams should help supplement growth in the second half. Even so, eve Sleep is not expected to make a profit until 2020.
Sinclair Pharma (SPH) has received a bid approach from Huadong Medicine and discussions are at an early stage. Both companies supply aesthetic products. Sinclair says first half revenues outside of the US grew by 18% and overall sales improved from £20.1m to £21.3m. US sales fell from £2.5m to £800,000 following the split from the company’s former partner. The direct sales operation in the US is beginning to generate revenues. Net debt was £14.8m at the end of June 2018.
Integumen (SKIN) is not proceeding with the reverse takeover of biomaterials company Cellulac but it hopes to acquire a minority stake. The 2017 accounts have still not been published.
Digital imaging technology developer Kromek (KMK) increased its revenues by nearly one-third to £11.8m in the year to March 2018 and the loss was down from £3.79m to £2.34m. There is £7.7m in the bank and that should be enough to enable Kromek to reach a cash generative situation. The medical business is growing particularly well, while nuclear detection has good prospects for medium-term growth.
Telematics firm Quartix (QTX) reported first half revenues grew by nearly 10% and flat profit. Insurance business is declining because of competitive pricing so all the growth is coming from overseas fleet business. Full year earnings per share are likely to be flat. The forecast dividend of 13.5p a share would not be covered by earnings of 12.8p a share.
Defence equipment and services supplier Cohort (CHRT) managed to improve its pre-tax profit from £14.5m to £15.5m even though the defence market was tough. Management believes that the order book has fallen due to delays to projects. The dividend was raised from 7.1p a share to 8.2p a share.
Technology business investor Mercia Technologies (MERC) reported flat NAV of 40.7p a share but it has a number of investments that could mature over the next couple of years and their valuations could be upgraded. Mercia nearly covered its expenses with its revenues. There is still £52.9m of cash that can be invested.
Waste to energy plants developer Powerhouse Energy (PHE) has raised £694,000 at 0.5p a share. Powerhouse had £750,000 in the bank at the end of 2017 but there are still significant cash outflows.
Direct carrier billing company Boku Inc (BOKU) appears on course to make a £2.7m pre-tax profit this year. Boku processed $1.5bn worth of transactions in the first half and revenues should be nearly $17m. There was $30m in the bank at the end of June 2018.
Churchill China (CHH) says that first half trading is stronger than expected on the back of growing sales in Europe. The interims will be published on 30 August.
EQTEC (EQT) has secured $3.2m (£2.4m) in new loan facilities from Cuart Investments Fund and associates. This will be drawn down in two instalments. Origen Capital put together the lenders and it is subscribing £1.15m at 0.6p a share. Existing lenders have agreed to capitalise £693,000 of interest. This means that the previous loan facility has ended.
Shefa Yamim (SEFA) has made a high grade spinel discovery. The northern Israel-focused gemstone explorer has found nine different gemstone minerals.
Software company Gresham Technologies (GHT) is paying up to €8.5m for B2 Group, which will add €1.4m in revenues and should be earnings enhancing in its first full financial year. The customer base includes banks, insurers and asset managers. Gresham expects its own first half revenues to be 5% lower due to a weak performance in Australia. Net cash was £6.8m at the end of June 2018.
Electronic Data Processing (EDP) has recommended a bid from a company owned by Kerridge Commercial Systems. The cash offer is 91p a share and values the enterprise resource planning software provider at £11.9m.
Andrew Hore