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EMH’s Potential Cinovec Partner CEZ plans to Build a ‘Gigafactory’ in North Bohemia – Cadence Minerals

EMH’s Potential Cinovec Partner CEZ plans to Build a ‘Gigafactory’ in North Bohemia

An article published on the Radio Prague International website says Czech utility ČEZ plans to build a ‘gigafactory’ for batteries for cars in North Bohemia in the coming years that would use lithium discovered in the Ore Mountains near Cínovec, on the German border.

Cinovec is the largest lithium deposit in Europe and the fourth largest non-brine deposit in the world.

Minister of Industry and Trade Karel Havlíček said during a visit to Berlin on Wednesday that ČEZ plans to use lithium stocks from Germany and the Czech Republic. As such ore from Cinovec will be used to supply the ‘gigafactory’.

The Czech Republic has the biggest lithium reserves in Europe and many politicians have pushed for its mining to be in the hands of a state-controlled company, such as ČEZ.

AIM listed European Metals Holdings (AIM: EMH), through its wholly owned subsidiary, Geomet s.r.o., controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over the Cinovec Lithium Project.

Currently, CEZ and EMH are close to concluding a deal that will see CEZ become a 51% of Geomet s.r.o., EMH’s wholly owned Czech subsidiary and the holder of the Cinovec licences.

Kiran Morzaria, non-executive director of EMH and CEO of AIM listed mining investment group Cadence Minerals (AIM: KDNC), which owns around 19% of EMH said the proposed development partnership between EMH and CEZ “underscores the importance of Cinovec as a key future battery grade lithium supplier to the European lithium market.”


Radio Prague International story link:


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