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Chinese fluorspar prices rise on steel turnaround, supply constraints – IndMin

First published Friday 24 February 2017

Fluorspar prices have risen post the Spring Festival in China as a stronger domestic steel industry boosted metspar grades and supply constraints lent support to the acidspar market.

Chinese fluorspar prices have risen for the first time since October as markets picked up after Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, holiday.

Metspar grades rose by about $10/tonne over the past week, according to IM’s assessment on 23 February….

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Fluorspar prices remain stable amid increasing supplies – Tertiary Minerals (TYM)

TYM1Spot fluorspar prices in Europe have remained unchanged despite increased supplies in the market. Many expect the recovering steel sector to support feedstock metspar prices.

Metspar spot prices have remained largely stable in Europe over the last couple of week despite increased supplies reaching Turkey, market sources told Industrial Minerals.

Turkey is receiving more materials from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran, as it is the main export destination from the three producing countries, a trader active in…Full article here


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