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Lithium, Electric Vehicles and Cadence Minerals with Kiran Morzaria on the UK Investor Magazine Podcast

Lithium, Electric Vehicles and Cadence Minerals with Kiran Morzaira

The UK Investor Magazine was thrilled to welcome, Cadence Minerals CEO, Kiran Morzaria, to the podcast for a deep dive into Lithium, Electric Vehicles and Cadence Minerals.

We drill down into the Lithium market and where Cadence Minerals sits on the global stage.

Kiran provides deep insight into the global lithium market as we explore the upcoming supply deficit set to take hold from 2025. With prices Lithium soaring, we look at the longer term projections and the dynamics of Lithium spot prices.

We analyse the current requirements of Electric Vehicle market and how companies like Cadence are working to meet these needs.

Cadence has two Lithium projects Kiran presents in detail.

We finish by touching on Cadence’s flagship Amapa Iron ore project and what investors can look forward to after Kiran’s recent trip to Brazil.

Find out more about Cadence Minerals on their website and presentation at the UK Investor Magazine Metals and Mining Conference.

#TM1 Technology Minerals – Exploration Update on the Asturmet Project

Exploration Update on the Asturmet Cu-Co-Ni Project, Asturias, NW Spain


Deposit characterisation sampling confirms high grade mineralisation at the underground Aramo Mine 


Technology Minerals Plc (LSE: TM1), the first listed UK company focused on creating a sustainable circular economy for battery metals, is pleased to announce initial results from a due diligence lithogeochemical characterisation sampling survey at its 100% owned Aramo Copper-Cobalt-Nickel (“Cu-Co-Ni”) Project in Asturias, NW Spain. 




· Due diligence sampling collected in November 2021 has confirmed high grade Cu-Co-Ni mineralisation at the historic Aramo mine on the St Patrick Licence

· A total of 79 samples were collected on the licence during the campaign, including 53 samples underground at the Aramo Mine on Level 3 in four historical partially stoped areas

· Field programmes are ongoing at the project with a more expansive exploration campaign planned for the St. Patrick Licence in the coming months


A selection of best results include:


Table 1: List of selected results from the characterisation sampling programme







Co_OG62  %

Cu_OG62  %

Ni_OG62  %


Aramo Mine

Level 3

Stope B

Stope Scree





Aramo Mine

Level 3

Stope B

Stope Scree





Aramo Mine

Level 3

Stope B

Stope Scree





Aramo Mine

Level 3

Stope B

Stope Scree





Aramo Mine

Level 3

Stope B

Stope Scree





Aramo Mine

Level 3

Stope B

Stope Scree





Aramo Mine

Level 3

Stope B

Stope Scree





Aramo Mine

Level 3

Stope B

Stope Scree





Aramo Mine

Level 3

Stope C

O\C – Wall rock





Aramo Mine

Level 3.5 

Stope A

Stope Scree





Aramo Mine

Level 3.5 

Stope A

Stope Scree





Aramo Mine

Level 3.5 

Stope A

Stope Scree





Aramo Mine

Level 3.5 

Stope A

Stope Scree





Aramo Mine

Level 3.5 

Stope A

Stope Scree





Aramo Mine

Level 3







Asturmet Project


The Company holds 100% of the Aramo Project through its 100% wholly-owned subsidiary, LRH Resources Limited (“LRHR”), and LRHR’s 100% wholly-owned subsidiary Asturmet Recursós S.L. (“Asturmet”).


The Asturmet Project consists of seven exploration permits or P.I. (Permiso del Investigación): St. Patrick (P.I. 30858), St. Andrew (P.I. 30869), St. David (P.I. 30870), Astur A (P.I. 30864), Astur B (P.I. 30865), Astur C (P.I. 30866) and Astur D (P.I. 30868). The licences cover a total area of approximately 461 km2. The St Patrick licence (which covers the historic Aramo Mine), was issued to Asturmet in June 2018. The remaining licences are due to be issued imminently by the Spanish Ministry.


Local Geology


The Cu-Co-Ni Project is classed as an epithermal carbonate hosted deposit and lies within the western closure of the Cantabrian Orocline Fold and Thrust Belt.   The Aramo Mine is located within what is termed the Aramo “Caliza de Montana” stratigraphic unit comprising of organic rich limestones. Mineralisation is broadly confined to wide alteration zones with more localised east – west orientated high grade veins and stockwork mineralisation. The alteration zones, which are themselves pervasively mineralised, are interpreted to form extensive “pipe-like” bodies with significant vertical development at major fault intersection planes. These zones develop laterally outwards along individual faults creating the so called “Filon” zones. Lower angled stratigraphic bedding within the host limestones within the pipelike zones appear to create flatter zones or lenses of alteration and mineralisation with a 30-40 degree orientation dipping westwards.


