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Ian Pollard: Safestore Holdings – Strong Start To The Year
Safestore Holdings plc SAFE claims an excellent start to the financial year, with a strong first quarter performance, continuing the trading momentum seen in the second half of 2018 in both the UK and Paris markets. Group revenue from the 1st November to the 31st January rose by 6.% at constant exchange rates and on a like by like basis by 6.4%. Paris led the way on a like or like basis with a rise of 7.3% compared to 6.1% for the UK. Revenue for the quarter in Paris grew by 8.3 % following the opening of the new store in Poissy in summer 2018.
easyJet PLC EZJ confirms that it is in discussions with Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and Delta Air Lines about forming a consortium to explore options for the future operations of Alitalia. In the words of the song there is no certainty at this stage that any transaction will proceed and easyJet will provide a further update in due course, if and when appropriate.
Money Supermarket.com Group PLC MONY made great progress in its Reinvent strategy in 2018 with profit after tax for the year to 31st December up by 11% and the ordinary dividend up by 6%. A good trading performance saw revenues up 8% and In 2019 it is intended to return an additional £40m to shareholders.
AVEVA Group plc AVV delivered low double-digit revenue growth in the first nine months of the financial year, following the pattern set in the first half. Software sales grew at a faster rate compared to services, resulting in a modest improvement in gross margins. Operating margins also improved, although some additional costs were incurred due to a better than expected sales performance.
Ashmore Group plc ASHM Profit before tax at £93.0 million, fell by 6% during the half year to the 31st December. The company described it as a respectable operating performance in the first half followed by a positive start to 2019. The investment performance remained strong and out performed by 30% over one year. Revenue growth of 13% was driven by 18% increase in net management fee income.
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