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#FCM First Class Metals PLC – Zigzag-Further Lithium & Critical Metal trend
7th February 2024 / Leave a comment
First Class Metals PLC (“First Class Metals” “FCM” or the “Company”) the UK listed metals exploration company seeking economic metal discoveries across its extensive Canadian Schreiber-Hemlo, Sunbeam and Zigzag land holdings is pleased to announce the results of a mobile metal ion (MMI) soil sampling programme as well as accompanying rock-grab samples on the Company’s Zigzag Property , (the “Property”) located in the Seymour-Falcon corridor in northwestern Ontario, Canada.
Soil samples were collected along six north-north-west to south-south-east soil sample lines between 100-200m in length, with 12.5m sample station spacing (see Map 1). These included four lines along strike to the west and east of the main 400m ‘core zone’ which was subject to the drilling campaign in December 2023. A further two lines starting ~200m orthogonal to the dominant strike and to the south of the trend of the main zone were sampled. All soil samples were analysed using the Mobile Metal Ion (MMI) method of SGS Labs.
The sample results support the belief that the ‘core 400m zone’ is open along strike. As previously reported, both the most eastern and western holes of the recent drilling programme intersected pegmatite. The soil sample results further confirm the mineralisation is open.
· The results from 64 rock-grab and 68 soil samples collected late last year are now available.
· Soil sampling lines to the east west of the core section show anomalous lithium (Li) ratios.
· Results from soil lines 200m to the south of the ‘Main zone’ indicate the probability of a second subparallel structure.
· Grab samples anomalous in Li and other pegmatite associated elements indicate a possible third trend.
· Assay results from the recent drill programme are anticipated in the coming days.
Marc J Sale Chief Executive Officer Commented- “The results from this combined sampling programme validate the belief by FCM that the ‘Main Zone’; is open along strike for a considerable distance. Furthermore, the strong evidence of a second structure to the south with the possibility of a third structure compels FCM to engage in discussions with the First Nations to initiate the application for an Exploration Permit to be able to fully evaluate these new zones”.
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Map 1, showing the location of the MMI samples as well as the response ratio (RR) for caesium, (Cs) which overall is the most representative of the anomalism. Note[1]: values are generally considered anomalous when the response ratio is above 5.
RR Response Ratio Highlights from MMI sampling
· Highest lithium (“Li”) response ratio (“RR”) of 11 obtained ~100m along strike to the east of the eastern most DDH from December 2023 (ZIG-23-07).
· Highest caesium (“Cs”) RRs of 15 and 30 obtained at consecutive stations ~100m along strike to the west of the western extent of sampling on the main zone.
· Li RRs up to 10 on the southern lines.
· Multiple MMI anomalies in other elements, especially on the eastern and southern lines, zinc RRs up to 40, silver up to 50, molybdenum up to 51, copper up to 21.
[1] According to SGS Labs, response ratios generally need to be greater than 2-5 to be considered anomalous. https://www.sgs.com/en-ca/-/media/sgscorp/documents/corporate/brochures/sgs-minerals-mmi-tb-23-processing-and-presenting-mmi-geochemical-data.cdn.en-CA.pdf
Grab Samples
· Grab samples of pegmatite at two sites 200-250m across strike to the south of the main zone returned up to: 2600 ppm Li; 4290 ppm Rubidium; 920 ppm Cs (highest value of 2023 sampling); and 686 ppm Tantalum. Sampled dykes could represent offshoots of a parallel zone to the main zone.
· Grab samples of pegmatite ~500m across strike to the south of the eastern extension of the main zone, near the eastern property boundary, returned up to 186 ppm Li; 1240 ppm Rb; 102 ppm Cs, potentially a third structure.
Coleman Robertson, Project Geologist from Emerald Geological Services commented– “There is compelling geochemical evidence to indicate that a second subparallel trend at Zigzag could be present.“
The combined results of both the soil sampling programme and the associated ‘grab’ samples support the belief that the ‘core zone/ Main zone’ that was drilled in December is open to both the west and east.
Furthermore, there is strong geochemical support for a sub parallel trend about 200m to the south of the Main Zone. Additional work is needed to expand and confirm the anomalism identified. As well follow up sampling is required to confirm the presence of a possible third trend currently identified in anomalous rare element results in grab samples.
A significant silver anomaly was identified over the two eastern most MMI lines off the Main Zone. This also requires further investigation.
For further information, please contact:
James Knowles, Executive Chairman |
07488 362641 |
Marc J Sale, CEO |
07711 093532 |
Novum Securities Limited
(Financial Adviser)
David Coffman/ George Duxberry |
www.novumsecurities.com |
(0)20 7399 9400 |
Qualified Person
The technical disclosures contained in this announcement have been drafted in line with the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum standards and guidelines and approved by Marc J. Sale, who has more than 30years in the gold exploration industry and is considered a Qualified person owing to his status as a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
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