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Power In The Community – Alan Green talks to Paysme CEO Derek Stewart

Paysme’s mission is powering the first FinTech Super App championing underserved small business communities to accelerate their transition to a growing digital economy & unlocking their full potential. Alan Green talks to CEO Derek Stewart about the journey to develop the company, and his mission to help our community of small business customers take control of their finances. The opportunity and scale is almost limitless: Derek talks about the Paysme Black Cab app, the Marketti business toolkit app, which includes e-commerce, mobile payments & digital marketing solutions and the FansLive app for football clubs, which helps engage fans through ticketing, club news and social media. We then look at the cash position: Derek talks through the initial funding round, (shareholders include a former Spurs Premier League player), and the current EIS qualifying round, where investors can engage as shareholders through Paysme’s digital investment platform hosted by Globacap. Paysme are raising £1m for a 16% stake in the company.

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