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Apollo Minerals $AON – Reopening the World’s Highest Grade Tungsten Mine, With Gold Upside

Capital Network Research note – May 14th 2018

Apollo Minerals Limited (ASX:AON) is an Australian Securities Exchange listed tungsten-gold company with projects in the Pyrenees region of Southern Europe. In May 2016 the company was restructured with new management and capital that enabled it to acquire an 80% interest in the Couflens Project (July 2017) in southern France and a 75% interest in the Aurenere Project (April 2018) in northern Spain.

The key metals sought are tungsten and gold….

Tungsten prices are increasing, up 54% in the last 12 months….

Management has an enviable track record in project development….

Valuation: Based on historical production figures, remaining resources, updated capital and operating costs….

Link to view the full research note: Apollo Minerals Limited – Reopening the world’s highest grade tungsten mine

Multichannel Podcast – Alan Green talks to Hugo Schumann, Chief Commercial Officer at Apollo Minerals ASX: #AON

Multichannel Podcast – Alan Green talks to Hugo Schumann, Chief Commercial Officer at Apollo Minerals ASX: #AON. Hugo discusses the recent A$6m fundraising and the participation of major mining institutional investors Blackrock and Old Mutual Global Investors. The funds will be used to explore and develop the Couflens project in S France, which includes Salau, the World’s highest grade tungsten mine. The project also includes a significant gold resource. Hugo also looks at the mining and labour reforms in France, and moves by French President Macron to streamline the mining license application process. Key investor takeaway points include: 1) Couflens is an early stage tungsten and gold project with big exploration upside 2) the project is underpinned by solid economics of the world’s highest grade tungsten mine 3) Company chaired by Ian Middlemas, who has a great track record chairing Papillon Resources and Berkeley Energia

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