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Multichannel Podcast – Brand CEO Alan Green discusses Crypto Security challenges and solutions with Nous.net directors Justin Short and Mick Horgan

Multichannel Podcast.

#Cryptocurrencies such as #Bitcoin might superficially look like #PayPal and other e-money solutions but the reality is quite different. The decentralised blockchain technology they use provides a lot of benefits but also mean that if something goes wrong there’s no central authority who can fix your problems. If you lose your keys, or if someone steals your keys, you lose your money. Now there is a solution. Nous founders Justin Short & Mick Horgan have recently launched ultra-secure crypto trading & custodial solutions #BestEX & #Metavault. We discuss #crypto security and their new solution in a 10 minute podcast.

Potential investors interested in finding out more about the opportunity should contact the company at http://www.nous.net and request an investor memorandum

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