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Directors Talk – Q&A with Michel Baelen, Head of Regulatory Affairs at Advanced Oncotherapy Plc

Article published by Directors Talk 

Q&A: Advanced Oncotherapy Plc Michel Baelen, Head of Regulatory Affairs

Michel Baelen,  head of Regulatory Affairs at Advanced Oncotherapy plc  (LON:AVO), talks to DirectorsTalk about the attraction of joining AVO, his past roles and how this experience benefits the company, work done to date and Michel’s plans for regulatory and quality control going forward.

Q: Michel, what attracted you to join AVO?

A: The development of the proton beam therapy system LIGHT, with its innovative and clinically superior approach to the treatment of cancer.

Q: So how does the position fit to what you have done previously?

A: I have a background in electronic engineering and was responsible for IBA’s regulatory and quality assurance affairs for 19 years.

Q: Can you tell us what IBA is?

A: IBA is the current market leader in proton beam therapy. As well as working at IBA, I was previously head of the European Commissions’ industry association for medical devices and worked in a regulatory/quality capacity assurance at the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency).

Q: So how does your experience benefit AVO and its investors?

A: Having worked on both sides of the regulatory fence I know exactly what AVO must do to meet all regulatory and quality control requirements.

Q: In that regard, what have you been doing so far?

A: We’ve been in dialogue with the major regulatory bodies and have been working through what we, AVO, must do to ensure we meet their requirements in as efficient and timely manner as possible.

Q: Can we expect any newsflow to that effect?

A: Absolutely, although timing is difficult to predict; we have been very busy in this regard and hope to make announcements to this end.

Q: On the LIGHT system itself, can you tell us some of the key features that will differentiate it from its competitors?

A: From a safety perspective, the ability to monitor the exact nature of the proton beam and completely control its transmission i.e. if the beam needs to be shut off, we will be able to ensure the patient receives no dose at all. Another is to vary the energy of the beam and, accordingly, the dose the target tumour receives at very high frequencies, for more accurate tumour targeting.

Q: For any new technology with the potential to disrupt a market, there must be risks associated with the realisation of that technology?

A: The development of LIGHT will be a process and there are challenges ahead.  For example, the accelerating modules will contain a vacuum at much lower pressure than is present in existing radiotherapy systems. In addition, the ability to vary the energy of the proton beam with every pulse requires highly sophisticated and robust software control and management.

Q: Are there any other key safety USPs?

A: Yes, the LIGHT system will not suffer from comparable proton losses and, as a result, will not irradiate and physically/chemically alter, otherwise known as activate, the shielding and surrounding materials that any radiotherapy system is housed in. For example, the decommissioning costs of non-Linac proton accelerators can be up to three times as high as the initial cost. So that can be a major headache for hospitals and clinics; LIGHT is the only proton therapy system using a linear particle accelerator.

Q: And given the potential hurdles inherent in LIGHT’s development, what is AVO doing to manage and overcome those risks?

A: Two key approaches adopted by AVO have been to hire industry experts, in all relevant fields, and to partner market leading companies, such as Thales. For example, Thales, which will mass produce LIGHT for AVO, has already demonstrated its ability to create a vacuum at the required level that I previously referred to. We have also hired an expert in safety-critical software from Airbus, a market leader in another industry where it is absolutely essential that software, and the systems that that software controls, perform precisely as required.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to highlight?

A: Just that we, AVO, are doing everything we can to ensure we clear all regulatory and quality control hurdles in all major markets and with all relevant bodies, globally.

Michel, thank you for your time.

Sanjeev Pandya of Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) interviewed by BRR Media

PandyaBRRSanjeev Pandya, Executive Vice President for Global Business Development for Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) provides an update to shareholders on development progress of the Company’s novel proton accelerator. Sanjeev also introduces Michel Baelen, the recently appointed GlobAVO1al Head of Regulatory Affairs. Click the image to watch.



Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) – Senior Management Appointments

AVO1Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), the developer of next-generation proton therapy systems for cancer treatment, announces that Michel Baelen has joined the Company as Head of Regulatory Affairs and Gerardo d’Auria has been appointed as a new Technical Director with immediate effect.

Michel Baelen holds a Doctorate in management sciences from France and is graduated in Electrical Engineering from Belgium. Prior to joining Advanced Oncotherapy, he has held the positions of Health Policy Compliance Director and Head of Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance of the proton therapy-based company IBA for over 19 years. As part of his very strong regulatory background, he has experience in dealing with regulatory authorities in the US and China – two markets of huge relevance to Advanced Oncotherapy as it continues to develop its next generation proton therapy system.

Gerardo d’Auria, doctor in physics at the University Federico II of Naples (Italy) has more than 30 years of experience working with RF systems and linear accelerators (Linacs). Senior accelerator scientist at Elettra – Sincrotrone Trieste for over 25 years, prior to joining, as a consultant, Advanced Oncotherapy’s team “ADAM” based in Geneva as a Technical Director, he was involved in the design and construction of high power storage ring RF systems and high energy electron Linacs. He has written and co-written over 130 papers in scientific journals and presented at numerous international conferences. His unique experience in linear accelerators is hugely complementary to Steve Myers’ background in circular accelerators.

Michael Sinclair, CEO of Advanced Oncotherapy, commented: “The wealth of knowledge and experience that these two new appointments provide us is second to none. Their experience will bring additional support to the accelerated development of the LIGHT system. We are extremely lucky to have been able to attract individuals of this calibre to come and join us and we are looking forward having them on board and working with them in the future.” 

Advanced Oncotherapy Plc


Michael Sinclair, Chief Executive Officer

Tel: +44 20 3617 8728

Nicolas Serandour, Chief Operating and Financial Officer

Stockdale Securities (Nomad & Joint Broker)

Antonio Bossi / David Coaten

Tel: +44 20 7601 6100

Beaufort Securities (Joint Broker)

Jon Belliss / Elliot Hance

Tel: +44 20 7382 8300

Walbrook PR (Financial PR & IR)

Tel: +44 20 7933 8780 or avo@walbrookpr.com

Paul McManus / Anna Dunphy

Mob: +44 7980 541 893 / Mob: +44 7876 741 001

About Advanced Oncotherapy Plc www.avoplc.com

Advanced Oncotherapy is a provider of particle therapy systems with protons that harnesses the best in modern technology. As a result, Advanced Oncotherapy will offer healthcare providers affordable systems that will enable them to treat cancer with an innovative technology as well as better health outcomes and lower treatment related side effects.

Advanced Oncotherapy’s team “ADAM” based in Geneva focuses on the development of a proprietary proton accelerator called Linac Image Guided Hadron Technology (“LIGHT”). LIGHT accelerates protons to the energy levels achieved in legacy machines but in a unit that is a fraction of the size and significantly lower in cost. This compact configuration delivers proton beams in a way that facilitates a greater precision and electronic control which is not achievable with older technologies.

The Company has signed two purchase agreements with Sinophi Healthcare Limited for the LIGHT proton therapy systems to be installed in hospitals in China. There are also four additional framework agreements and further Letters of Intent from other healthcare providers. 

The Company has also signed a joint venture agreement with CircleHealth, owned by AIM-listed Circle Holdings plc, to operate the Company’s proton beam cancer therapy centre in Harley Street.

Advanced Oncotherapy continually monitors the market for any emerging improvements in delivering proton therapy and actively seeks working relationships with providers of these innovative technologies. Through these relationships, the Company will remain the prime provider of an innovative and cost-effective system for particle therapy with protons.

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