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#SVML Sovereign Metals LTD – International Development Organisation Partnership
26th June 2024 / Leave a comment
· Sovereign has entered into an MoU with The Palladium Group – a US-based international development entity operating in Malawi.
· Palladium implements several development projects, including the Feed the Future Malawi Growth Poles Project, which invests in local rural communities to advance sustainable, climate-smart, and inclusive wealth creation.
· Sovereign and Palladium will collaborate around Sovereign’s Kasiya Project to provide key agricultural inputs, training, technologies, and financing to develop and integrate smallholder farmers into the emerging high growth agriculture value chains.
· A central pillar of the MoU and partnership is Sovereign’s existing Conservation Farming Program, which aims to promote tried and tested improved small-scale agricultural practices, and the creation of community support and mentorship networks.
Sovereign Metals Limited (ASX: SVM; AIM: SVML) (Sovereign) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with The Palladium Group (Palladium) – a US-based development entity implementing several development projects in Malawi including the Feed the Future Malawi Growth Poles Project (Growth Poles). Growth Poles is a US$50 million project that will run from 2023 to 2028.
Palladium is a global impact firm that works to link social progress and commercial growth. For nearly six decades, Palladium has been working with corporations, governments, investors, communities, and civil society to formulate strategies, build partnerships, mobilise capital, and implement programs that have a lasting social and financial impact. With a workforce of over 2,500 global leaders, Palladium has positively impacted the lives and livelihoods of more than 76 million people across 90 countries; broadening access to health, water, power, and infrastructure; building enduring, sustainable, and transformative institutions and market systems to address global challenges; and conserving the natural world.
Sovereign has launched several social development initiatives focused on improved health (provision of clean water), education (scholarships and school support), and conservation farming practices in communities located near and within Sovereign’s Kasiya Rutile-Graphite Project (Kasiya or Project) area.
The MoU identifies Sovereign as a potential anchor firm in Malawi and Kasiya as an anchor client or “Partner Growth Pole”. The MoU sets out a long-term vision for multi-partner investment and co-development aimed at supporting community engagement activities and scaling up the availability of commercial agriculture across Malawi, in particular in environmentally and economically vulnerable groups and households, to improve livelihoods for communities around the Kasiya Project.
A central pillar of the MoU and partnership is Sovereign’s existing Conservation Farming Program (refer to Company ASX announcements dated 26 February 2024 and 15 April 2024), which aims to promote tried and tested improved small-scale agricultural practices, and the creation of community support and mentorship networks. The Conservation Farming Program’s objective is to substantially improve crop yields of the farming communities within and around the Project area, thus improving food security and economic growth.
Sovereign and Palladium are already collaborating to provide Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bags to beneficiaries of Sovereign’s Conservation Farming Program. PICS are non-chemical, hermetically sealable bags that reduce post-harvest losses by 20-30% caused by poor storage of grains.
The MoU also establishes the foundation for the potential long-term development of partnerships with multiple private sector firms and development agencies, with the aim of catalysing diverse and inclusive development across a wide area, through mechanisms such as input financing, extension support, offtake arrangements, and complementary investments in value chain infrastructure. The MoU expires on 18 April 2028 and can be extended by mutual agreement.
Sovereign and Palladium Staff Standing Together with Sovereign’s Conservation Farming Beneficiaries
Sovereign’s Kasiya project is one of only 11 Tier 1[i] mineral deposits discovered in the last decade. It is the world’s largest Rutile resource and second largest flake Graphite resource, and has the potential to be the world’s largest, lowest cost, and lowest carbon producer of both minerals.
Sovereign recognises that the Kasiya Project presents an opportunity to assist Malawi in realising its stated Sustainable Development Goals and can directly benefit local communities. The positive impact of the Kasiya project will be further enabled through the development of partnerships with the Government of Malawi, international development organizations, and the private sector.
