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Malcolm Stacey, ShareProphets – You’ll Need to Be Brave to Invest in this Gold Explorer – But You Never Know
Hello, Share Travellers. Though the Footsie is moving up, there’s scant news to keep things bubbling along even faster. As usual, at this time of year, more traders are on hols with their kids and volumes go down. So by way of a change, may I bring to your attention ECR Minerals #ECR a gold explorer in Australia. Sounds risky – and of course it jolly well is…
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The Tray Now Standing on Platform BigDish #DISH could Head for Brighter Prospects – ShareProphets
by Malcolm Stacey
Hello Share Munchers. Now here’s a novel idea for the technological age. You’ve heard of Late Rooms which began as a way of filling empty hotels at the last minute. Well, BigDish (DISH) aims to perform similarly for restaurants. The company helps to fill tables at quiet times by offering quickly applied discounts.
Folks can get these bargain meals through the BigDish app or its website platforms. In return, the restaurants pay a fee for every customer. The share rose by 17% this week. This was on the news that a new BigDish platform has gone live in Swindon. Reading has also been added as a new location. Then BigDish comes to Taunton in a few days time. Winchester is also on the list. You may have noticed that most of these towns are within commuter distance of London. Earlier this month, it launched in Basingstoke and Exeter. Brighton will come soon. In fact, the company plans to expand throughout the UK.
So we could be looking at an early opportunity to take part is something which becomes really tasty. Though we shouldn’t perhaps get too carried away as all good ideas attract competition. And it could be from a firm with more expansion money.
Nevertheless, BigDish has a good idea here. And it should help overcome the trials that mid-range restaurants are said to be going through at the moment (like Jamie Oliver’s). In fact, the more restaurants struggle to put bums on seats, the more BigDish could flourish.
The share price has shot up since mid-April, but as expansion continues in what seem to me like wealthier southern areas, it’s possible that the share price will climb on each new location. After all, it doesn’t require too much dosh to keep adding locations. It’s not like buying a new lorry every week.
And now let’s rejoin the Punter’s Return.
Link to the full ShareProphets article here
ShareProphets – Do You Feel Lucky, Punk? This Small Gold Explorer May Hit the Jackpot – or Not
By Malcolm Stacey – ShareProphets
Hello Share Turners. Say what you like about Fulham-based ECR Minerals (ECR) it is a mining company which likes to keep its shareholders up to date for every step of the way. It seems to me hardly a week goes by without it posts some news or other. The danger is that we tire of reading everything and consequently miss something which is important.
ECR describes itself as a precious metals exploration and development company. Its exploring for gold in the state of Victoria, Australia. Now you need the mining expertise of my brainy Shareprophets colleague Gary Newman to understand this company’s many pronouncements.
But it seems to me from their latest bulletin, that recent exploratory drilling may be encouraging. It points to a possibility of accessible gold at its Black Cat holding in the state of Victoria. ECR’s wholly owned Australian subsidiary Mercator Gold Australia Pty Ltd has 100% ownership of the project. I believe some deeper drilling is now required.
The Black Cat area has not been mined before, so I suppose anything might happen. But the company’s CEO Craig Brown said ‘I’m delighted with the positive outcomes from this programme. As well as some encouraging grades, the drilling has provided important geological information which may help vector further exploration in the project area towards achievement of ECR’s prime strategic objective, which is the discovery of a multi-million ounce gold deposit.”
Well, that’s not exactly mind-blowing news, and you can expect him to be optimistic. But imagine the jump in share price if a ‘multi-million ounce gold deposit’ is found out there. As always, there is a huge investment risk in exploring for gold. And the safer way to invest in the big glitter is choose already successful miners.
But if you’re not adverse to highly speculative punts (though I am) and you only consider a small outlay, then ECR might be worth some further research.
Unlike the Punter’s Return.
Link to ShareProphets article here
Take a Look at Prairie and You Might See Greener Grass on the Other Side – Malcolm Stacey, ShareProphets
Hello Share Splurgers. The name Prairie Mining (PDZ) might give an impression that it’s a green company. Yet it deals in coal. But this coal is ideal for making coke, and from school days I think this is a cleaner alternative to the stuff we burned to keep the ‘frost flowers’ from the inside of our windows in the ‘fifties.
Since I bought into Prairie in December, the shares have risen from 30p to 39p. Which is up by about a third. Not bad. But I have grounds for believing that the jolly action isn’t over yet. Luckily, Prairie was one of my Shareprophets tips for 2018 and I continue to have great faith in this lot.
Coke is used to make steel. You’ll be aware that sales of steel, so depressed a few years ago, are making a comeback. It’s all this structural work being done by the emerging nations. As well as big projects in the developed world – including that big new rail plan here in Blighty. But that was known when I bought the share. What has given further impetus since then has been an RNS this month saying Prairie had been talking to a big polish miner called JSW. The idea was to co-operate, though this has yet to be confirmed.
According to rumours, JSW might even buy Prairie’s coke mine in Debiensko – it’s valued at £350 million, but there’s no firm word from Prairie on this story. And also China Coal is also interested in Prairie. Enough, it seems to order a bankable feasibility study – once again China helps to boost a share price.
I’ve not heard that either of Prairie’s two big mines are yet producing the black lumps in commercial quantities, but they will be doing that soon and, ok, investing in miners isn’t always hugely successful for private shareholders like us, but this one does seem to harbour the possibility of becoming a bagger of some kind (if all goes to plan).
And now to the coal fire in the Punter’s Return.
