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Advanced Oncotherapy #AVO – Final Results statement plus CEO and Chairmans report

Advanced Oncotherapy (AIM: AVO), the developer of next generation proton therapy systems for cancer treatment, announces audited results for the year ended 31 December 2017, another year of significant technological development and installation of the Company’s first LIGHT system.

Key highlights:

·     Successful integration of three of the four key LIGHT system structures significantly reducing technical risk

·     Technological development on-track to be capable of treating superficial tumours by the end of Q3 this year

·     Science and Technology Facilities Council agreement to establish a UK testing and assembly site

·     Harley Street site building work on schedule, first patient treatment expected by the second half of 2020

·     Commercial distribution agreement with Yantai CIPU for China and other parts of Asia

·     Stronger financial position since 31st December 2017 having secured £33.3m of financing post period end

·     Ongoing commercial discussions with sites in the USA, Europe, Asia and Middle East


Nicolas Serandour, CEO of Advanced Oncotherapy, said: The technological development of our LIGHT system remains on-track and we continue to proceed with a significantly reduced overall technology risk profile. Similarly work at Harley Street remains on schedule and with additional funding through our licence agreement with Yantai CIPU and the equity fundraise in which they and other investors participated we enter into the second half of 2018 from a stronger position. 

“In 2018 we expect to fire a proton beam through the first CCL module and ultimately produce a beam capable of treating superficial tumours by the end of Q3 2018. The Board remain confident that we can deliver to these timescales and that we will have the financial resources to do so. On behalf of the Board, we would like to thank all of our shareholders for their continued support and belief, and we look forward to further success ahead.” 

Posting of Annual Report & Notice of AGM

The annual report for the year ended 31 December 2017 will shortly be available from the Company’s website at www.advancedoncotherapy.com and will be posted to shareholders shortly together with a notice of Annual General Meeting to be held at 2.30pm on Wednesday, 25 July 2017 at The Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London W1G 0AE. 

Advanced Oncotherapy Plc


Dr. Michael Sinclair, Executive Chairman

Tel: +44 20 3617 8728

Nicolas Serandour, CEO

Stockdale Securities (Nomad & Joint Broker)

Antonio Bossi / Ed Thomas

Tel: +44 20 7601 6100

Stifel Nicolaus Europe (Joint Broker)

Jonathan Senior / Ben Maddison

Tel: +44 20 7710 7600

Walbrook PR (Financial PR & IR)

Tel: +44 20 7933 8780 or avo@walbrookpr.com

Paul McManus / Anna Dunphy

Mob: +44 7980 541 893 / Mob: +44 7876 741 001

About Advanced Oncotherapy Plc www.avoplc.com

Advanced Oncotherapy is a provider of particle therapy with protons that harnesses the best in modern technology. Advanced Oncotherapy’s team “ADAM”, based in Geneva, focuses on the development of a proprietary proton accelerator called Linac Image Guided Hadron Technology (LIGHT). LIGHT’s compact configuration delivers proton beams in a way that facilitates greater precision and electronic control.

Advanced Oncotherapy will offer healthcare providers affordable systems that will enable them to treat cancer with an innovative technology as well as lower treatment-related side effects.

Advanced Oncotherapy continually monitors the market for any emerging improvements in delivering proton therapy and actively seeks working relationships with providers of these innovative technologies. Through these relationships, the Company will remain the prime provider of an innovative and cost-effective system for particle therapy with protons.



We are delighted to report another year of significant progress in the technological development and installation of our first LIGHT system, the next generation proton therapy system for treating cancer.

In March 2017 we updated shareholders on our expected timelines for achieving certain technical milestones in the development of the LIGHT system. We are pleased to say that we have made considerable advances which not only ensure that we remain on track to deliver according to this timetable, but also that we have significantly reduced the overall technical risk of this project through the successful integration of three of the four key structures.

As a result we have ended the year in a much stronger position through both the achievement of these technological milestones and the announcement in December of a £33.3 million investment, including £16.8 million of equity investments, alongside our commercial distribution agreement with Yantai CIPU Medical Technology Co. Ltd (“Yantai CIPU”) through their affiliated company Liquid Harmony Ltd to market and sell our LIGHT systems across China and certain neighbouring geographies in Asia.  The equity funding was completed in February 2018 and we received £16.5 million from Yantai CIPU in May 2018 in respect of the distribution agreement.  Some of the funds have been used to repay loans received during 2017 which were used to help fund working capital and LIGHT development costs during 2017.

The Board are therefore confident that we will deliver a proton therapy system that will be capable of treating superficial tumours by the end of Q3 2018, a critical milestone which we believe will mark a significant inflection point for shareholder value.



At the core of our business model, we will offer healthcare providers affordable systems that will enable them to treat cancer with an innovative proton therapy technology which offers better health outcomes for patients and lower treatment related side effects. Our LIGHT system (Linac Image Guided Hadron Technology) offers the following advantages: 

  • Superior proton beam: The LIGHT system uses an innovative linear accelerator rather than a cyclotron/ synchrotron. This means that particle collision with structures within the accelerator is reduced, thus creating less radioactive energy. The results are increased safety and lower shielding requirements, reducing overall installation time and cost;
  • Precision: LIGHT’s proton beam can be moved very rapidly, allowing for more accurate temporal and spatial targeting of moving tumours. Furthermore, spot scanning allows a more conformal dose that can be altered to meet individual needs, and beam energy can be adjusted at source, requiring no absorbers or energy reduction devices. This is a unique feature of linear accelerators such as LIGHT and cannot be achieved with commercially available systems;
  • Compact, modular and easy to install: While other systems come in one size, LIGHT can be customised due to its modularity. This offers clinics an opportunity to expand their offering to other rooms and / or to increase system strength step by step as clinical needs develop. The fact that new modules can be added to increase output energy at any point reduces the commitment by healthcare providers to high upfront costs for systems that may not be fully utilised;
  • Affordability: Due to the modular nature of the system and mass-production manufacturing, LIGHT is well positioned to compete with other proton therapy systems currently available. LIGHT is associated with lower capital, operational, and decommissioning costs;
  • City-centre focus: LIGHT’s unique properties allow for implementation in existing clinical sites and densely populated areas where space is scarce. This means making the technology more accessible to patients, ensuring that as many people as possible can benefit from it;
  • An integrated system: Full work-flow integration from patient intake, over treatment planning, through to beam delivery, ensures a seamless patient treatment experience.



2017 has seen considerable advancements in the technology development and manufacture of our first LIGHT system. During the year we successfully integrated and tested the first Side Coupled Drift Tube Linac (“SCDTL”) with the Radiofrequency Quadrupole (“RFQ”) and proton source, three of the four key components of the LIGHT system. These achievements have allowed us to significantly de-risk our technological development process. In addition lower power testing of the individual accelerating SCDTL units have met expectations whilst the design of the remaining Coupled Cavity Linacs (“CCLs”) high-speed accelerating structures is well proven and documented.  

One of our key milestones for 2017 was the further development of the Patient Positioning System (“PPS”) which is designed to prepare and position patients for the high accuracy and dose sparing proton treatments produced by the LIGHT system. As already confirmed in our latest technological update the Diagnostic Quality CT scanner has been manufactured, and integration testing completed. A real time X-ray verification system has been developed, the robotic treatment chair has been successfully tested, and the scanning magnet subsystem produced. Most importantly, the connectivity between the PPS and the accelerating units has been established and successfully evaluated with system function emulation tools.

During the year we also announced that the LIGHT system’s unique ionisation chamber was received from our partner Pyramid Technical Consultants and is part of our overall safety system, monitoring beam position, spot size and dosage. More recently, at the end of May, we announced successful Time-of-Flight testing showing good results for beam control and adjustment, a key aspect of our ability to offer a system with improved precision and easy adjustment at source to offer accurate and versatile treatments.

In early May we also announced an agreement with the UK Government’s Science and Technology Facilities Council (“STFC”) to establish a UK testing and assembly site for our first operational LIGHT system, within the STFC Daresbury Laboratory in Cheshire, home to the UK’s Accelerator Science and Technology Centre. Building work is now underway to prepare the site to receive the LIGHT system components. We will retain our testing facility at CERN, Geneva where we continue to advance our LIGHT system technological development.

Our main focus now remains on the further development of the LIGHT system and to fire the proton beam through the SCDTLs and the CCL producing a beam capable of treating superficial tumours by the end of Q3 this year.

During 2017, we spent £8.4 million (2016: £8.9 million) to achieve these milestones and other LIGHT development work and this is included in Intangible Assets.  


We are very pleased with the progress at our 141/143 Harley Street site. The sub-structural work continues to progress well and we remain on-track to create central London’s first proton therapy centre. We remain confident that the site will be completed in H1 2019 with first patient treatment expected by the second half of 2020.

The freeholder of the site, the Howard de Walden Estate, continues to bear the costs of construction. 

A time-lapse video of the construction work on site is available on our website (www.advancedoncotherapy.com) and we are updating this video as work progresses.


As we’ve said before the technical development of our first LIGHT system is the key focus of the Group, however we know that we must also be mindful of the commercial opportunities available once this is completed. We must prepare ourselves to respond to the huge worldwide medical need for access to an affordable proton therapy technology that can be easily installed and safely operated in areas of high patient population density.

Due to the nature of our game-changing technology and its key differentiators (as outlined above) we continue to receive substantial interest in the LIGHT system. In the UK we are continuing discussions for a second site in Birmingham, and we remain in ongoing discussions regarding a number of sites in the USA and others across in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

We have long recognised that China represents a significant opportunity for our technology given the potential need for a significant number of proton therapy centres. Yantai CIPU have already identified 11 potential installation sites for the LIGHT system. We remain confident that there will be a high demand for our LIGHT system given that precision medicine has been listed as one of the strategic industries to receive support in the People’s Republic of China’s 13th Five-Year Plan for economic and social development (2016-20).

In addition, we expect to work with Yantai CIPU to explore opportunities to manufacture parts of the LIGHT system in selected geographic areas and the Board believes the Group will benefit greatly from the knowledge and contacts of the Han family, who ultimately owns Yantai CIPU. 

From our current commercial engagements and in discussion with key partners, such as Yantai CIPU, we have observed that the commercial focus of potential customers is on a technology partner that is able to provide an entire solution and not just a standalone medical equipment device isolated from other considerations such as building or financing. Customers are looking for a seamless integration of accelerator and treatment equipment; they are keen to speak to one team who will mobilise the relevant resources from a marketing, service, maintenance, technical and medical expertise; and the solution needs to consider their financial constraints. We are looking to establish additional partnerships like that with Yantai CIPU which allows us to respond to these customer needs. We are also assessing various opportunities for providing vendor financing to our prospective customers to ensure that we not only compete in terms of technology and costs, but also on our ability to provide a whole fully integrated solution.


In July 2017, we announced that a consortium led by one of our longstanding investors, AB Segulah, provided additional financing to the Group through a £3.9 million loan facility. At the same time we agreed with Bracknor to waive the requirement for the Group to drawdown the minimum of 10 convertible loan note tranches and declared that the Group would not intend to use the Bracknor facility in the future. Shares were issued in February 2018 to settle the loans. It was announced in May 2018 that all outstanding loan notes previously drawn down by the Company, as well as the conversion and commitment fees, were satisfied by the issue of new shares simultaneously placed to a Singaporean family office. 

The support shown by our Swedish investors during the year allowed us to approach long-term financing options from a stronger position, and so in December we also announced that Yantai CIPU, in addition to providing local knowledge and contacts, would make a significant equity investment in the Group.

Alongside Yantai CIPU’s subscription other investors agreed to subscribe for shares and we raised a total of £16.8 million before expenses. As part of this process we reached an agreement with the consortium to accept repayment of their loan in return for the issue of conversion shares.

