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Cropper Delivering Potential At Last

Cropper James plc CRPR is to increase its dividend by 27%, from 9.3p per share to 11.8p, for the year to 1st April. With higher sales in every division, profit before tax rose from £3.9m to £5.6m. The Chairman described it as something of a watershed year for the company which has now started to deliver its long awaited potential.

Molins MLIN Order intake in all parts of the business during the half year to 30th June has been ahead of last year. Excluding the Instrumentation and Packaging Machinery division which is to be sold, order intake has been considerably ahead of last year.

Northgate NTG proposes to increase its final dividend for the year to the 30th April by to 11.6p per share making a rise for the year of 8%. The results have been impacted by the lower number of vehicles on hire in the UK and by the change in vehicle depreciation rates which cost £5.7. set off almost exactly by foreign exchange benefits of £5.2m. The outcome of these was a fall in profit before tax from £77.6m. to £72.2m. Spain produced a strong commercial performance but the problem was a weak second half in the UK whew closing vehicles on his fell from 42,400 to 39,500

Zoo Digital Group ZOO saw revenue rise by 42% in the year to the 31st March and after a strongly improved performance in the  second half. Last years loss of $0.5m. was turned into a profit of $1.5m and EBITDA rose substantially from $0.2m to $1.8m, The improvement has continued into the new financial year

Hydrodec HYR expects first half revenues to the end of June to show growth of about 12 % over the first half of 2016m, with positive EBITDA replacing a $1.1m. loss, after growth in transformer oil sales of 58%. Further growth and a continuing improvement in margins is expected throughout the year.

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