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Money Guide interview ECR Minerals #ECR CEO Craig Brown

ECR Minerals #ECR CEO Craig Brown is interviewed by Money Guide. In the interview Craig discusses:

  • ECR now owns its own diamond drilling rig that can drill as deep as 1300 metres.
  • Tambo Gold Project, easy access, low costs. Principal geologist and Bruthen local boy Dr Rod Boucher is currently out conducting fieldwork
  • There are currently two parties interested in the Creswick project. One party is undertaking due diligence, although as Craig explains the progress has been hampered by the Victoria lockdown quarantine measures.
  • Drilling will shortly commence at the Bailieston project. This is located close to the Fosterville Gold mine, which has v low operating costs, producing 500,000oz a year and is ‘printing money’. Craig says that some ‘big players’ have moved into the region recently, and one is interested in Bailieston (HR3, Blue Moon, Cherry Tree).
  • ECR is very undervalued vs. peers – Craig looks at Fosterville South (TSX-FSX), which acquired ECR’s Avoca, Timor & Moormbool licenses earlier this year. The company currently has a value some 12 times that of ECR, and while the Golden Mountain project is progressing, Craig argues that ECR has ‘better projects’.
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