Our Board wanted to ensure that dilution of existing shareholders was limited and with this in mind the agreement with Yantai CIPU was structured in such a way that we will benefit from the additional non-dilutive source of funding through the £16.5 million licence fee.

We are also greatly encouraged to see the extent of support from our Board as part of the Subscription and Placing and the degree to which they continued to purchase shares in the Group throughout last year and also the support of a new long-term shareholder M3T PTE Ltd with whom the remaining shares due to Bracknor were placed at the end of last month.

The conclusion of these investments has provided the funding foundations necessary for us to focus on making our proton therapy technology available to patients around the world and to progress towards the production and installation of our first LIGHT system in Harley Street, London.


The Group recorded a comprehensive loss of £14.7 million in the year ended 31 December 2017 (2016: £8.7 million), with shareholder funds as at 31 December of £28.7 million (2016: £34.0 million).

Cash and cash equivalents at the year-end were £56,479 (2016: £1,448,524), although these year-end figures do not take into account the post period financing agreements referred to above which have improved the liquidity of the Company.

In February 2018, the Group raised additional equity of £20.9 million through subscriptions, placings and the conversion of debt.  As detailed in a circular dated 22 December 2017, included in this was a subscription for £13.5 million by Yantai CIPU.    

In addition to this, the Group entered into an exclusive distribution agreement with Yantai CIPU to market and sell Advanced Oncotherapy’s LIGHT system across China, Macau, Taiwan, Hong-Kong and South Korea. Under the agreement, Yantai CIPU made a payment of £16.5 million to the Group, of which the final £10 million have been received in May 2018, completing the total £30 million investment from Yantai Cipu.                

Finally, the Group announced in May 2018 that it repaid all the loan made to the Company by Henslow Trading Limited. As a result, all the assets of the Group are now free of any security arrangement. 


We have worked hard this year to ensure that we had the best scientific and operational expertise at a Board level to aid us in our dual focus of completing the technological development of the LIGHT system and developing channels for future commercial roll-out of our technology.

During the year we appointed three Non-Executive Directors who bring considerable experience and expertise to our Board: Professor Steve Myers’ who is also Executive Chairman of our fully owned subsidiary, ADAM S.A., held previous roles as Director of Accelerators and Technology at CERN; Hans von Celsing, who has considerable experience in the business development of both radiation and proton therapy companies; and Dr. Nick Plowman a key opinion leader in radiation oncology technology and clinical oncologist at St Bartholomew’s Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital. 

In addition, the senior management team was reinforced by Ed Lee, who joined as Chief Operating Officer. Ed joined from Optivus Proton Therapy at Loma Linda University, site of the world’s first and longest running commercial proton therapy centre. Dr. Jonathan Farr also joined us from the St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, a world-renowned institution in paediatric oncology, as Director of Medical Physics. 


We know that there are millions of patients worldwide who could potentially benefit from, and deserve to have, access to the very best affordable, precision adaptive proton therapy technology. We believe strongly that it is unacceptable that they should have to settle for less than that.

We believe we are ideally placed to address this need given the LIGHT system’s modularity and linear design which lends itself naturally to mass production, shorter manufacturing lead times, easier installation/commissioning and a technology that not just offers significant cost advantages, but clinical advantages too.

The technological development of our LIGHT system remains on-track and we continue to proceed with a significantly reduced overall technology risk profile. Similarly work at Harley Street remains on schedule and with additional funding through our licence agreement with Yantai CIPU and the equity fundraise in which they and other investors participated we enter into the new financial year from a strong position.

In 2018 we expect to produce a beam capable of treating superficial tumours by the end of Q3 2018. The Board remain confident that we can deliver to these timescales. On behalf of the Board, we would like to thank all of our shareholders for their continued support and belief, and we look forward to further success ahead.


Dr Michael Sinclair

Nicolas Serandour

Executive Chairman

Chief Executive Officer

Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income



For the year ended 31 December 2017 – Financials in £






Cost of sales



Gross profit



Administrative expenses



Operating loss



Finance income



Finance costs



Loss on ordinary activities before taxation






Loss after taxation from continuing operations



Profit/(Loss) for the year from discontinued operations



Loss after discontinued operations



Loss for the period

Equity of shareholders of the parent company



Non-controlling interests





Other comprehensive income

Items that will not be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss:

Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations



Total comprehensive loss for the year net of tax



Total comprehensive loss attributable to:

Equity of shareholders of the parent company



Non-controlling interests





Loss per ordinary share

Basic and diluted

Continuing operations



Discontinued operations





Weighted average number of shares (000’s)



Consolidated statement of financial position



As at 31 December 2017- Financials in £



Non-current assets

Intangible assets



Property, plant and equipment



Investment property



Trade and other receivables





Current Assets

Trade and other receivables



Corporation tax R&D refund



Cash and cash equivalents








Total assets



Current liabilities

Trade and other payables








Non-current liabilities




Deferred tax





Total liabilities



Net assets




Share capital



Share premium reserve



Share option reserve



Reverse acquisition reserve



Loan note conversion reserve



Exchange movements reserve



Accumulated losses



Equity attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company



Non-controlling interests



Total equity funds



Compact, modular and easy to install: While other systems come in one size, LIGHT can be customised due to its modularity. This offers clinics an opportunity to expand their offering to other rooms and / or to increase system strength step by step as clinical needs develop. The fact that new modules can be added to increase output energy at any point reduces the commitment by healthcare providers to high upfront costs for systems that may not be fully utilised;

Precision: LIGHT’s proton beam can be moved very rapidly, allowing for more accurate temporal and spatial targeting of moving tumours. Furthermore, spot scanning allows a more conformal dose that can be altered to meet individual needs, and beam energy can be adjusted at source, requiring no absorbers or energy reduction devices. This is a unique feature of linear accelerators such as LIGHT and cannot be achieved with commercially available systems;


Consolidated statement of cash flows

For the year ended 31 December 2017 – Financials in £









Cash flow from operating activities

Loss after taxation















Finance costs







Finance income














Share based payments







Cash flows from operations before  changes in working capital







Changes in inventories







Property deposits made







Change in trade and other receivables







Change in trade and other payables







Cash (used) / generated from operations







Interest paid







Convertible loan costs paid







Corporation Tax Receipt







Cash flows from operating activities







Capital expenditure on intangible assets







Purchase of buildings plant and equipment







Interest received







Cash flows from investment activities







Cash flows from financing activities:

Equity share capital raised







Convertible loans







Other short term loans







Intra Group Cash Transfers







Cash flows from financing activities







Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents







Cash and cash equivalents at  01 January 2017







Cash and cash equivalents at  31 December 2017








The annual report for the year ended 31 December 2017 will be available from the Company’s website at www.advancedoncotherapy.com and will shortly be posted to shareholders together with a notice of Annual General Meeting to be held at 2:30pm on Wednesday, 25 July 2017 at the Royal Society of Medicine, 1 Wimpole Street, London W1G 0AE.

Advanced Oncotherapy #AVO – Notice of General Meeting

Advanced Oncotherapy (AIM: AVO), the developer of next-generation proton therapy systems for cancer treatment, announces that a circular convening the Company’s General Meeting to be held at the Royal Institute of British Architects, 66 Portland Place, London W1B 1AD at 10:00am on Tuesday, 23 January 2018, in relation to the transactions announced on 7 December 2017 has been posted to the shareholders of the Company.

Some of the details of the Conversion and the Placing, including the number of shares to be issued thereof, have changed marginally. The full terms of the Conversion and the Placing are set out in the Chairman’s Letter included in the Circular, the full text of which is set out at the end of this document.

Capitalised terms used in this announcement but not defined have the same meaning as in the Circular which has been posted to shareholders. 

For further information, please contact:

Advanced Oncotherapy Plc


Dr. Michael Sinclair, Executive Chairman

Tel: +44 20 3617 8728

Nicolas Serandour, CEO

Stockdale Securities (Nomad & Joint Broker)

Antonio Bossi / Ed Thomas

Tel: +44 20 7601 6100

Stifel Nicolaus Europe (Joint Broker)

Jonathan Senior / Ben Maddison

Tel: +44 20 7710 7600

Walbrook PR (Financial PR & IR)

Tel: +44 20 7933 8780 or avo@walbrookpr.com

Paul McManus / Anna Dunphy

Mob: +44 7980 541 893 / Mob: +44 7876 741 001

About Advanced Oncotherapy Plc www.avoplc.com

Advanced Oncotherapy is a provider of particle therapy with protons that harnesses the best in modern technology. Advanced Oncotherapy’s team “ADAM”, based in Geneva, focuses on the development of a proprietary proton accelerator called Linac Image Guided Hadron Technology (LIGHT). LIGHT’s compact configuration delivers proton beams in a way that facilitates greater precision and electronic control which is not achievable with older technologies.

Advanced Oncotherapy will offer healthcare providers affordable systems that will enable them to treat cancer with an innovative technology as well as lower treatment related side effects.

Advanced Oncotherapy continually monitors the market for any emerging improvements in delivering proton therapy and actively seeks working relationships with providers of these innovative technologies. Through these relationships, the Company will remain the prime provider of an innovative and cost-effective system for particle therapy with protons.



Advanced Oncotherapy plc

(Incorporated and registered in England and Wales under the Companies Act 1985 with registered number 5564418)


Dr Michael Sinclair, Executive Chairman

Michael Bradfield, Non-executive Director

Hans von Celsing, Non-executive Director

Prof. Stephen Myers, Non-executive Director, Executive Chairman of ADAM

Prof. Chris Nutting, Non-executive Director

Sanjeev Pandya, EVP, Global Business Development

Dr Nicholas Plowman, Non-executive Director

Nicolas Sérandour, Chief Executive Officer

Dr Euan Thomson, Non-executive Director

Dr Enrico Vanni, Non-executive Director

22 December 2017

Dear Shareholder,

Proposed Authority to Allot Shares and Disapply Pre-emption Rights

Notice of General Meeting

1.       Background

The Company announced on 7 December 2017 that it had entered into an exclusive distribution agreement pursuant to which Yantai Cipu was appointed as AVO’s exclusive distributor to import, market and distribute proton therapy products manufactured by AVO and its affiliates, including the Company’s LIGHT systems , on an exclusive basis across China, Macau, Taiwan, Hong-Kong and South Korea.

Pursuant to the terms of the Distribution Agreement, Yantai Cipu has agreed to pay to the Company an initial licence fee of £16,500,000 on Admission.

Yantai Cipu has also agreed to invest £13,500,000 in the Company by subscribing for 45 million Ordinary Shares in AVO at a price of £0.30 per share.  The Subscription is subject to several conditions, including Resolution 1 being approved by Shareholders at the General Meeting and the receipt of Government Approval for the transfer of the Subscription Monies from China. Further details of the terms of the Subscription Agreement are set out in section 1 of Part II of this circular. 

As the Company announced on 7 December 2017, it has raised a further £3,260,635 by a conditional placing of 10,868,782 new Ordinary Shares at the Subscription Price, such Placing being conditional upon the passing of Resolution 1 and completion of the Subscription. Executive Directors Dr. Michael Sinclair, Prof. Stephen Myers, Nicolas Sérandour, and Non-Executive Directors Dr. Enrico Vanni and Dr. Nicholas Plowman have agreed to participate in the Placing by subscribing, in aggregate, for 4,279,050 Ordinary Shares at the Subscription Price, representing £1,283,715 of the total amount raised.

Finally, conditional upon completion of the Placing and the Subscription, the Lenders have agreed to accept 13,697,697 new Ordinary Shares in full settlement of the Loan.  Interest accruing on the principal amount of the Loan between 1 January 2018 and Admission will be settled by the Company in cash.

