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PowerHouse Energy #PHE CEO on The Future of Plastic

Keith Allaun, the Chief Executive Officer of PowerHouse Energy Group plc (AIM: PHE), the UK technology company pioneering hydrogen production from waste plastic and used tyres, was invited to contribute to a special edition insert in the most recent New Scientist Magazine.  The insert, titled “The Future Of Plastic” was headlined by Sir David Attenborough and brought together thought-leaders in policy and industry to articulate how we might address the current challenges plastic is presenting to our planet, and specifically, our oceans.

The issue was released in conjunction with World Oceans Day on June 8th, 2018.

The potential for the Company’s DMG© System to harness the energy contained in plastic waste by converting it to clean hydrogen was highlighted in the article as a mechanism to reduce the impact of plastics on our oceans. PowerHouse plants are small, modular, and economical, and can be located where plastics are collected.

The decision by China in early 2018 to stop accepting recyclable plastics from the UK, coupled with the challenges faced in recycling soiled or mixed plastics economically, has left tonnes of plastics piling up around the country. Allaun believes that PowerHouse can be an integral part of the system that helps eliminate plastic waste, and helps revive our oceans, in an environmentally responsible, and economically efficient, manner.

“Waste and non-recyclable plastics need not be wasted or pollute our planet,” said Allaun. “Our DMG© process extracts a clean source of energy from waste plastics – hydrogen. The use of hydrogen, in lieu of fossil fuels, will eliminate a substantial CO2 burden to our oceans and our atmosphere.”

“A single lorry of waste plastic can generate enough hydrogen to provide over 60,000 miles of emission-free motoring, and concurrently power 1500 homes. PowerHouse makes a friend of waste plastic, not an enemy.”

The Future of Plastics can be seen in the June 8th 2018 edition of New Scientist Magazine or viewed on the web at the following URL:


The Company’s article can be viewed at:


For more information, contact:


PowerHouse Energy Group plc
Keith Allaun, Chief Executive Officer

Tel: +44 (0) 203 368 6399

About PowerHouse Energy

PowerHouse Energy Group plc is the developer of DMG©, the Distributed Modular, Gasification System which allows for the distributed eradication of waste, the generation of distributed electricity, and the production of distributed hydrogen with the world’s first small, modular, hydrogen from waste process (HfW).

The Company is focused on technologies to enable efficient energy recovery from municipal and industrial waste streams that would otherwise be directed to landfills and incinerators; or from renewable and alternative fuels such as biomass, tyres, and plastics for power generation, or the production of high-quality hydrogen as a fuel for transport. DMG© allows for easy, economical, deployment and scaling of an environmentally sound solution to the growing challenges of waste eradication, landfill diversion, electrical demand, and distributed hydrogen production.

PowerHouse is quoted on the London Stock Exchange’s AIM Market under the ticker symbol: PHE. The Company is incorporated in the United Kingdom.

For more information see www.powerhouseenergy.net

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