Frank Eagar (South Africa/Malawi) +61(8) 9322 6322 |
Sam Cordin (Perth) +61(8) 9322 6322 |
Sapan Ghai (London) +44 207 478 3900
Nominated Adviser on AIM and Joint Broker |
SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP |
+44 20 3470 0470 |
Ewan Leggat Charlie Bouverat |
Joint Brokers |
Stifel |
+44 20 7710 7600 |
Varun Talwar |
Ashton Clanfield |
Berenberg |
+44 20 3207 7800 |
Matthew Armitt |
Jennifer Lee |
Buchanan |
+ 44 20 7466 5000 |
#FCM First Class Metals PLC- West Pickle Lake (Pezim II)Joint Venture Confirmed
22nd August 2023 / Leave a comment
First Class Metals PLC (“First Class Metals” “FCM” or the “Company”) the UK metals exploration company seeking economic metal discoveries across its extensive Canadian Schreiber-Hemlo, Sunbeam and Zigzag land holdings is pleased to announce that Palladium One Inc. (TSXV: PDM) (“Palladium One”) has completed the requirements of the earn in rights to gain an 80% interest in the West Pickle Lake Project (“West Pickle Lake Project” or the “Project”). A joint venture will now be instituted with Palladium One continuing to be the operator.
· Earn-in rights now completed by Palladium One which will now lead to the formal creation of a Joint Venture Agreement (“JV”).
· The West Pickle Lake Project returned very high levels of nickel/copper sulphide drill intercepts during the 2022/23 Palladium One operated drilling campaign, including:10.4% Nickel, 3.4% Copper over 2.3m (TK-22-070) & 10.3% Nickel, 2.9% Copper over 1.8m (TK-22-073)
Figure 1. The West pickle Lake Project area (formerly knowns as Pezim II), and described by Palladium One as the ‘West Pickle Zone’ discovery (outlined in yellow), includes the high-grade nickel-copper sulphide within the wider Palladium One ‘Tyko’ project area extending to the east.
Marc Sale CEO Commented:
“The obvious merit of the exploration potential of the Pezim II block and environs has been validated by Palladium One exercising their right to enact the JV. With a robust field programme in progress, we share their enthusiasm for the newly identified extensive anomalous nickel-copper zone. Furthermore, FCM is actively exploring the contiguous 100% owned areas for similar potential and this will include the OnGold area to the north.“
In July 2021, an ‘earn-in’ agreement with Palladium One was secured over the West Pickle Lake Project (comprising 33 single cell mining claims). Palladium One had the option to earn-in up to an 80% interest in the Project subject to a three-year work program commitment. The JV sits on the eastern flank of FCM’s Flagship North Hemlo Project. See Figure 2
Figure 2. The original claim blocks that formed the ‘North Hemlo Property’. Note Pezim II (33 claims) is now the renamed ‘West Pickle Lake Project’ constituting the Palladium One JV/earn in property.
Palladium One had the option to earn up to an 80% undivided interest in the Project over a 3-year earn-in period by incurring aggregate C$325,000 as exploration expenses. This earn-in agreement has now been completed and a Joint Venture agreement with Palladium One remaining the operator will now be instituted.
Palladium One has embarked on an ambitious work programme this season and we wish them continued success. The initial results which they posted today are very encouraging:
“Palladium One is pleased to announce it has discovered several highly anomalous nickel, copper, and cobalt soil anomalies potentially linking the West Pickle and RJ Zones, which are 2.5 kilometres apart.”
An important aspect of the viability of WPL and the area in general is confirmation of strike extent: volume.
Figure 3. Hemlo area FCM property map showing the West Pickle Lake Project (formerly known as Pezim II), now Palladium One JV area in the eastern portion of the 100% owned FCM North Hemlo Property. Also note the OnGold property to the north, now under an Earn-In agreement.
For further information, please contact:
First Class Metals PLC
James Knowles, Executive Chairman |
07488 362641 |
Marc J Sale, CEO |
07711 093532 |
Ayub Bodi, Executive Director |
07860 598086 |
First Equity Limited
(Financial Adviser & Broker)
Jonathan Brown |
0207 3742212 |
Jason Robertson |
0207 3742212 |
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