The purpose of this circular is to explain the background to the Transactions and why the Board believes them to be in the best interests of the Shareholders as a whole and recommends that you vote in favour of the Resolutions.

Following completion of the Transactions, the total number of Ordinary Shares in issue will be 150,501,673 (assuming no conversion by third parties of existing rights to acquire Ordinary Shares) and Yantai Cipu will hold 29.90% of the enlarged issued share capital of the Company.

Pursuant to the terms of the Distribution Agreement, the Company has also agreed to issue to Yantai Cipu 500,000 Warrants to subscribe for Ordinary Shares in respect of each binding purchase agreement for the sale of a LIGHT system in the Territories, up to a maximum of eleven purchase agreements.  The Warrants will be exercisable for five years after the date of issue at an exercise price equal to 130% of the one-month average share price prevailing on the date of final payment for each relevant LIGHT system.

In order to ensure the Company can carry on operations independently of Yantai Cipu and that transactions entered into between Yantai Cipu or its associates and the Company will be on arm’s length terms and on a normal commercial basis, the Company has entered into an agreement which will regulate the relationship between Yantai Cipu and the Company, if and for so long as Yantai Cipu exercises Control (the “Relationship Agreement”). 

Pursuant to the terms of the Relationship Agreement, for so long as Yantai Cipu is entitled to exercise, or control the exercise of, more than 20% of the voting rights attaching to the Ordinary Shares in issue from time to time, Yantai Cipu will be entitled to appoint to the Board such number of non-executive directors as equals the same percentage of all Directors as its percentage ownership of Ordinary Shares, rounded down to the nearest whole number.  Accordingly, if the Subscription becomes unconditional, Yantai Cipu shall be entitled to appoint two non-executive directors to the Board from Admission.  Subject to completion of the requisite due diligence procedures for the appointment of directors to the board of an AIM company and to the approval of the Company’s Nominated Adviser (which is a requirement of any such appointment), it is expected that Mrs. Zhang RenHua and Mr. Chunlin Han will join the Board of AVO.  A further announcement regarding these appointments will be made in due course.

Shareholders should be aware that the funds committed by Yantai Cipu are not currently in the United Kingdom and the receipt of these funds is subject to approval from the Government of the People’s Republic of China for the transfer of the Subscription Monies to the United Kingdom. If such approval is not obtained by the Long Stop Date (subject to extension only as the result of a Force Majeure Event, as further described in section 1 of Part II of this circular), then the Transactions will not proceed.

A summary of the key terms of the Subscription Agreement, the Distribution Agreement and the Relationship Agreement is set out in Part II of this circular. 

2.       Rationale and Use of Proceeds

As part of its strategy to deliver an affordable proton therapy system that addresses the needs of patients, operators and payors, AVO has long recognised that the People’s Republic of China represents a significant opportunity for the Company with its potential need for a significant number of proton therapy centres.  Accordingly, the Board determined that finding a cornerstone investor with relevant local experience would be an important step for the Company.  The Company is therefore delighted to be partnering with Yantai Cipu as the exclusive distributor of the LIGHT system in the Territories. The Subscription is consistent with AVO’s strategy of focussing its resources on the technological development of the first LIGHT system and seeking to establish partnerships with businesses that have good market access and relevant expertise in their own geographies. Together, the Company and Yantai Cipu intend to explore opportunities to manufacture parts of the LIGHT system in the Territories and the Board believes the Company will benefit greatly from the knowledge and contacts of the Han family, who ultimately owns Yantai Cipu.

In due course, the Board is confident that there will be high demand for the Company’s products in the Territories, particularly as high-performance medical equipment has been listed as one of the areas to receive support in the People’s Republic of China’s 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development (2016-20).

In addition to providing local knowledge and contacts, Yantai Cipu is making a significant equity investment in the Company.  In association with Yantai Cipu’s Subscription, other investors have agreed to subscribe for 10,868,782 million Ordinary Shares at the Subscription Price to raise a total from the Subscription and the Placing of £16,760,635, before expenses.  Conditional upon completion of the Subscription and the Placing, the Lenders have agreed to accept repayment of the Loan in return for the issue to them of the Conversion Shares, thereby reducing the Company’s debt.

It was important to the Board that the dilution of existing shareholders was limited and for this reason the agreement with Yantai Cipu was structured in such a way that the Company will benefit from an additional non-dilutive source of funding in the form of the £16,500,000 Initial Licence Fee.

The participations by Yantai Cipu and other investors (including certain Directors) in the Subscription and the Placing, and their resulting holdings in the enlarged share capital of the Company on Admission, will be as follows:



Number of Ordinary

Shares for which subscribing at the Subscription Price

Number of Ordinary

Shares held on Admission

 Percentage of enlarged share capital held after completion of the Transactions

Yantai Cipu

£ 13,500,000




Dr Michael Sinclair, Executive Chairman

£ 500,000




Mr Nicolas Serandour, CEO

£ 500,000




Prof Stephen Myers, Executive Chairman of ADAM

£ 100,000




Dr. Enrico Vanni, NED

£ 137,500




Dr. Nicholas Plowman, NED

£ 46,215




Other investors

£ 1,976,920





£ 16,760,635





Following Conversion of the Loan, the Lenders will hold, in aggregate, 19,129,291 Ordinary Shares, representing 12.7% of the enlarged share capital of the Company on Admission, and 15,600,000 warrants to subscribe for Ordinary Shares.

A total of 150,501,673 Ordinary Shares will be issued pursuant to the Transactions.  In addition, pursuant to the terms of the Distribution Agreement, Yantai Cipu will be potentially entitled to receive Warrants to subscribe for up to 5,500,000 Ordinary Shares on the terms summarised in section 3 of Part II of this circular.

The Directors believe that the Transactions provide the funding foundations necessary to allow the Company to focus on making its proton therapy technology available to patients around the world. These funds will allow the Company to progress towards production and installation of its first LIGHT system in Harley Street, London, and will also be allocated for general working capital purposes. 

3.       General Meeting and Resolutions

The Board is seeking shareholder authority for the issue of equity securities in relation to the Transactions and additional authority for general use.

At the end of this document is a notice convening the General Meeting to be held at the Royal Institute of British Architects, 66 Portland Place, London W1B 1AD on Tuesday, 23 January 2018 at 10.00 a.m. at which the Resolutions will be proposed.

Resolution 1 provides authority to the Board, pursuant to sections 551 and 570 of the Companies Act 2006, to allot the Subscription Shares, the Placing Shares, the Conversion Shares and the Warrants. In the event that Resolution 1 is not passed, the Transactions will not proceed.

Resolutions 2 and 3 provide additional authority to the Board, pursuant to sections 551 and 570 of the Companies Act 2006, to allot Ordinary Shares and grant rights to subscribe for such shares.

Resolution 2 will permit the issue of Ordinary Shares pro rata to existing Shareholders and the issue of Ordinary Shares otherwise than to existing Shareholders for non-cash consideration.  The number of Ordinary Shares that may be issued pursuant to the authority in Resolution 2(b) will be limited to such number of Ordinary Shares as has an aggregate nominal value of £7,525,083.50, which equates to approximately 20% of the Company’s enlarged issued share capital on Admission. This authority will expire at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held in 2018, unless previously renewed, varied or revoked by the Company in general meeting.

Resolution 3 disapplies pre-emption rights in relation to the issue of Ordinary Shares under the authority granted by Resolution 2(b) such that such shares can be offered other than pro rata to existing Shareholders. The number of Ordinary Shares that may be issued pursuant to this authority will be limited to such number of Ordinary Shares as has an aggregate nominal value of £5,643.812.50, which equates to approximately 15% of the Company’s enlarged issued share capital on Admission. The authority granted under Resolution 3 will also expire at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held in 2018, unless previously renewed, varied or revoked by the Company in general meeting. 

The authorities sought at the General Meeting will replace the general authorities granted by resolutions 2 and 3 passed at the general meeting of the Company held on 31 March 2017.  They will not, however, replace the authority granted in resolution 1 passed at that meeting, which approved the Bracknor facility announced by the Company on 22 February 2017.  As previously announced, however, the Company does not intend to draw down further funds under the Bracknor facility.  The new authorities are being sought specifically to allow the Company to complete the Transactions and to enable the Board to take advantage of future business opportunities as they arise. 

Application for Admission will only be made following the passing of Resolution 1 at the General Meeting and receipt of Government Approval for the transfer of the Subscription Monies. 

4.       Action to be taken by Shareholders

A Form of Proxy for use by Shareholders in connection with the General Meeting is enclosed. Shareholders are requested to complete and return the Form of Proxy in accordance with the instructions printed on to the Company’s Registrars, Link Asset Services, PXS, 34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham, Kent, BR3 4TU as soon as possible, but in any event no later than 10.00 a.m. on Sunday, 21 January 2018. 

CREST members may appoint proxies by using the CREST electronic proxy appointment service and transmitting a CREST Proxy Instruction in accordance with the procedures set out in the CREST Manual so that it is received by Link Asset Services (under CREST ID: RA10) by no later than 10.00 a.m. on Sunday, 21 January 2018. The time of receipt will be taken to be the time from which Link Asset Services is able to retrieve the message by enquiry to CREST in the manner prescribed by CREST. 

Completion and return of a Form of Proxy or transmitting a CREST Proxy Instruction will not prevent a Shareholder from attending the General Meeting and voting in person should he or she wish to do so. 

5.       Recommendation

Your Directors believe completion of the Transactions and approval of the Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meeting are in the best interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole. Accordingly, the Board recommends that you vote in favour of the Resolutions as the Directors who hold shares in the Company intend to do in respect of their own beneficial shareholdings amounting, in aggregate, to 17,523,348 existing Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 21.70% of the issued share capital of the Company at the date of this circular.

Yours faithfully 

Dr Michael Sinclair

Executive Chairman

Advanced Oncotherapy #AVO – Exclusive distribution agreement for China and other geographies & new equity investments for a total consideration of £37m

Advanced Oncotherapy (AIM: AVO), the developer of next-generation proton therapy systems for cancer treatment, announces that it has signed an exclusive distribution agreement with Yantai CIPU Medical Technology Co. Ltd. to market and sell Advanced Oncotherapy’s LIGHT system across China, Macau, Taiwan, Hong-Kong and South Korea. Under the agreement, Yantai CIPU will make a payment of £16.5 million to Advanced Oncotherapy.

At the same time, the Company has secured £20.9 million of equity investments to fund the continuing technical development of its first LIGHT system and its installation at the Harley Street Proton Therapy Centre.

Key highlights

  • Advanced Oncotherapy to raise a total £37.4 million of financing, of which £30.0 million from Yantai CIPU and £7.4 million from other investors;
  • Yantai CIPU to pay Advanced Oncotherapy £16.5 million to market and sell Advanced Oncotherapy’s LIGHT systems across China, Macau, Taiwan, Hong-Kong and South Korea;
  • Yantai CIPU to subscribe for 45 million shares at 30p, raising £13.5 million equity finance;
  • Other investors to subscribe for 24.6 millionshares at 30p, raising £7.4 million. These other investors include members of the Board, as well as the members of the consortium formed by AB Segulah who are converting the loan made to the Company in July 2017 and interests of a total of £4.1 million;
  • The subscription price of 30p per share represents a premium of 2% to the volume-weighted average share price of one month prior to 1 December 2017.

Distribution Agreement with Yantai CIPU

Yantai CIPU and the Company have entered into a distribution agreement whereby Yantai CIPU has been appointed as the exclusive distributor in the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and South Korea of the LIGHT system, the Company’s proprietary proton accelerator. As part of the distribution agreement, Yantai CIPU has agreed to pay Advanced Oncotherapy £16.5 million. The receipt of funds is subject to approval from the Government of the People’s Republic of China for the transfer of monies to the United Kingdom.

