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MIDAS SHARE TIPS: Give your portfolio a power boost with mineral miner Sovereign Metals #SVML

by Joanne Hart

Sovereign Metals #SVML has rights over a 600 square mile site, which contains the world’s largest rutile deposit

Electric car sales have been bumpy of late. Consumer enthusiasm has been muted and forecasters have been forced to dampen expectations for this year.

Over time, however, these vehicles are still predicted to become a major feature of our roads, as car-makers increasingly move away from traditional motors and ramp up production of their electric equivalents.

Lithium is a critical ingredient of the batteries that power most electric vehicles. But they also need graphite, and today, more than 80 per cent of the world’s graphite is mined and processed in China. This is a problem.

Link here to read the full article on the Mail on Sunday website

Mail on Sunday Market Watchlist – Tiziana Life Sciences #TILS

There has been a scramble among AIM biotech companies to come up with a potential treatments for Coronavirus. One of the firms is Tiziana Life Sciences #TILS, listed on AIM and Nasdaq.

The shares were in demand on Thursday when it said it had developed new technology to treat COVID-19 infections.

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