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Ian Pollard: Morrisons Smashes Competition With 132% Dividend Rise
13th September 2018 / Leave a comment
Morrison W. Sprmkts MRW which many still regard as that upstart from Bradford has taught the high streets major retailers, the biggest lesson they have had in decades. Forget your Tescos, your M&S and your snooty Sainsbury’s. Morrisons has just smashed the high street competition into little bits and is raising its interim dividend by a record amount. With second quarter like for like sales at a nine year high it has increased its ordinary dividend by 11.4% on top of which it is paying a special dividend of 2p per share making a total increase of 132%. Group like for like sales for the half year to the 5th August rose by 4.9% up from last years 3%. Underlying profit before tax rose by 9% and earnings per share by 8.5%.
The future is seen as containing many opportunities for meaningful and sustainable sales and profit growth. David Potts the Chief Executive, sees Morrisons continuing to become broader and stronger and a more popular brand whilst the Chairman looks forward to “more and more customers trying Morrisons.” Proof if ever proof was needed that the high street is alive and kicking and can be rescued from the damage caused to famous names by sclerotic management and placemen.
Ricardo plc RCDO saw solid revenue growth of 8% during the year to the 30th June with the order book rising by 14% to end the year at record levels. Despite falls in statutory profit before tax and basic earnings per share of 14% and 27% respectively, the final dividend is to be raised by 6% to 20.46p per share. On an underlying basis profit before tax fell by 1% and earnings per share rose by 1%
Amerisur Resources AMER saw strong revenue growth of 93% in the half year to the 30th June and last years first half loss of $2.3m was turned into a profit after tax of $10.8m. The turn round was helped by a rise of 33% in average production and a jump in the oil price from $47.2 to $64.2 per barrel.
SafeCharge Int. Grp SCH enjoyed strong revenue growth of 26% in the half year to the 30th June. Adjusted EBITDA was up by 15% and the interim dividend is also being increased by 15%. The CEO says that the strong set of results has been followed by a good start to the second half and it is anticipated that revenue for the year will be at the top end of market expectations.
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