The Aramo Mine


The Aramo mine was most recently in production from 1948 and ceased production in 1953. It has remained dormant for the last 69 years. The mine closed during a period of weak copper prices and a declining Dow Jones index for commodities. The mine has several mineralised zones with extensive alteration and associated Cu-Co-Ni mineralisation at a number of levels over a known vertical extent of 530-m whilst westwards, there lies a further 200-m of vertical prospective stratigraphy above the mine and to the west below the plateau.


Aims of the Sampling


The study involved accessing historical mine workings associated with the Aramo Mine at the accessible upper levels, in particular at the Level 3 elevation (1177m O.D.) to complete a mineral and alteration characterisation study, the full results of the sampling are presented in Table 2. The primary zone sampled comprised the St. Pedro Filon, a 30-40m wide (partially mined) alteration zone which dips westwards at 35-40 degrees. Three stopes within this zone were accessed and a selection of both wall rock and blasted stope piles were sampled.


The characterisation study aimed to collect a broad range of mineralisation and alteration types to better understand the paragenetic model for the deposit and to identify structural controls on the mineralisation. The majority of samples were collected from blasted stope material within the stopes with a selection of wall rock samples in the hanging wall and the footwall of the stoped areas where it was possible.




A total of 79 samples were collected during the campaign and included 53 samples collected at the Aramo Mine on Level 3 in four different stoped areas (as reported here). A further 17 prospecting samples were also collected at locations on the plateau above the mine. These form part of a broader in-progress programme of ongoing sampling in association with characterisation of both rocks and soils for an ongoing hyperspectral remote sensing study. These results will be compiled and assimilated and reported in due course, along with the results of the Remote Sensing Study. A further seven samples comprised QAQC samples which were submitted along with the geochemical samples.


All samples followed a strict sampling and chain of custody process and were analysed by ALS Laboratories in Loughrea, County Galway, Ireland. Samples were analysed by four-acid ICP-AES analysis.


Further work


Field programmes are ongoing at the project with a full and more expansive exploration programme planned for the St. Patrick Licence in the coming months, which includes geological mapping and sampling, remote sensing analysis and geophysics.



Alex Stanbury, Chief Executive Officer of Technology Minerals, said: “We are pleased the initial results from our sampling survey at the historic Aramo mine within the St Patrick licence has confirmed high grade Copper-Cobalt-Nickel mineralisation.  In the coming months we plan to expand our exploration campaign which will help us continue to gain a better understanding the full potential of the project.  The Asturmet Project forms part of our wider strategy to move forward and advance multiple exploration campaigns across our portfolio of mineral resource projects focused on cobalt, copper, nickel, manganese, and lithium.”


Competent Person


All scientific and technical information in this announcement has been prepared under the supervision of EuroGeol Vaughan Williams M.Sc. P.Geo (a Principal of Aurum Exploration Services who currently provides exploration services to LRHR), and a “qualified person” within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101.Vaughan Williams is also company secretary of LRHR and a Director of LRHR’s  Spanish subsidiary Asturmet.


The Directors of the Company accept responsibility for this announcement.



For further information please visit www.technologyminerals.co.uk , @TechnologyMinerals on Twitter, or contact:


Technology Minerals Plc

Alex Stanbury, Chief Executive Officer

Lester Kemp, Chief Operating Officer

Wilson Robb, Chief Technical Officer

+44 20 7618 9100


Arden Partners Plc

Ruari McGirr, George Morgan

+44 207 614 5900

Luther Pendragon

Harry Chathli, Alexis Gore, John Bick

+44 20 7618 9100


#TM1 Technology Minerals – Technology Minerals CEO Alex Stanbury talks on Proactive UK


Technology Minerals CEO Alex Stanbury talks to Katie Pilbeam on Proactive UK

Alex talks about next steps for Oacoma and Blackbird projects and exercising an option to acquire the Blackbird Creek Property in the US from DG Resource Management

#TM1 Technology Minerals – ‘Talking Batteries’ Part 2

‘Talking Batteries’ Part 2 by Robin Brundle, Chairman, Technology Minerals plc and Director, Recyclus Group + WMG’s Anwar Sattar, Lead Engineer in Battery Recycling, discussing the 5 key Lithium-ion battery chemistries and the Recyclus technology

Watch here 

#TM1 Technology Minerals – Technology Minerals Chairman Robin Brundle – Talking Batteries by Recyclus + WMG Part 1


Technology Minerals Plc (LSE: TM1),  the first listed UK company focused on creating a sustainable circular economy for battery metals, are supporting the agenda for COP26 very strongly and have announced WMG as a knowledge transfer partner.

