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Vox Market Podcast – Alan Green on Bidstack, Oxford Cannabinoid, Dekel Agri-Vision & East Star Resources

Alan Green CEO of Brand Communications gets stuck into Bidstack #BIDS and covers
Oxford Cannabinoid #OCTP
Dekel Agri-Vision #DKL
East Star Resources #EST


Listen- https://audioboom.com/posts/8381872-alan-green-on-bidstack-oxford-cannabinoid-dekel-agri-vision-east-star-resources

The Vox Markets Podcast – Alan Green discusses Altona Rare Earths, Frontier IP & Warpaint

Alan Green CEO of Brand Communications discusses:
Altona Rare Earths #REE
Frontier IP Group #FIPP
Warpaint London #W7L


Listen- https://audioboom.com/posts/8373098-alan-green-discusses-altona-rare-earths-frontier-ip-warpaint

#UKIM Podcast – UK Property Shares, #AVCT Avacta, and #ECR ECR Minerals with Alan Green

The UK Investor Magazine was thrilled to welcome Alan Green back to the Podcast to discuss a selection of UK shares and the macroeconomic backdrop.

Register for Investment Trust Conference here.

We discuss:

  • Barratt Developments (LON:BDEV)
  • Avacta (LON:AVCT)
  • ECR Minerals (LON:ECR)

UK CPI inflation surprisingly fell to 6.7% in the year to August from 6.8% the month before. Expectations were for CPI read of 7%. We explore the consequences for housebuilding shares and the wider FTSE 250.

Avacta made a landmark announcement yesterday on the clinical trials of their AVA6000 chemotherapy drug. Alan breaks the release down and what to look for in the coming weeks from Avacta.

We finish with a look at the recent developments at ECR Minerals.

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#VOX Market Podcast – Alan Green discusses Watches of Switzerland, Bidstack & Voyager Life

Alan Green CEO of Brand Communications discusses
Watches of Switzerland #WOSG
Bidstack #BIDS
Voyager Life #VOY


Listen- https://audioboom.com/posts/8361912-alan-green-discusses-watches-of-switzerland-bidstack-voyager-life


UK Investor Magazine Podcast – CEO Alan Green discusses #GGP Greatland Gold, #KDNC Cadence Minerals and #TSP TruSpine Technologies

investorThe UK Investor Magazine is joined by Alan Green for a deep dive into a selection of UK equities and key market themes.

We start by looking at recent macroeconomic developments and what they mean for markets. The FTSE 100 has slipped on debt ceiling fears and was staging a minor relief rally on news the House of Representatives had approved a deal.

We look at UK house prices and the implications for FTSE 100 housebuilders.

Greatland Gold has issued updates on funding and joint ventures this week. Alan provides an overview and explores the significance for the company.

Alan continues with a rundown of developments at Cadence Minerals’ Amapa iron ore project and investment in Evergreen Lithium.

We finish with an update on Truspine.

UK housebuilders, Greatland Gold, and a Cadence Minerals’ Lithium Update with Alan Green – UK Investor Magazine

#UKIM Podcast – Rolls Royce, UK interest rates, and Golden Metal Resources with Alan Green

Alan Green joins the Podcast as we delve into a selection of UK equities and key market themes.

We discuss:

  • Rolls Royce (LON:RR)
  • Golden Metal Resources (LON:GMET)
  • Truspine (LON:TSP)

Rolls Royce shares have had a sterling start to 2023. We take a look at their Q1 2023 update and review their guidance. Alan provides his view on shares going forward.

Golden Metal Resources listed this week raising just under £2m. We provide an overview of the company.

We finish looking at the saga at Truspine.

Listen- https://ukinvestormagazine.co.uk/rolls-royce-uk-interest-rates-and-golden-metal-resources-with-alan-green/

#UKIM Podcast – #LLOY Lloyds, the banking crisis, and #URAH URA Holdings with Alan Green

The UK Investor Magazine was joined by Alan Green for our regular instalment of UK equities and key market themes.

We discuss:

  • Lloyds (LON:LLOY)
  • URA Holdings (LON:URAH)
  • Seed Capital Solutions (LON:SCSP)

Lloyds profits jumped as a result of higher interest rates and lower-than-expected impairment charges. The share price was ebbing away during the recording of this Podcast, we look at possible reasons why.

URA Holdings has come back onto Alan’s radar in recent weeks – we discuss the factors driving the recent rise in shares. Alan is a long-term holder.

We finish with a rundown of newly listed Seed Capital Solutions.


Listen- https://ukinvestormagazine.co.uk/lloyds-the-banking-crisis-and-ura-holdings-with-alan-green/

UK Investor Magazine Podcast – CEO Alan Green discusses #HSBA HSBC , #POW Power Metal Resources and #TEK Tekcapital

HSBC has stepped in to buy SVB’s UK arm and provide certainty to their deposit holders. This has avoided immediate contagion but investors a still clearly uncertain about the medium term consequences as the FTSE 100 drops another 2% in early trade on Monday.

Tekcapital has announced MicroSalt has added another distributor in H Mart. H Mart will stock their SaltMe crisps.

We also look at Power Metal Resources and their change of personnel. Paul Johnson will stand down as CEO, but will remain a part of the company.

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