Having already identified eleven potential installation sites for the LIGHT system, Yantai CIPU and the Company have committed to a target of three installations over the first four years and the financing of ten further systems following the regulatory approval of the LIGHT system in China. Going forward, the Board remains confident that there will be a high demand for the product, particularly as precision medicine has been listed as one of the strategic industries to receive support in the People’s Republic of China’s 13th Five-Year Plan for economic and social development (2016-20).

As part of the distribution agreement, Advanced Oncotherapy will issue to Yantai CIPU 500,000 warrants to subscribe for Ordinary Shares pursuant to the terms of a warrant deed to be executed by the Company at the time of admission of the new Ordinary Shares as detailed below in respect of each binding purchase agreement for the sale of a LIGHT system up to a maximum of 11 purchase agreements. The Warrants are exercisable for five years after issuance at an exercise price equal to 130% of the one-month average share price prevailing on the date of the delivery of a LIGHT System.

About Yantai CIPU

Based in Yantai, China, Yantai CIPU invests in the health industry, including the field of high-end medical equipment companies, both in China and internationally. Yantai CIPU is ultimately owned by the Han family.

Equity Investment from Yantai CIPU

In addition, Advanced Oncotherapy has signed a subscription agreement with Yantai CIPU, whereby Yantai CIPU will subscribe for 45,000,000 ordinary shares of £0.25 each in the capital of Advanced Oncotherapy (“Ordinary Shares”) at a price of 30p per Ordinary Share (the “Subscription Shares”), providing gross funds of £13,500,000. Shareholders should be aware that these funds are not currently in the UK and the receipt of these funds and of the funds under the Distribution Agreement is subject to approval from the Government of the People’s Republic of China for the transfer of monies to the United Kingdom.

In addition, the Equity Investment by Yantai CIPU is subject to the approval of the Advanced Oncotherapy shareholders as set out below and to completion of customary due diligence in relation to a new substantial shareholder in an AIM quoted company.

It is expected that Mrs. Zhang RenHua and Mr. Chunlin Han, will join the Board of Advanced Oncotherapy following completion of the subscription by Yantai CIPU and completion of the requisite due diligence procedures for the appointment of directors to the board of an AIM quoted company. A further announcement regarding their appointment will be made in due course. The Board expects that the Company’s strategy for the LIGHT system’s commercial roll-out in Asia will benefit greatly from the Han family’s extensive knowledge and experience in this area. Together, the Company and Yantai CIPU intend to explore opportunities to manufacture parts of the LIGHT system in the region.

Additional Subscriptions

Conditional upon completion of the subscription by Yantai CIPU, certain existing or new shareholders in the Company have also agreed to subscribe for, and/or convert outstanding loans into, new Ordinary Shares.

This includes the consortium formed by AB Segulah, a significant shareholder of the Company, AFMS Radgivning Och Invest AB, Peter Gyllenhammar AB, Mijesi AB and Emendum AB, who are converting the loan made to the Company in July 2017 and interests of a total of £4.1 million into 13,555,617 Ordinary Shares (the “Conversion”).

Executive Directors Dr. Michael Sinclair, Pr. Stephen Myers, Nicolas Serandour, and Non-Executive Directors Henri Vanni, and Dr Nick Plowman have agreed to subscribe in total for 4,279,050 Ordinary Shares at a price of £0.30 per Ordinary Share, providing additional funds of £1,283,715.

The subscription by Yantai CIPU, the directors and other investors and the Conversion will be subject to shareholder approval for the authority to issue the relevant Ordinary Shares as set out in a Circular to be sent to shareholders shortly. Following completion of these transactions, the total number of shares in Advanced Oncotherapy will amount to 150,501,672. Yantai CIPU will hold 29.9% of the enlarged issued share capital of the Company.

The participations by Yantai CIPU, AB Segulah, other investors and certain directors in the transactions set out above and their resulting holdings in the enlarged share capital of the Company will be as follows:

Investment Number of newly subscribed shares Percentage of enlarged share capital held after completion of the transactions
Yantai CIPU £ 13,500,000 45,000,000 29.9%
Consortium led by AB Segulah (Loan Conversion) £ 4,066,685 13,555,617 12.6%
Dr Michael Sinclair, Executive Chairman £ 500,000 1,666,667 4.4%
Nicolas Serandour, CEO £ 500,000 1,666,667 1.2%
Prof Stephen Myers, Executive Chairman of ADAM £ 100,000 333,333 0.5%
Henri Vanni, NED £ 137,500 458,333 1.1%
Dr. Nick Plowman, NED £ 46,215 154,050 2.4%
Other investors £ 2,019,543 6,731,812 4.9%
Total £ 20,869,943 69,566,479  

Lancea LLP advised the Company on the Subscription and Distribution agreements made by Yantai CIPU.

Status of loan facility by Metric Capital Partners

Advanced Oncotherapy and Metric Capital Partners have confirmed their intention to continue to work towards the provision of a £24 million loan facility. Terms and conditions are being updated to reflect the developments since the initial announcement of the agreement with Metric Capital Partners in May 2016.

Commenting, Nicolas Serandour, CEO of Advanced Oncotherapy, said: “I am delighted that we have been able to conclude deals to provide shareholders not only with the security of longer-term financing, but which also introduce a new experienced strategic investor with strong distribution capacity and already established commercial interest in Asia, particularly in one of our key target markets, China.

“It is a little over a year now since I took on the role of Chief Executive Officer and I am pleased to note that as the calendar year draws to a close we have successfully integrated and tested the proton source, RFQ and SCDTL significantly de-risking the development process. We are also pleased with the progress of the Harley Street site with the next stage of sub-structural work well underway.

“This deal is consistent with our strategy to focus our resources on the technological development of the first LIGHT system and to establish partnerships with those businesses that have a strong track record of market access and a unique expertise in their own geographies. With our long-term financing arrangements now well engaged we can continue to focus on making our unique proton therapy technology available to patients around the world.”

For further information, please contact: 

Advanced Oncotherapy Plc www.avoplc.com
Dr. Michael Sinclair, Executive Chairman Tel: +44 20 3617 8728
Nicolas Serandour, CEO  
Stockdale Securities (Nomad & Joint Broker)
Antonio Bossi / Ed Thomas Tel: +44 20 7601 6100
Stifel Nicolaus Europe (Joint Broker)
Jonathan Senior / Ben Maddison Tel: +44 20 7710 7600
Walbrook PR (Financial PR & IR) Tel: +44 20 7933 8780 or avo@walbrookpr.com
Paul McManus / Anna Dunphy Mob: +44 7980 541 893 / Mob: +44 7876 741 001
Lancea LLP (Advisors)
Pascal Isbell / Samuel Ogunsalu Tel +44 20 3301 8015 / +44 20 3301 8005

About Advanced Oncotherapy Plc www.avoplc.com

Advanced Oncotherapy is a provider of particle therapy with protons that harnesses the best in modern technology. Advanced Oncotherapy’s team “ADAM”, based in Geneva, focuses on the development of a proprietary proton accelerator called Linac Image Guided Hadron Technology (LIGHT). LIGHT’s compact configuration delivers proton beams in a way that facilitates greater precision and electronic control which is not achievable with older technologies.

Advanced Oncotherapy will offer healthcare providers affordable systems that will enable them to treat cancer with an innovative technology as well as lower treatment related side effects.

Advanced Oncotherapy continually monitors the market for any emerging improvements in delivering proton therapy and actively seeks working relationships with providers of these innovative technologies. Through these relationships, the Company will remain the prime provider of an innovative and cost-effective system for particle therapy with protons.

Directors Talk Q&A – Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) Mike Sinclair – Disrupting the Market

Advanced Oncotherapy plc (LON:AVO), Executive Chairman, Mike Sinclair provides an insight into his background in healthcare, his vision for AVO and the opportunity the Company has to transform the global radiotherapy market.

Q1: Mike, thank you for speaking with us. Can you tell us a little about your work in the healthcare sector before the creation of AVO?

A1: Sure; I’m a physician by training and began my career in the healthcare industry in 1971. Over the next forty-odd years, I founded and built, or had senior roles in, companies in the UK and the US, often working with institutional investors and/or with colleagues from prior ventures. Some of these companies had global markets, others were domestically focused; most became market leaders.

For example, Allied Medical (“AM”), where I was Chief Executive and which I founded, was acquired, grew to be the largest hospital management and healthcare personnel firm in Europe. I was subsequently recruited by Hospital Affiliates International (“HAI”), the losing bidder for AM, to create their international hospital division as President of HAI. HAI’s parent company then merged and had to divest its hospitals division, so I returned to the UK and founded Hospital Capital Corporation, which built and managed hospitals and nursing homes around the UK, many of which were subsequently sold to US-based firms. When Lifetime Corporation, a US home healthcare business I set up in the mid 1980’s and which was listed on the NYSE, was acquired in 1993 it had revenues in excess of $1 billion and was US market leader. Atlantic Medical was a US-domiciled healthcare venture fund, with portfolio companies focusing on IT and telecoms services for healthcare providers; one such company, Quovadx, went on list on NASDAQ at a highly profitable level for our investors. Finally, Care Capital, the forerunner to Advanced Oncotherapy, was originally set up in 1994 to develop, own and lease medical office buildings (“MOBs”) to healthcare operators and listed on AIM in 2006, ahead of its realignment to oncology in 2012.

Q2: You must have gained a lot of industry knowledge from those experiences, no?

A2: What I’ve learned, aside from how to nurture and run a successful, multinational healthcare business, is an intimate understanding of the nature of hospitals and the healthcare sector as a whole: how hospitals operate, how they are financed, how they provide their services, etc., in both the public and private sectors. That experience is particularly broad here in the UK, in the US, Middle East and in Asia. They are all significant for AVO: the UK is our home market and site of our flagship project in Harley Street, the US is an early adopter of proton therapy, the Middle East is playing catch up with Europe and the US, creating local centres of medical excellence, while Asia is a key growth market.

Q3: And in that context, what read through is there for AVO from your background?

A3:  Value-based care is an imperative for many healthcare providers. This may be obvious in the private sector, where costs are relatively transparent, and might be expected to be critical or to at least feature in the decision making process in the public sector; NHS England produced a discussion paper on this very subject in February of this year.

Lifetime treatment costs would be expected to be lower for proton therapy than X-ray based radiotherapy, due to less chance of developing serious side effects (which need medical care, and represent an additional cost), fewer treatment sessions (hypo-fractionation: less time needed in hospital so lower cost) and a reduced probability of secondary cancers from radiotherapy treatment later in life (particularly relevant in paediatric cases).

AVO’s goal is to reduce the immediate cost of treating each cancer patient, as well as cutting the lifetime cost. The modularity of LIGHT, our unique linear proton accelerator and integrated patient treatment systems, should allow for mass production, physical installation to smaller existing radiotherapy departments/buildings, reduced shielding requirements, more efficient commissioning and high patient throughput, all of which will help lower the immediate cost of treatment to any hospital or clinic. Lifetime costs should be cut further through LIGHT’s designed ability to vary the direction, the dose and the energy of the beam (performing active spot-scanning) hundreds of times per second, thereby targeting tumours accurately in a way that is not currently possible with cyclotron/synchrotron proton therapy systems.

Q4: What about the risks facing AVO; how would you describe those?