WMG is an academic department at the University of Warwick and is the leading international role model for successful collaboration between academia and the public an

d private sectors, driving innovation in science, technology and engineering, to develop the brightest ideas and talent.

Technology Minerals, has collaborated with WMG for a four-year Engineer Doctor Program. Technology Minerals’ 49% owned industry leading battery recycling company – Recyclus Group will share their immense knowledge of lithium-ion and recycling batteries with WMG which will help them to teach bright young people out of university. As part of the knowledge transfer, Technology Minerals will also receive access to the laboratories in which WMG have invested £80mn over the last decade.

The collaboration is crucial as students learnings are through, researching optimising the processes at Recyclus and analysing the materials coming out of the battery so it’s good enough

to be recycled,  rather than academic research.

This collaboration will bring benefits to both Technology Minerals and WMG. As by working with companies like Recyclus not only do WMG’s researchers help to improve the UK battery industry and the capabilities of Technology Minerals and Recyclus Group but the WMG research team get to experience and work on real world problems.

#TM1 Technology Minerals – Exclusive Pentagon to boost rare earths and lithium stockpiles

The Pentagon plans to boost the stockpile of rare earth minerals, cobalt and lithium it manages for the U.S. government to reduce its long-term dependence on China, two people familiar with the plan said.

The new stockpile agreement guidance is expected to be announced as soon as next week, one of the people said, nearly a year after U.S. President Joe Biden issued an executive order to study U.S. supply chain resiliency in February 2021.

Rare earths are often converted into magnets and used in next-generation weapons research as well as the Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) F-35 jet and Raytheon Technologies Corp (RTX.N) precision guided munitions.

Lithium, a key component used to make electric-vehicle batteries, will be vital to the Pentagon’s goal of shifting its non-tactical vehicle fleet, currently 170,000 strong, to zero emissions.

An agreement between the Departments of State, Energy and Defense was signed in early February and covers the select materials as well as large batteries used in the electrical grid, the people said.

The Departments of Defense, Energy and State did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The memo also directs inter-agency coordination of an unclassified stockpile for relevant non-fuel minerals necessary for a transition to using more clean-technologies. The agreement enables other U.S. agencies, like the Department of Energy, to coordinate on and draw from these stockpiles, according to the people who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Reuters could not determine if the agreement stipulated if the materials for the stockpiles were required to have a specific origin. The U.S. Congress has tried to stipulate where the Pentagon can source rare earths.

Rare earths are a group of 17 metals that, after processing, are used to make magnets found in electric vehicles, weaponry and electronics. Since World War Two, U.S. military scientists developed the most widely-used type of rare earth magnet but China has slowly grown to control the entire sector in the past 30 years.

The U.S. has only one rare earths mine and has no capability to process rare earth minerals. Many lithium and rare earth junior miners have hoped the Pentagon would buy more domestic product. To build reserves, the Pentagon buys supply in part from China, a paradox that many on Capitol Hill hope will abate in time.

The rare earths production process creates a lot of pollution, part of the reason why it grew unpopular in the United States. Ongoing research is attempting to make the process cleaner.

Lithium is more abundant but there is only one active mine in the United States, Albemarle Corp’s (ALB.N) Silver Peak in Nevada. There is very limited U.S. processing capacity for the mineral.

Read – https://www.reuters.com/world/us/exclusive-pentagon-boost-rare-earths-lithium-stockpiles-sources-2022-02-18/?taid=62103fe856a8c40001911cf2&utm_campaign=trueAnthem:+Trending+Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=twitter

#TM1 Technology Minerals – Britishvolt gets £100m boost to build UK’s first large-scale ‘gigafactory’

The deal to build an electric car battery plant near Blyth will bring up to 3,000 jobs to the area by 2028

A rendering of a Britishvolt plant set to be built near Blyth, Northumberland.
A rendering of the electric car battery Britishvolt plant set to be built near Blyth, Northumberland. Photograph: Britishvolt

The government’s Automotive Transformation Fund will invest alongside asset management company Abrdn and its majority-owned property investment arm, Tritax, to fund a sale and leaseback deal for the huge building that will house the electric car battery factory, near Blyth in Northumberland.

Peter Rolton, Britishvolt’s executive chairman, said: “The UK automotive industry needs a local source of batteries. Chinese or other Asian imports are not going to be an option. There will be very, very significant shortfalls of batteries. We are absolutely vital to maintain the UK industry and support those jobs.”

An artist impression of the Britishvolt factory in Northumberland.
An artist impression of the Britishvolt factory, the first full scale UK battery gigaplant. