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BigDish (DISH) To Integrate With Leading Point Of Sale Technology Group, NFS Technology Group

BigDish Plc (LON: DISH), is pleased to announce that it has reached an Agreement with NFS Technology Group to integrate BigDish within its Point of Sale (POS) software solution for restaurants.

NFS Technology Group (“NFS”) have been operating for over 20 years and has over 1,500 clients.  Integrating with a POS has two significant benefits for a restaurant.  Firstly, it will enable the operational team of a restaurant to access the BigDish Manager features directly within the POS.  In addition, it enables a restaurant to link BigDish dining activity data with diner spend data thus providing valuable marketing insights to the restaurant.  The integration will enable restaurant groups to more effectively roll out BigDish.

Luis Desouza, CEO of NFS Technology Group commented “NFS are excited to be engaged with BigDish, who bring a fresh and cost-effective approach to restaurants seeking to offer promotions that best match the time slots that are not busy. A great tool in current market conditions.

Sanj Naha, CEO commented:

BigDish is firstly and foremost a technology company and I am delighted that our first Point of Sale integration is with NFS Technology Group, who are highly regarded within the industry.  We will be meeting with the NFS team this month to plan the implementation of the integration.  Restaurant groups in particular will be pleased with this initiative as it will enable more centralized management of BigDish within a particular restaurant group.”





Zak Mir, Digital Communications Officer +44 (0) 7867 527658


Jonathan Morley-Kirk, Non-Executive Chairman +44 (0) 7797 859986



Notes to Editors

BigDish Plc is a London Stock Exchange listed food technology company that operates a yield management platform for the restaurant industry, including a mobile App.

The Company helps restaurants in the UK fill their spare capacity and optimise their revenues through smart and dynamic discounts. Consumers can access these via the BigDish App and website platforms. Restaurants pay BigDish a fee per diner seated.

BigDish is fully committed to delivering shareholder value to its stakeholders through this model and is actively seeking to expand across the UK. An expansion strategy has been outlined which divides the UK into territorial target areas.

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