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Anglesey Mining #AYM – Alan Green talks to CEO Rob Marsden at Parys Mountain

Alan Green talks to recently appointed Anglesey Mining #AYM CEO Rob Marsden direct from the Company’s flagship Parys Mountain mine. Rob discusses his career, in particular the years he spent working at Rio Tinto and also the 3 years he spent heading up the Rio investment committee, charged with seeking new investment opportunities for the mining giant. Rob then covers his work as a consultant, working around the world and then the time he spent with former CEO Jo Battershill at Parys Mountain a few years ago, which led up to his joining the board. Rob provides his overview of the latest assay results from hole NCZ003, and explains how he believes the previous drilling in the 1960’s and 1970’s can give the team ‘incredible confidence’ going forward. We then look at how the team plan to approach the pre feasibility study, via both divergent and convergent phases leading to a robust PFS ahead of the move to feasibility study. Rob then maps out what investors can expect in the coming weeks and months, and how this week he has assembled a team of colleagues including a longstanding veteran Rio Tinto geologist who will bring ‘fresh eyes’ to the project.

Anglesey Mining #AYM – Developing the Parys Mountain Project in 2024

In this exclusive, full length interview, Anglesey Mining #AYM director Jo Battershill discusses the illustrious history of the Parys Mountain project in Anglesey and looks at the plans to develop the project in 2024. The interview covers:

  • Current drilling campaign and pre assay core assessment at the Northern copper Zone
  • ‘Unusually Conservative’ PEA numbers
  • The project’s clean tech metal profile
  • Future Opportunities and Peer Group comparisons
  • Stakes held in Grangesberg Iron Ore Project and Labrador Iron Mines
  • Near term milestones and next steps


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