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Apollo Minerals $AON Demonstrates Commitment to Local Communities

Apollo Minerals, focused on the development of a responsible, modern mine at the Couflens Project in France, has demonstrated its commitment to local communities through the creation of a significant cultural heritage initiative – the Club de Mécènes Mines du Salat (“CMMS”). The CMMS has been established by Apollo Minerals’ French subsidiary, Mines du Salat.

The CMMS has been established to ensure the cultural and historical heritage of the Couserans province in the Ariege region is upheld. The heritage of the province, which is known for its Roman art and architecture, attracts over 150,000 tourists a year and provides a major source of economic stimulus for the area.

The CMMS was formed as a consortium between Mines du Salat and a number of local businesses. Each founding partner will make annual contributions which will then be allocated to the various restoration projects in the Couserans province. The French government will contribute an additional 60% to the total amount of funds raised.

To date, the CMMS has provided funding for:

  • the restoration of three paintings in the Vic d’Oust church;
  • the renovation of the roof, electricity and paintings of the Romanesque church of Saint-Jacques d’Aubert in Moulis; and
  • a study of the statues at the chapel Notre-Dame du Pouech in Oust, classified as historical monuments.

The establishment of the CMMS further strengthens the Company’s commitment to the region and reinforces its desire to work collaboratively with local stakeholders.

Every restoration project that the CMMS commits to financing has the potential to create direct and indirect jobs.

The CMMS is part of the Fondation du Patrimoine, an independent organisation created to defend and enhance national heritage in France.

Hugo Schumann, Executive Director, commented: “We are developing the Couflens Project in a province steeped in cultural heritage. We are proud to have co-created this foundation whose sole aim is to protect, promote and enhance that heritage. Our goal is to develop a project that generates benefits for all our stakeholders and we have a duty to ensure that our social, economic and environmental impact is positive.”

For further information contact:

Hugo Schumann Robert Behets
Tel: +44 207 478 3900 Tel: +61 8 9322 6322
Email: info@apollominerals.com.au

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