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Prairie Mining #PDZ – Update regarding discussions on possible co-operation with JSW

Further to Prairie Mining #PDZ announcement on 29 March 2018 on the possible co-operation between Prairie and Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA (“JSW”), Prairie notes recent press articles regarding comments by representatives from JSW on possible transaction(s) between the Company and JSW with respect to Prairie’s Polish coal projects.

The Company advises that discussions continue to take place as part of the exchange of technical and commercial information as referenced in the Company’s announcement on 29 March 2018. Commercial discussions continue to be at a preliminary stage and that even if they move onto discussions of specific transactions terms there can be no certainty as to whether any transaction(s) will be agreed, or the potential form of such transaction(s). The Company expects further exchange of information will continue with JSW.

Any potential transaction(s), should they occur, may be subject to a number of conditions including, but not limited to, obtaining positive evaluations and expert opinions, necessary corporate approvals, consents and approvals related to funding, consents from Poland’s Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) if required, and any other requirements that may relate to the strategy, objectives and regulatory regimes applicable to the respective issuers.

The Company will continue to comply with its continuous disclosure obligations and will make announcements to the market as required.

For further information, please contact:

Prairie Mining Limited

Tel: +44 207 478 3900

Ben Stoikovich, Chief Executive Officer

Email: info@pdz.com.au

Sapan Ghai, Head of Corporate Development

Prairie Mining #PDZ – JSW CEO Daniel Ozon may discuss Jan Karski investment as well as Debiensko.

Source Barbara Oksinska (Parkiet) and Maciej Martewicz (Bloomberg)

Representatives of JSW, Poland’s biggest coking coal producer will again meet with Prairie Mining within 10 days to discuss coal projects in country,

Parkiet’s journalist Barbara Oksinska says on Twitter, citing interview with JSW CEO Daniel Ozon; “Companies may again discuss Prairie’s Debiensko project, adjacent to JSW. They may also discuss an investment into Jan Karski, near Bogdanka miner’s facilities.”

Ozon added: “We will talk about it, but we need to learn more about this project. Debiensko is well known to us, because it is the same deposit we are currently working on. We know the quality of this coal and geological conditions. We have to take a closer look at the second project.”

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