A4: The progress we’ve made recently has greatly reduced any technical risk and those aren’t my words but come from our scientific colleagues. Market risk is minimal as there’s a clear unmet medical need for proton therapy systems and recent advances in immunotherapy are likely to be complementary to proton therapy, as most cancers are treated with a combination of radiotherapy, surgery and/or chemotherapy. Furthermore, precisely targeted ultra high doses of ionising radiation i.e. what LIGHT is designed to be able to deliver, can be used to trigger what’s called the abscopal effect, whereby the body’s own immune response attacks outlying secondary tumours. We’re also doing everything we can to minimise regulatory risk. The main risk relates to AVO’s ability to stick to its plan; this is two-fold with management having to ensure the company remains focused on its priority, installing the first LIGHT system in Harley Street, and that we have sufficient funding to realise that goal.

I am continually humbled by our ability to attract the very best people in their fields to work at AVO. This gives me great confidence that we will achieve our targets. In addition, the Board is continually looking at ways to optimise our capital structure and ensure we are fully funded through to first patient.

Q5: And what of the opportunity for Advanced Oncotherapy plc?

A5: It is notable that some industry experts, such as Professor Jay Loeffler of Harvard Medical School, and who sits on our medical advisory board, expects proton therapy to completely replace X-ray based radiotherapy, if and when costs become similar for both treatments. Others believe the two approaches will be used to treat different types of cancers. Whatever the eventuality, there is a growing body of evidence on proton therapy’s clinical superiority.

I’ve had a long career in healthcare; AVO is, without a doubt, the most exciting project I’ve had the opportunity to be involved with.

AVO has the capacity to disrupt and gain significant market share in not just the proton therapy global market, which is set to break the $1 billion mark in the next few years, but the whole radiotherapy market. Bearing in mind that only around 1% of the world’s population in need of radiotherapy will receive proton therapy, the opportunity for AVO cannot be overstated.

Link here to the full interview on the Directors Talk website

Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) – Interim results announcement

Advanced Oncotherapy (AIM: AVO), the developer of a next generation proton therapy system for cancer treatment, announces its unaudited results for the six months ended 30 June 2017 and post-period events. 


·     Technological milestones reached with successful integration and testing of proton source, RFQ and SCDTL significantly de-risking development process

·     Progress at the Harley Street site on-track with next stage of sub-structural work underway through Deconstruct

·     Preparation of two production lines for LIGHT system commercial roll-out

·     Additional financing from consortium led by longstanding shareholder AB Segulah, with long-term financing options under consideration

·     Strengthening of scientific and operational expertise

·     Shareholder funds of £32.01 million as at 30 June 2017, up from £22.63 million a year earlier; cash and cash equivalents of £235,437, with a post period end £3.90 million financing from AB Segulah consortium and corporation tax R&D refund of £3.05 million received

Nicolas Serandour, CEO of Advanced Oncotherapy, said: “Technological development of our LIGHT system continues to be on track and, through the successful integration and testing of three of the four key structures of LIGHT’s accelerating system, we have significantly de-risked the development process and have overcome the greatest technical challenges that this system faces. We are now well positioned to accelerate the proton beam through additional SCDTL modules and, beyond that, to integrate the fourth key component, the CCLs. The Harley Street site also progresses well and our principal contractor Deconstruct remains on schedule.

“As our technological progress advances we find ourselves in a much stronger position as we assess financing options and we have been encouraged by positive feedback. We have been able to put financing agreements in place and we hope to provide an update to shareholders on longer-term financing options in due course.

“We will update shareholders regularly on our future progress and we remain on track to build a proton therapy system capable of treating superficial tumours by the end of Q3 2018.”

Advanced Oncotherapy Plc


Dr. Michael Sinclair, Executive Chairman

Tel: +44 20 3617 8728

Nicolas Serandour, CEO

Stockdale Securities (Nomad & Joint Broker)

Antonio Bossi / David Coaten

Tel: +44 20 7601 6100

Stifel Nicolaus Europe (Joint Broker)

Jonathan Senior / Ben Maddison

Tel: +44 20 7710 7600

Walbrook PR (Financial PR & IR)

Tel: +44 20 7933 8780 or avo@walbrookpr.com

Paul McManus / Anna Dunphy

Mob: +44 7980 541 893 / Mob: +44 7876 741 001

About Advanced Oncotherapy Plc www.avoplc.com

Advanced Oncotherapy is a provider of particle therapy in the treatment of cancer, which harnesses the very best in modern technology. Advanced Oncotherapy’s R&D team, ADAM, in Geneva, focuses on the development of a proprietary proton accelerator – LIGHT (Linac Image Guided Hadron Technology). LIGHT accelerates protons to the energy levels achieved in legacy machines but in a compact and truly modular unit, offering significant cost advantages. LIGHT also delivers proton beams in a way that facilitates greater precision and electronic control, which are not achievable with currently available alternative technologies.

Advanced Oncotherapy will offer healthcare providers affordable systems that will enable them to treat cancer with an innovative technology, offering better health outcomes and lower treatment related side effects.

Advanced Oncotherapy continually monitors the market for any emerging improvements in delivering proton or particle therapy and actively seeks working relationships with providers of these innovative technologies. Through these relationships, the Company will remain the prime provider of cutting edge, cost-effective systems for particle therapy.



I am delighted to update shareholders with our report for the six months ended 30 June 2017 and to provide a review of the further significant progress being made in the technical development of our next generation proton therapy system, LIGHT.

We are very pleased with the considerable advances that have been made to date with the successful integration of three of the four key structures for LIGHT’s accelerating system, a milestone which has greatly reduced the overall technical risk of this project. Progress at our flagship Harley Street site remains on track and additional funding agreements allow us to approach long-term financing options from a stronger base. We continue to be mindful of our future ability to meet a huge medical need with a successful commercial roll-out of the LIGHT system once development of our first system is completed and I will update on progress in this area below. We remain confident that demand for our next-generation proton therapy system will be strong and that additional commercial sales will be secured in due course.

Most importantly, we remain firmly on track to build a proton therapy system capable of treating superficial tumours by the end of Q3 2018, a critical milestone that once reached will mark a significant inflection point for delivering value to shareholders.

Technology update

During the six months to 30 June 2017 and beyond we have made significant advancements in the technology development and manufacture of our first LIGHT system. As a reminder, our system has four key components that are integral to the successful completion of a system capable of patient treatment. The first unit is the proton source which then feeds the protons to the second component, the Radio Frequency Quadrupole (“RFQ”). As we announced in March 2017, we achieved a significant technological milestone by firing a proton beam through the integrated proton source and RFQ at the maximum design-anticipated energy of 5 MeV. The next stage is for the beam to pass through the low-speed accelerators, the Side Coupled Drift Tube Linacs (“SCDTLs”), before passing through the high-speed accelerators, the Coupled Cavity Linac (“CCL”) modules, the fourth key structure.

Whilst all four structures had already been tested individually and the proton source successfully integrated with the RFQ and demonstrated to be functioning as expected, we were able to update shareholders earlier this month on completion of another key technological milestone: namely the successful integration and testing of three of the four key elements of the LIGHT system for the first time.

The integration of the first SCDTL with the RFQ and proton source, with acceleration of the proton beam through all integrated units marks a further de-risking of the technological development process, given that it is materially more challenging to accelerate protons at lower speeds. 

Much of the linear accelerator technology has already been validated through the successful testing of the Linac Booster (“LIBO”) prototype. LIBO is a “high speed” accelerator and most closely matches the design and operational requirements of the CCL modules, and so this, combined with the latest successful integration of the first three key LIGHT structures, should provide shareholders with confidence that the greatest technological challenges of this project have already been overcome.

During the period we also announced that the LIGHT system’s unique ionisation chamber was received from our partner Pyramid Technical Consultants Inc. The ionisation chamber is a critical element of LIGHT’s overall safety system, monitoring beam position, spot size and dosage, and will be part of the delivery system in the treatment rooms. In addition, the patient positioning subsystem, which includes the patient treatment chair and robotic arm which moves the chair and patient, had been completed and as other subsystems are completed, such as imaging and treatment management software, they will be integrated to form the whole Patient Positioning System (“PPS”).

Harley Street update 

Progress at 141/143 Harley Street continues apace and we are very pleased with the works already carried out by Deconstruct (UK) Limited (“Deconstruct”) who were appointed and are being paid by The Howard de Walden Estate as principal contractor to the Harley Street construction project. Deconstruct are highly experienced in strategic demolition and in particular in the technical expertise needed to preserve the integrity and appearance of Grade 2 listed buildings, such as 141/143 Harley Street.

Deconstruct came on site in January to carry out preliminary assessment and have already completed the structural demolition and enabling work required in the first stages of this project. The next stage of sub-structural works is now underway with the secant piling, required to secure the retaining walls in the basement of the building, now well underway. A short video on the progress of the site can be seen on our website here: www.avoplc.com

The work at Harley Street for the creation of the Harley Street Proton Therapy Centre, the site of central London’s first proton therapy centre, remains on schedule and we have every confidence that we are on-track for the site to be ready for installation by H1 2019 with first patient treatment expected by mid-2020. 

Future plans for commercialisation

Whilst the technical development of our first LIGHT system and the Harley Street site is a key focus of the Company we must also be mindful of our ability to respond to the huge worldwide medical need for access to an affordable proton therapy technology that can be easily installed and safely operated in areas of high patient population density.

To this end we continue to work with our manufacturing partners to make the preparations necessary for the manufacture and building of our completed LIGHT systems through the construction of two production lines capable of producing eight machines per year. Whilst these production volumes are expected at the initial stage of roll-out, we are well positioned to further ramp-up production of our system. Because of the LIGHT system’s modular nature, mass production capability, compactness and requirement for less shielding, we are in a good position to increase production to meet demand and also ensure lower manufacturing and installation lead times.

In terms of our existing pipeline for the LIGHT system, we continue to receive substantial interest in the technology. We remain in discussions for a second site in Birmingham. As well as this, we are looking at a number of sites in the USA and multiple other opportunities in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. We retain full distribution rights for the LIGHT proton therapy system in China and other countries in South East Asia and remain of the opinion that this will be an exciting and dynamic potential market for our technology and are confident that we will achieve commercial success here, having received strong indications of interest in this region already. 

Our confidence in LIGHT’s commercialisation is also borne out by the desire from the scientific and clinical communities for technical improvements in proton beam therapy. These include rapid proton beam modulation (direction, energy and dose), beam size and improved treatment planning and execution, all of which LIGHT is designed to offer.


Post-period end, in July, we announced that a consortium led by one of our longstanding investors, AB Segulah, provided additional financing to the Company through a £3.9m loan facility. At the same time we agreed with Bracknor to waive the requirement for the Company to drawdown the minimum of 10 tranches and declared that the Company would not intend to use the Bracknor facility in the future.

The support shown by our Swedish investors allows us to approach long-term financing options from a stronger position. We continue to assess additional long-term financing options and conversations have been encouraging, particularly in light of the reassurance that our continuing technological progress provides in terms of our ability to overcome the most challenging technical aspects of our development programme. We look forward to updating shareholders as these conversations advance.

Scientific and Operational expertise

With the need to deliver on both technological development and commercial roll-out into a clinical setting it is essential for us to have both scientific and operational expertise providing input at a Board level, ensuring that we continue to deliver to the expectations we laid out to shareholders in March 2017 and which we believe will be the catalysts for shareholder value. 

Professor Steve Myers’ contribution to the Board has been particularly welcomed given his hands-on experience as Executive Chairman of our fully owned subsidiary, ADAM S.A., and his past role as Director of Accelerators and Technology at CERN. Hans von Celsing, also appointed as a Non-Executive Director, has considerable experience in the business development of both radiation and proton therapy companies.

We also now benefit from the direct contribution at the Board level from Dr. Nick Plowman a key opinion leader in radiation oncology technology and clinical oncologist at St Bartholomew’s Hospital and Great Ormond Street Hospital.