Link here to view the article on the ShareProphets website
Fancy Doing the Okey-Cokey with a Miner Called Prairie?
by Malcolm Stacey – ShareProphets
Hello, Share Sweetners. I rarely bring a developing miner to your further scrutiny. I prefer to leave all that to my mining expert colleague Gary. Also, I’ve been burned quite a lot by disappointing mineral and metal finds in the past. But any road up, let’s have a look at this one.
Coal miner Prairie Mining (PDZ) seems to have a good chance of success in the next few years. Based in Perth, it focuses on Poland. The firm claims it could eventually have one of the most advanced coking operations ‘in the Northern Hemisphere.’
Coke is used heavily by the steel industry. And we all know, from plant closures in the UK, that steel-making is currently not the most profitable undertaking in the world. There’s too much competition, including interest from our friends in China.
But manufacturing, construction and heavy engineering all need steel, as does the car industry. So coke, which heats up the raw material, is always going to be in demand. Can you imagine, for example, how much steel will be needed for that new HS2 rail link?
Prairie has a coal project called Debiensko, which in January will start producing a slightly lower grade coking coal than that of its other site, Jan Karski. The Karski mine is set to start producing next year also.
Both locations are at the centre of industrial Europe and have excellent access to infrastructure. The reserves at both mines have been estimated at $3.3 billion. Which is big compared to the company’s present valuation. Though one should be aware that such estimates, especially in the mining game, can go wrong.
Prairie shares are now just over 30p. In March they were over 40p. This is not one of those mining shares which aims to serve a market which may not be all that big. Coke is vital for manufacturing. There are signs that the developing world, especially, is going to be making and building many more machines, buildings and heavy plant.
But, as with all miners, there just may be hidden snags along the way. And you should be aware of those risks.
As we all are in the Punter’s Return.
Link here to the article on the ShareProphets website
Malcolm Stacey, ShareProphets – Tom no likey this medical pioneer. But I do…
Hello Share Rattlers. Quite a few of my friends face a grim Christmas. They are undergoing radio and chemo treatment for cancer. Is it me, or is the number of cases growing even faster than normal?
I am invested in a few companies that are fighting this scourge. One such outfit is Feedback (FDBK). This is a tiny Cambridge company (worth about £4m) which helps to diagnose cancer on computers.
Its product is Tex-Rad, a software system that spots medical abnormalities on scans. These features are not always spotted by doctors because they are so small. The advantage is obvious – cancers can be identified at a very early stage when they are most susceptible to treatment.
The professor behind the system tried it out on people with liver cancer and came up with results he describes as ‘quite remarkable’. Well, perhaps he would. But the fact is that the system interests hospitals in various parts of the world. Revenue is growing.
However, the stock is not very liquid and the spread can be eye-watering. I’ve held my stock a long time and am still slightly down.
The system has not yet received all the official go-ahead it needs. But it does expect to get a European licence. It hopes to get permissions in the first few months of 2017.
I think we may see a placing fairly soon to raise money to commercialise the product. But you have to expect that with very small companies which find something which is potentially big. Soon the company expects to announce a new product which looks for evidence of tumours in the lung.
This is probably not the safest punt in the world, but that is the nature of medical pioneers. And the rewards, both financial and the satisfaction of helping people who face serious ill-health, may be worth taking a risk for.
Free Xmas drinks in the Punter’s Return tonight. There is a charge for the glasses.
I should note that in September Uncle Tom commented on some negative feedback on Feedback, so you might want to also look at that also. See the full article here
It’s Him, TYM! Mining for Toothpaste and Telescopes and Possibly Worth a Punt – Malcolm Stacey, ShareProphets
Hello Share Swingers. A little miner called Tertiary Minerals (TYM) has graced my modest blog on Shareprophets before now. In the past, it’s been a big winner for me.
I well remember being at Tom’s pizza emporium helping to prepared hand-outs for the big 2014 UK investor Show when I spotted on my laptop that Tertiary shares had been moving ahead from 7p to 12p. I asked Tom’s advice – as one sensibly does when he is on the bridge – and he said sell ‘em.
(Well, I rather think he did, as we were both distracted at the time.) Anyway, just before the Stock Exchange closed and in the last day of the financial year, I hit the sell button. And that advice turned out to be very sound indeed.
Because after that, Tertiary Minerals hit a consistently downward slope. I bought some more when it hit about 6p, expecting the usual rally. But then came the commodities crisis, and most miners took that big hit, which remains with us to this day.
However, Tertiary Minerals has had good news of late and the share has been putting on weight. Of course, the share price is so low now, that I am still running at a loss on my second acquisition. But given the importance of what it produces – fluorspar – I rather think the upward splurge is not yet over. (Tom Winnifrith wrote recently that there could be another placing in the offing and therefore is not supportive.
Fluorspar is used for many applications, including iron smelting, steel and aluminium products, glass things. toothpaste, telescopes and Teflon which stops your eggs sticking to the frying pan.Tertiary Minerals (TYM) is the only listed fluorspar company based in the UK.
It has three sites where it hauls the stuff out of the ground. All mining shares have to be treated cautiously these days, but it seems that Tertiary has dug out a niche for itself.
The company issued a drilling update this week about its MB project in Nevada. The JORC (Joint Ore Reserves Committee) estimate for the site grew to 86.4 million tons last year. According to the management, the size of that deposit continues to grow.
The little miner also has two big projects in Scandinavia, and there was more bumper news this week when the Swedish authorities gave the green light for a mining operation in in that beautiful country.
Little of the potential of these projects seems to have found its way into the share price. We can’t live without Fluorspar, they tell me, so my Tertiary shares are staying in my bag for the time being.
While I’m staying in the Punter’s Return. God bless.
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Malcolm Stacey’s share tip of the year No 1 – buy Advanced Oncotherapy
Disclosure: I own shares in one or more of the stocks mentioned. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from ShareProphets). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.