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Ian Pollard – Oilex Requests Halt On ASX

Oilex Ltd OEX has requested an immediate trading halt in the Company’s securities on the AustralianStock Exchange from the commencement of trading on Friday 10 August 2018. Oilex has asked for the halt to remain in place until the earlier of such time as it makes an announcement to the market in relation to the Event of Default Notice issued in regard to the Cambay PSC and the commencement of trading on Tuesday 14 August 2018.

Leeds Group plc LDSG reports that trading conditions have been difficult for the year to the 31st May and it does not propose to pay a dividend. Sales revenue increased by 1% to £41,538,000 .but profit before tax fell from £1,448,000 to £885,000. Earnings per share were halved from 4.1p to 2p.

Filta Group Holdings FLTA reports strong trading in the first half of the year with revenue growth from new franchisees and previous acquisitions. The company continues to seek growth opportunities and further progress is expected in the second half of the year.

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