We are aware of the need to ensure that our Board composition is appropriate and provides us with the necessary technical, medical and commercial expertise to deliver on our ambitious plans to become a world-leading manufacturer of affordable, accessible and most effective next-generation proton therapy systems. We are also greatly encouraged to see the extent of support from our Board in their own shareholding interests in the business and the degree to which they continue to purchase shares.

In addition, the senior management team was reinforced by Ed Lee, who joined as Chief Operating Officer. Ed joined from Optivus Proton Therapy at Loma Linda University, site of the world’s first and longest running commercial proton therapy centreDr. Jonathan Farr also joined us from the St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, a world renowned institution in paediatric oncology, as Senior Vice-President of Medical Physics. 


The Company recorded a loss of £6.78 million in the six months to 30 June 2017 (H1 2016: £5.34 million), with shareholder funds increasing to £32.01 million over the same period (H1 2016: £22.63 million).

Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2017 were £235,437, with working capital of £3.63 million, a post period financing agreement for £3.90 million and £3.05 million of the corporation tax R&D refund received.

The Board is having ongoing discussions with potential funders and remains confident that additional funds will be available as and when needed. 


There is an increasing demand for proton therapy globally, with millions of patients who could potentially benefit from this technology. While the access to this technology remains scarce, there is a significant unmet medical need the LIGHT system is uniquely suited to provide.

We are in a prime position to provide a novel and disruptive technology that advances current methods of cancer treatment in the UK and worldwide. There is mounting evidence for the clinical superiority of proton therapy over traditional X-ray radiotherapy. This evidence will only increase as more proton beam centres are built and more patients are treated. LIGHT’s modularity and linear design allow for mass production, shorter manufacturing lead times, easier installation/commissioning and offer both cost and clinical advantages.

The technological development of our LIGHT system remains on-track and importantly we have achieved the most challenging milestones in relation to the acceleration of protons, which has significantly reduced the overall technology risk of the accelerating system. Going forwards, we expect to update shareholders on newsflow in firing the proton beam through additional SCDTL modules, further news on the development of the PPS and on the directional dose delivery system.

Work at our Harley Street site remains on schedule and we believe we are in a stronger position to secure long-term financing, particularly as we continue to advance the technical development of our first LIGHT system. We continue to have strong commercial interest in future LIGHT systems.

We will continue to update shareholders on our progress as regularly as possible and remain confident that we are on track to deliver a world-leading proton therapy technology that will have a major impact on cancer treatments across the globe.

On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank our shareholders and everyone working towards our shared goal for their continued support and look forward to updating them further on our exciting journey.

Dr. Michael Sinclair

Executive Chairman 

29 September 2017 

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income




6 months to

6 months to

Year to











Cost of sales




Gross profit




Administrative expenses




Operating loss




Finance income




Finance costs




Loss on ordinary activities before taxation








Loss after taxation from continuing operations




Discontinued operations

Loss for the period from discontinued operations




Loss after discontinued operations




Loss for the period

Equity shareholders of the parent Company




Non-controlling interests




Other comprehensive income

Exchange differences on translation of  foreign operations




Total comprehensive loss for the period net of tax




Total comprehensive loss attributable to:

Equity shareholders of the parent Company




Non-controlling interests







Consolidated statement of financial position




6 months to

6 months to

Year to







Non-current assets

Intangible assets




Property, plant and equipment




Investment property







Current Assets

Trade and other receivables




Corporation tax R&D refund




Cash and cash equivalents











Total assets




Current liabilities

Trade and other payables











Non-current liabilities





Deferred tax







Total liabilities




Net assets





Share capital




Share premium reserve




Share option reserve




Reverse acquisition reserve




Loan note conversion reserve




Exchange movements reserve




Accumulated losses




Equity attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company




Non-controlling interests




Total equity funds





Consolidated statement of cash flows





6 months to

6 months to

Year to

Year to









Cash flow from operating activities

Loss after taxation











Finance costs





Finance income










Share based payments





Cash flows from operations before

changes in working capital





Changes in inventories





Change in trade and other receivables





Change in trade and other payables





Cash (used) / generated from operations





Interest paid





Corporation tax receipt





Cash flows from operating activities





Cash flows from investing activities:

Capital expenditure on intangible assets





Purchase of plant and equipment





Interest received





Cash flows from investment activities





Cash flows from financing activities:

Equity share capital raised





Convertible loan notes





Other short term loans





Intra Group Cash Transfers





Cash flows from financing activities





Decrease in cash and cash equivalents





Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period





Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period





A copy of the unaudited interim accounts for the six months ended 30 June 2017 is available from the Company’s website at www.advancedoncotherapy.com   

AVO – More LIGHT at the end of the tunnel – Wall Street Wires

by Spekulator at Wall Street Wires

Quick reminder. I am an active investor into smaller companies where I see (a) genuine value (b) good management (c) an unusual or groundbreaking product. Mostly a,b and c have to be present and correct, but I will make exceptions. I am invested into companies listed on Nasdaq, London main market, AIM and some NEX stocks (formerly ISDX or PLUS Markets).

Just over a month ago I published a small communique about Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO.L), a London AIM listed company developing a groundbreaking proton beam therapy machine to treat cancer. Before I bring you up to date on the latest moves, a quick reminder about what AVO (what most call them) do.

The AVO technology has been developed by ADAM, a spin-off company that AVO bought from CERN, the Hadron Collider people. The most advanced, atom-splitting, Higgs-Bosun particle busting company around has a medical spin-off owned completely by AVO. Clearly as before, both ‘a’ and ‘c’ receive a resounding tick.

Proton therapy for cancer has been around for a few years. It can be summed up as follows. If conventional radiotherapy is likened to throwing a blanket of radioactive beams over a patient to treat a tumour, then proton therapy is a needle of beams going directly to the tumour without affecting the tissue around it. Particularly important for growing children. Several well publicised cases have seen young lives saved and improved through this treatment.

The problem though is the size of the machine and housing required to insulate and treat safely. AVO is developing a LIGHT machine, which in comparison is the size of a bus versus a soccer field. In a March update, the AVO CEO Nicholas Serandour said the first LIGHT system “is expected to be capable of treating superficial tumours in Q3 2018.” That’s just over a year away. AVO is developing its own exclusive treatment centre in Harley Street, London to be completed by Q1 2019. That’s less than 2 years away.

Now we come to financing, where there have been problems: the company has had to go cap in hand to institutions to borrow money, sometimes at a punitive rate. This is due to delays in developing the LIGHT machine, something that as a technology investor I am used to.

An unpopular arrangement with Bracknor Investments meant that AVO borrowed money in exchange for shares and warrants, which worked fine so long as the shares didn’t dip below the nominal 25p. They did, so large fees and additional payments were due. Thankfully, a group of major shareholders under AB Segulah have provided a £3.9m loan to the company on far more agreeable terms, and will no doubt continue to support in future. The group of investors incidentally includes Peter Gyllenhammar, the former Volvo CEO and Aviva Chairman and a shrewd, pragmatic man. A crisis in funding at the company has now passed, and AVO now has a secure future.

I said before that the management team led by Nicholas Serandour and Michael Sinclair have attracted some leading medical practitioners to the board. These people have reputations, (in some cases legends) to protect among their peers. Clearly they (as do I) see the potential this company has to revolutionise the whole process of radiotherapy. Therefore ‘b’ also gets a tick.

Of course the vicious attacks that some so-called investor websites have been making on the company and the AVO management team continued after the funding announcement yesterday. Do these people have an agenda? Perhaps. But with security and funding now in place, AVO can complete the first LIGHT machine and the Harley Street Centre.

At just 17p per share, and a market cap of c£12m, AVO technology should start to deliver a material difference for cancer sufferers in the next few years. As this moves closer, I expect a commensurate increase in the valuation of the company.

Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) – Final results

Advanced Oncotherapy (AIM: AVO), the developer of next generation proton therapy systems for cancer treatment, announces audited results for the year ended 31 December 2016, another year of significant development of the Company’s LIGHT system.


·     First successful acceleration of the proton beam through the proton source and Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ)

·     Successful high power testing of the Side Coupled Drift Tube Linac

·     Harley Street planning permission granted in October 2016

·     Thales manufacturing agreement signed with the objective of seeing eight LIGHT systems produced each year

·     Further funds raised through Placing & Open Offer

·     Ongoing discussions regarding additional commercial opportunities for LIGHT installations

·     Shareholder funds of £34 million at 31 December 2016

Post Period End Events & Technical Milestones

·     Technical milestones reached and further progress made

·     Management team strengthened further with key hires

·     Deconstruct (UK) Ltd appointed as principal contractor at Harley Street; shell and core work well underway

·     Financing agreements secured with Bracknor Investment Group and Blackfinch Investment Ltd with additional financing options under consideration

Nicolas Serandour, CEO of Advanced Oncotherapy, said: “We made significant progress in 2016 in the commercialisation of our next-generation technology in the treatment of cancer – LIGHT, and while the year was not without its challenges, we have overcome these obstacles and look forward to successfully executing on the timelines that we outlined in March 2017. We should see further considerable progress in the Company and are confident that we are in a position to deliver against our timetable for success.”

Posting of Annual Report & Notice of AGM

The annual report for the year ended 31 December 2016 will be available from the Company’s website at www.advancedoncotherapy.com and will shortly be posted to shareholders together with a notice of Annual General Meeting to be held at 2pm on Wednesday, 19 July 2017 at the Royal Institute of British Architects, 66 Portland Place, London W1B 1AD

Advanced Oncotherapy Plc


Dr. Michael Sinclair, Executive Chairman

Tel: +44 20 3617 8728

Nicolas Serandour, CEO

Stockdale Securities (Nomad & Joint Broker)

Antonio Bossi / David Coaten

Tel: +44 20 7601 6100

Stifel Nicolaus Europe (Joint Broker)

Jonathan Senior / Ben Maddison

Tel: +44 20 7710 7600

Walbrook PR (Financial PR & IR)

Tel: +44 20 7933 8780 or avo@walbrookpr.com

Paul McManus / Anna Dunphy

Mob: +44 7980 541 893 / Mob: +44 7876 741 001

About Advanced Oncotherapy Plc www.avoplc.com

Advanced Oncotherapy is a provider of particle therapy with protons that harnesses the best in modern technology. Advanced Oncotherapy’s team “ADAM”, based in Geneva, focuses on the development of a proprietary proton accelerator called Linac Image Guided Hadron Technology (LIGHT). LIGHT accelerates protons to the energy levels achieved in legacy machines but in a unit that is a quarter of the size and between a quarter and a fifth of the cost. This compact configuration delivers proton beams in a way that facilitates greater precision and electronic control which is not achievable with older technologies.

Advanced Oncotherapy will offer healthcare providers affordable systems that will enable them to treat cancer with an innovative technology as well as better health outcomes and lower treatment related side effects.

Advanced Oncotherapy continually monitors the market for any emerging improvements in delivering proton therapy and actively seeks working relationships with providers of these innovative technologies. Through these relationships, the Company will remain the prime provider of an innovative and cost-effective system for particle therapy with protons.



I am very pleased to report another year of significant progress in our aim of delivering the ground-breaking LIGHT system (Linac Image Guided Hadron Technology), a next generation proton therapy system for treating cancer.

Since 2014, when we first set out detailed timelines for investors, the business has moved forward and we have adapted to the changing requirements we have faced as we continued along our journey. Back in 2014 we had no confirmed flagship site, no customers and no agreements covering our move into production manufacturing. Since then we identified a prime site in Harley Street, have partnered with Circle Health to operate the site, extended our original foot print on site, successfully gained planning permission for the site and completed the tender process for our construction partners. Whilst doing all of this we continued to make considerable advances in the technical development of our first LIGHT system and put in place the framework agreement with Thales that will ultimately provide Advanced Oncotherapy with the capacity to mass produce eight LIGHT units annually, to fulfil a pipeline of interest already established in the UK & Europe, the US and across Asia.

To reflect the changing requirements and opportunities that we faced, in March 2017 we outlined revised timelines for site readiness, patient treatment and technological development. We are confident that we will deliver to this timeline and remain committed to hitting these targets and regularly communicating our progress to shareholders.

Our technology and key differentiators

At Advanced Oncotherapy, we will offer healthcare providers affordable systems that will enable them to treat cancer with an innovative proton therapy technology which offers better health outcomes for patients and lower treatment related side effects. Our LIGHT technology offers the following advantages:

·   Lower  cost: Estimated cost of a multiple treatment room LIGHT facility will be in the region of USD40 million vs. USD160-200 million for those using cyclotrons or synchrotrons;

·   Precision: The beam energy from a LIGHT machine can be moved very rapidly during therapy, allowing the beam to more accurately target cancer cells and spare healthy tissues; 

·   Compact: LIGHT will be smaller and materially lighter than conventional proton therapy solutions, significantly reducing the size and construction cost of the facility required to house it;

·   Modular: LIGHT will be modular in nature providing healthcare operators greater freedom to customise their service to particular treatments i.e., providing lower energy accelerators for eye, head or neck treatments, and having the flexibility to increase this to higher energies through the addition of other modules for other more deep-seated tumours;

·   Lower shielding requirements: LIGHT will require less shielding than conventional proton therapy solutions.


During the year we made significant progress in our technological development of our first LIGHT system. The proton source, constructed by Pantechnik in France, was fully assembled and shipped to Geneva for testing and tuning. The Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ), the technology licensed from CERN which first accelerates the protons to 5MeV, was also assembled at the facility and successfully tested there.

At the end of the year we had fully integrated the proton source and the RFQ, following a successful testing and calibration programme. Whilst the acceleration and measurements predicted matched those expected from computer simulations, it was not until after the year end that the team’s hard work culminated in our biggest technical achievement to date: the first successful acceleration of the proton beam from 40keV to 5MeV. The significance of this first acceleration cannot be overemphasized as this is, by far, the hardest part of the acceleration process to achieve and the stage carrying the most technical risk. It is also worth remembering that the rest of the technology for accelerating the proton beam has been validated through the LiBo (Linac Booster) prototype.

During the year we also performed successful high power testing of the Side Coupled Drift Tube Linac (SCDTL) module, the accelerating structure positioned after the RFQ, which will ultimately be used to accelerate the protons to an energy of 20-25MeV.

Full details of our future key technical milestones are detailed below and we will continue to update shareholders on our progress as we aim to create a beam capable of treating superficial tumours by the end of Q3 2018.


The availability of the Harley Street site presented us with an enormous opportunity to showcase our unique technology and demonstrate its suitability for central city locations and, in particular, the technology’s ability to overcome the challenges associated with installation in a Grade 2 listed building in a prestigious and well known centre for medical excellence. Successful planning permission was a key milestone for the project’s development and, following the appointment of Circle Health as joint operator in October 2015, the Company was offered the opportunity to increase the site’s footprint. Whilst this did have an impact on the timing of receipt of planning permission and building works, ultimately it meant we had the go-ahead from Westminster City Council (granted in October 2016) for an enlarged footprint and capacity to create greater shareholder value in the long term. 

Post period end, The Howard de Walden Estate, the landlord of the Harley Street site, announced the appointment of Deconstruct (UK) Limited as the principal contractor. Preparatory works have been carried out and, following receipt of confirmation from Westminster City Council, Deconstruct have started shell and core work, which is now well underway.

As we outlined to investors in March 2017 based on initial quotes, on-site excavation and build times for the core and shell are estimated to take between 62 and 96 weeks with an additional 52 weeks for full fit-out, including the installation of cooling systems and power supplies. Whilst these estimates reflect the constraints associated with working with two listed buildings in a residential area, they compare very favourably to building times associated with the construction of multi-room proton beam facilities using legacy technologies traditionally built in large and remote areas. The team will endeavour to ensure that all construction and excavation will be carried out with minimal disruption and disturbance to the residents of Harley Street and the surrounding areas. We believe that the site will be ready for installation by H1 2019 and following regulatory approval and commissioning, the first patient treatment is expected in 2020.


In February 2016, we signed an industrialisation agreement with Thales to manufacture and build our completed LIGHT systems. Thales is a global technology leader for the Aerospace, Transport, Defence and Security markets.

The first major step of this partnership consisted of initial optimisation studies undertaken by Thales with the view to commissioning and building two custom-designed series production lines. This phase is well advanced and the future manufacturing hub has now been identified in one of Thales’ existing sites at Thonon, France. The terms for the manufacturing of the first LIGHT machine were finalised in October 2016. In addition, Thales has already started to carry out high power Radio-Frequency (RF) testing and conditioning of accelerating modules and sub-systems in its Velizy site near Paris.

For the second phase of this collaboration, the Company, with the support of Thales, is committed to building two production lines capable of producing eight machines per year. We continue working towards strengthening our collaboration through a focus on risk and rewards sharing. This approach encompasses both operational and financial considerations, a pre-requisite for disrupting the market for proton therapy.


During the year we raised £10 million (before expenses) through the issue of 10,000,000 new ordinary shares of 25 pence each in the capital of the Company at a price of 100p per New Share to new and existing shareholders. A group of Directors and Senior Management participated in this funding round and subscribed for a combined total of 3,155,000 of these shares. In addition, a further 3,378,771 shares were issued as part of an Open Offer.

At 31 December 2015 the Company had shareholder funds of £27.3 million and at 31 December 2016 the Company had £34 million. The increase of £6.7 million can be explained through the Company raising new equity funding of £14.2 million and an increase in share option reserve of £1.2 million, an increase in the exchange rate movement reserve of £1.6 million, offset by a retained loss of £10.3 million. 

During the year we also agreed access to further funds through an arrangement with Metric Capital Partners LLP, a Pan-European private capital fund manager, to provide £24 million of vendor financing for the purchase of the LIGHT machine in Harley Street. Whilst we subsequently removed the condition requiring a further £25 million cash or capital injection we have not yet drawn down on the facility, although the option to do so remains available to us.

Following the year end, we secured a flexible and staged £26 million financing agreement with Bracknor Investment Group, a Dubai based investment firm. The agreement gives the Company the ability to issue a minimum of £13 million in convertible loan notes (Minimum Requirement), in tranches of £1.3 million each, up to a maximum, at the Company’s sole discretion, of £26 million over 24 months, and was approved by shareholders at our General Meeting. The Company has a further option to raise up to an additional £26 million, on the same terms, for a potential total commitment of £52 million, provided issuance of the initial £26 million has occurred within the first two years.

In addition to this we signed a 12 month convertible and redeemable loan in March and June 2017 with Blackfinch Investment Ltd, at a conversion price of 100p, which provides net funding of £6.5 million. This agreement provides the Company with additional financing to complement the Bracknor financing facility and offers us added flexibility in terms of forthcoming financing requirements.

We continue to consider additional financing options, including non-dilutive financing, the facility with Metric Capital, and other possibilities and with these two funding options in place we have strengthened the position from which we approach these options.


As well as our facility in Harley Street, we have a number of commercial opportunities in the pipeline. In the USA, we are currently in ongoing discussions with three different sites in which we would install the LIGHT system. Site one is a one room system with the potential for a second room. The second and third sites are both two room systems. We also have a potential project in Spain and one in Italy. In terms of China and the rest of Asia, we are in ongoing discussions with key stakeholders to determine what the best way to proceed is. There are also opportunities in the Middle East and Australia with discussions underway at leading academic and clinical centres and we will update the market with further progress in our sales pipeline.


In 2016, we decided to realign the roles and responsibilities of the Executive team to add additional focus on operational functions. We decided that my roles of Executive Chairman of Advanced Oncotherapy and Chief Executive Officer be split. With that in mind, Nicolas Serandour was promoted to Chief Executive Officer, after joining the Company as Chief Financial Officer in September 2014 and then taking on the additional role of Chief Operating Officer in February 2016. This change was important as the agreement with Thales marked a shift in the business from just focussing on the development of the first LIGHT system, to the ongoing commercial roll-out of the game-changing technology. The future commercial development of the business will be critical to the long-term success and value creation within the Company.

We also appointed Michel Baelen to the Company as Head of Regulatory Affairs, Gerardo d’Auria as a new Technical Director and Ed Lee as Senior Vice President of Operations; in June 2017, Ed was appointed Chief Operating Officer.


In February 2017, we reached an agreement with Sinophi to terminate the purchase orders announced on 25 March 2015 and 21 October 2015. We have retained our full distribution rights for the LIGHT system in China and South East Asia and are now in a position to speak to hospitals, clinics, potential distribution partners and advisory bodies in the region. Although these events were disappointing for us, it did not take away from the fact that we still expect to see high demand for our first product, particularly in Asia, and continue to focus on the completion of our first installation.


As per our update in March 2017, the Harley Street facility will be the first site in the UK where the LIGHT system will be installed. Alongside our partners CircleHealth, we are also in discussions to build a system at a new hospital in Birmingham. We are in advanced negotiations with a number of sites in the USA, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Based on this, we are confident that we will secure additional commercial sales in the near future. 

In addition, a number of meetings have been held with regulatory bodies in Europe, the US and China, which provides us with the confidence we need to pursue a valid path to ensure future regulatory approvals. 

A summary of the key technical milestones is provided below:

By end Q2 2017

Delivery of all CCL units

Beam fired through RFQ

By end Q4 2017

Beam through SCDTLs at an energy of 20-25MeV

Development of the Patient Positioning System

By end Q2 2018

Beam fired through the first CCL

Directional dose delivery system (or Nozzle) ready for installation

By end Q3 2018

Beam capable of treating superficial tumours

Although much of 2016 was a challenging time, we have overcome the obstacles that we have come up against and look forward to successfully executing on the timelines that we outlined in March 2017. We should see further considerable progress in the Company and are confident that we are in a position to deliver against our timetable for success. 

We believe in people and the team around us involves some of the leading experts in their chosen fields. We are ideally placed with the right product and at the right time to enter a market with explosive growth rates. Our technology is disruptive and has the power to change the face of cancer treatment around the world. We have a clear path or commercial success with significant milestones coming this year. On behalf of all of our shareholders, I would like to thank them for their continued support and belief, and I look forward to further success ahead.

