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No Points For Bravery In These Markets – John Woolfitt, Atlantic Capital Markets Month Ahead

Alan Green and John Woolfitt, Director at Atlantic Capital Markets discuss the month ahead.

John says the markets are currently ‘punch drunk’ and says investors and traders need vision to look through the chatter. Atlantic are taking a ‘market neutral’ approach at present, and clients are seeing success with pairs trades and with larger mining stocks.

Looking ahead, John is looking for news on how much we’ve been drinking from Diageo #DGO, oil consumption and fuel pump activity from #BP and clues on the property market from Rightmove #RMV.

In summary, John touches on the upcoming launch of Atlantic Alpha, a market neutral hedged trading strategy that removes volatility, and provides some key points and trading ideas to help traders and investors in August.

  • Keep your discipline, there are no points for bravery in these markets
  • Watch the data…’Look Before You Leap’.
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