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U.S. Official Warns of Assassination of Greek Government
As long ago as February, US Treasury official Paul Craig Roberts warned that the Greek government could be assassinated if it turned to Russia for help.
Dr Roberts in a recent interview said ” “The Greek people and the Greek government have before them the unique opportunity to prevent World War III. All the Greek government needs to do, if the Greek people will get behind the government, is to default on the loans, resign from the EU and from NATO, and accept the deal that the Russians have offered them.
This would begin the unraveling of NATO. Very quickly Spain and Italy would follow. So southern Europe would desert NATO and so would Austria, Hungary and the Czech Republic. NATO is the mechanism that Washington uses to cause conflict with Russia. So as the EU and NATO unravel, the ability of Washington to produce this conflict disappears.
The EU and the ECB are using the Greek crisis to establish a ruling power structure. That makes it difficult to make an agreement with the new Greek government to ameliorate the conditions imposed on Greece. So it makes the EU inflexible. That inflexibility gives Greece the cards to say, ‘We’re not playing your game. We’re going to play a different game and accept Russia’s offer.’”
But back in early February Dr. Roberts said;
“We’ll see whether the Greek government does that. Now of course they may not be allowed to. They may be assassinated. It’s entirely possible. I’ve never thought that the United States would allow a new government in any of its vassal states to rise up and become independent of Washington’s control. So the new Greek government officials may have an ‘accident.’ All kinds of terrible things can happen to people, and have, that get out of sync with Washington. We’ve had several cases in Latin and South America of leaders who wouldn’t follow Washington’s line having mysterious deaths. There have been a number of them who have been overthrown in CIA organized coups. ”
And a CIA coup in Greece is not beyond the realms of possibility. It has already happened once.
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