Dr. Michael Sinclair

Executive Chairman

23 June 2017

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income



For the year ended 31 December 2016 – Financials in £






Cost of sales



Gross profit



Administrative expenses



Impairment charge for investment properties



Operating loss



Finance income



Finance costs



Loss on ordinary activities before taxation






Loss after taxation from continuing operations



Profit/(Loss) for the year from discontinued operations



Loss after discontinued operations



Loss for the period

Equity of shareholders of the parent company



Non-controlling interests





Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations





Total comprehensive loss attributable to:

Equity of shareholders of the parent company



Non-controlling interests





Loss per ordinary share

Basic and diluted

Continuing operations



Discontinued operations





Weighted average number of shares (000’s)



Pre Share Consolidation




Consolidated statement of financial position



As at 31 December 2016- Financials in £



Non-current assets

Intangible assets



Property, Plant and equipment



Investment property





Current Assets

Trade and other receivables



Corporation tax R&D refund



Cash and cash equivalents








Total assets



Current liabilities

Trade and other payables








Non-current liabilities




Deferred tax





Total liabilities



Net assets




Share capital



Share premium reserve



Share option reserve



Reverse acquisition reserve



Exchange movements reserve



Accumulated losses



Equity attributable to shareholders of the Parent Company



Non-controlling interests



Total equity funds



Consolidated statement of changes in equity

For the year ended 31 December 2016- Financials in £







Equity share-





















Balance at

01 January 2015










Loss for the year





Total comprehensive






Arising on issues

of ordinary shares






Share based payment

– cost of raising finance




– employee services




– acquisition of ADAM




– other services




Group provision for

minority interest

Balance as at 31 December 2015









Balance at

01 January 2016









Loss for the year






Total comprehensive







Arising on issues

of ordinary shares





Share based payments

– cost of raising finance






– employee services






– acquisition of ADAM




– other services




Group provision for

minority interest




Balance at

31 December 2016











Consolidated statement of cash flows

For the year ended 31 December 2016- Financials in £










Cash flow from operating activities

Loss after taxation









Finance costs







Finance income














Impairment charge for investment property







Loss on disposal of subsidiary



Share based payments







Cash flows from operations before







changes in working capital

Changes in inventories







Change in trade and other receivables







Change in trade and other payables







Cash (used) / generated from operations







Interest paid





Corporation Tax Receipt







Cash flows from operating activities







Cash flows from investing activities:


Cash consideration received on

disposal of subsidiary undertaking







Disposal of plant and equipment







Cash disposed with subsidiary







Capital expenditure on intangible assets







Purchase of buildings plant and equipment







Interest received







Cash flows from investment activities







Cash flows from financing activities:

Equity share capital raised







Other short term loans







Intra Group Cash Transfers







Cash flows from financing activities







Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents








Cash and cash equivalents at 01 January 2016








Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 2016







The annual report for the year ended 31 December 2016 will be available from the Company’s website at www.advancedoncotherapy.com and will shortly be posted to shareholders together with a notice of Annual General Meeting to be held at 2pm on Wednesday, 19 July 2017 at the Royal Institute of British Architects, 66 Portland Place, London W1B 1AD

AVO – Give me some LIGHT – Wall Street Wires

by Spekulator at Wall Street Wires

An introduction. I am an active investor into smaller companies where I see (a) genuine value (b) good management (c) an unusual or groundbreaking product. Mostly a,b and c have to be present and correct, but I will make exceptions. I am invested into companies listed on Nasdaq, London main market, AIM and some NEX stocks (formerly ISDX or PLUS Markets).

I have been asked to add some stories to Wall Street Wires as my particular brand of publishing has caught the eye of many a publisher over the years.

So today, I am asking a question. One company in particular is in my sights at the moment as a company that is undervalued and has an unusual, groundbreaking product that will save lives.

I am talking about Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO.L), a London AIM listed company developing a groundbreaking proton beam therapy machine to treat cancer. Lets call them AVO – most people do. The AVO technology has been developed by ADAM, a spin-off company that AVO bought from CERN, the Hadron Collider people. Let that sink in for a moment. The most advanced, atom-splitting, Higgs-Bosun particle busting company around has a medical spin-off owned completely by AVO. Both ‘a’ and ‘c’ receive a resounding tick.

Proton therapy for cancer has been around for a few years. It can be summed up as follows. If conventional radiotherapy is likened to throwing a blanket of radioactive beams over a patient to treat a tumour, then proton therapy is a needle of beams going directly to the tumour without affecting the tissue around it. Particularly important for growing children. Several well publicised cases have seen young lives saved and improved through this treatment.

The problem though is the size of the machine and housing required to insulate and treat safely. AVO is developing a LIGHT machine, which in comparison is the size of a bus versus a soccer field. In a March update, the AVO CEO Nicholas Serandour said the first LIGHT system “is expected to be capable of treating superficial tumours in Q3 2018.” That’s just over a year away. AVO is developing its own exclusive treatment centre in Harley Street, London to be completed by Q1 2019. That’s just under 2 years away. Sound good so far.

There have been some problems with financing. I have watched the news this year as the company has had to go cap in hand to institutions to borrow money, sometimes at a punitive rate. This is due to delays in developing the LIGHT machine, something that as a technology investor I am used to.

I have also read with surprise the vicious attacks that some so-called investor websites have been making on the company and the AVO management team, blaming them for the fall in share price, for which it seems the investor websites can partly be blamed for bringing about. Do they have any vested interest there? I wonder?

The AVO management team led by Nicholas Serandour and Michael Sinclair have attracted some leading medical practitioners to the board. These people have reputations, (in some cases legends) to protect among their peers. Clearly they (as do I) see the potential this company has to revolutionise the whole process of radiotherapy. Therefore ‘b’ also gets a tick.

Each LIGHT machine will sell for around $40m. The company has the funding now in place to take it through to complete the first LIGHT machine and the Harley Street Centre. Yet it has a stock market value of just £13m. At 17p per share, investing into AVO should deliver a handsome profit over the next few years. Plus once the machine is treating patients it will save lives. Think about that.

Read the full story here

Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) – Director Dealing

Advanced Oncotherapy (AIM: AVO), the developer of next-generation proton therapy systems for cancer treatment, announces that yesterday the Directors below purchased ordinary shares of 25 pence in the Company.

Director No of Ordinary Shares purchased


Price paid Resultant shareholding


%  of the issued share capital
Dr Michael Sinclair, Executive Chairman 100,000 28.35p 4,728,229 6.51%
Dr Enrico Vanni, Non-Executive Director 100,000 28.50p 923,946 1.27%


Advanced Oncotherapy Plc www.avoplc.com
Dr. Michael Sinclair, Executive Chairman Tel: +44 20 3617 8728
Nicolas Serandour, CEO  
Stockdale Securities (Nomad & Joint Broker)  
Antonio Bossi / David Coaten Tel: +44 20 7601 6100
Stifel Nicolaus Europe (Joint Broker)  
Jonathan Senior / Ben Maddison Tel: +44 20 7710 7600
Walbrook PR (Financial PR & IR) Tel: +44 20 7933 8780 or avo@walbrookpr.com
Paul McManus / Anna Dunphy Mob: +44 7980 541 893 / Mob: +44 7876 741 001

About Advanced Oncotherapy plc www.avoplc.com 

Advanced Oncotherapy is a provider of particle therapy with protons that harnesses the best in modern technology. Advanced Oncotherapy’s team “ADAM”, based in Geneva, focuses on the development of a proprietary proton accelerator called Linac Image Guided Hadron Technology (LIGHT). LIGHT accelerates protons to the energy levels achieved in legacy machines but in a unit that is a quarter of the size and between a quarter and a fifth of the cost. This compact configuration delivers proton beams in a way that facilitates greater precision and electronic control which is not achievable with older technologies. 

Advanced Oncotherapy will offer healthcare providers affordable systems that will enable them to treat cancer with an innovative technology as well as better health outcomes and lower treatment related side effects.

Advanced Oncotherapy continually monitors the market for any emerging improvements in delivering proton therapy and actively seeks working relationships with providers of these innovative technologies. Through these relationships, the Company will remain the prime provider of an innovative and cost-effective system for particle therapy with protons.

Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) – Additional financing agreement

Advanced Oncotherapy plc (AIM: AVO), the developer of next generation proton therapy systems for cancer treatment, announces that on Friday 24 March it signed an additional 12-month convertible and redeemable loan, at a conversion price of 100p, which will provide net funding of £3m, with an option to draw-down a further £2m within the next 60 days.

The financing agreement with Blackfinch Investment Ltd, through its subsidiary Henslow Trading Limited, provides the Company with additional financing to complement the proposed financing facility with Bracknor which was announced on 22 February 2017 and added flexibility in terms of forthcoming financing requirements.

Terms of the Loan Agreement

  • 1 year loan
  • £3m loan, with option to draw down further £2m
  • Interest rate of 11%
  • Repayment in cash at maturity, or possibility at discretion of the lender at any time within the next 12 months to convert all or part of the loan into Advanced Oncotherapy shares at a conversion price of 100p per share
  • 1,000,000 warrants will be issued at an exercise price of 150p, exercisable for 5 years

Loan security

The loan is secured on the Company’s lease for 141-143, Harley Street and on certain other equipment of the Company. Should the Company not meet its obligations under the Loan Agreement and after a four month period during which the lease is offered for sale, Michael Sinclair, Executive Chairman of the Company, has agreed with Blackfinch to buy back the lease at a value equivalent to the outstanding amount of the £3m loan plus accrued interest and expenses. Michael Sinclair has also undertaken to the Company that, should he be required to buy back the lease from Blackfinch he will offer to the then shareholders of the Company to participate in the buy back on the same terms as his participation pro rata for their shareholding in the Company.

Related party transaction

The offer by Michael Sinclair to buy back the lease from Blackfinch which is part of the loan agreement with Blackfinch constitutes a transaction with a related party under the AIM Rules for Companies.  In accordance, therefore, with the AIM Rules, the directors of the Company, with the exclusion of Michael Sinclair, having consulted with the Company’s nominated adviser, Stockdale Securities Limited, consider that the terms of Michael Sinclair’s entering into the agreement with Blackfinch are fair and reasonable insofar as the Company’s shareholders are concerned.

The Company expects to draw down on the £3m shortly and this will provide additional funds outside of the proposed Bracknor arrangement.

Commenting, Nicolas Serandour, CEO of Advanced Oncotherapy, said: “This additional funding option from Blackfinch provides us with the flexibility to utilise this facility for our financing needs, and complements the funding option and security provided by the Bracknor facility. We continue to consider additional financing options, including non-dilutive financing, the facility with Metric Capital, and other possibilities and with these two funding options in place we have strengthened the position from which we approach these options.”

Commenting, Richard Cook, CEO of Blackfinch Investment, said: “I am delighted that Blackfinch has been able to work with Advanced Oncotherapy plc in providing finance at this exciting stage within their corporate journey. The technology which will be provided from Advanced Oncotherapy’s work can help to improve lives, which is, of course, a great positive. I look forward to watching the progress over the coming months and seeing the benefits of the work unfold.”


For further information, please contact:


Advanced Oncotherapy plc www.avoplc.com
Nicolas Serandour, Chief Executive Officer Tel: +44 20 3617 8728
Michael Sinclair, Executive Chairman
Stockdale Securities (Nomad & Joint Broker) Tel: +44 20 7601 6100
Antonio Bossi / David Coaten
Stifel Nicolaus Europe (Joint Broker) Tel: +44 20 7710 7600
Jonathan Senior / Ben Maddison
Walbrook PR (Financial PR & IR) Tel: +44 20 7933 8780 or avo@walbrookpr.com
Paul McManus Mob: +44 7980 541 893
Anna Dunphy Mob: +44 7876 741 001

About Advanced Oncotherapy plc www.avoplc.com

Advanced Oncotherapy is a provider of particle therapy with protons that harnesses the best in modern technology. Advanced Oncotherapy’s team “ADAM”, based in Geneva, focuses on the development of a proprietary proton accelerator called Linac for Image Guided Hadron Therapy (LIGHT). LIGHT accelerates protons to the energy levels achieved in legacy machines but in a unit that is a quarter of the size and between a quarter and a fifth of the cost. This compact configuration delivers proton beams in a way that facilitates greater precision and electronic control which is not achievable with older technologies.

Advanced Oncotherapy will offer healthcare providers affordable systems that will enable them to treat cancer with an innovative technology as well as better health outcomes and lower treatment related side effects.

Advanced Oncotherapy continually monitors the market for any emerging improvements in delivering proton therapy and actively seeks working relationships with providers of these innovative technologies. Through these relationships, the Company will remain the prime provider of an innovative and cost-effective system for particle therapy with protons.

About Blackfinch www.blackfinch.com

Blackfinch is an established UK provider of tax-efficient investment solutions. Their philosophy is based on transparency and simplicity and their services provide real solutions to real financial planning challenges faced by individuals today.

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