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BlackCabbieTrader John Walsh – Trading idea for Friday 22nd July

bc-logo-web-versionBlackCabbieTrader John Walsh publishes tradingJohn2a ideas every day on his Routemaster blog on the blackcabbietrader.com website. His full watch list, exact entry points, stops loss placement etc. are all published in real time in The Knowledge area of the website.

Today’s trading idea for Friday 22nd July is Long CNP. More here

BlackCabbieTrader John Walsh – Trading idea Wednesday 22nd June

bc-logo-web-versionBlackCabbieTrader John Walsh publishes tradingJohn2a ideas every day on his Routemaster blog on the blackcabbietrader.com website. His full watch list, exact entry points, stops loss placement etc. are all published in real time in The Knowledge area of the website.

Today’s idea for Wednesday 22nd June is Long CNP. More here

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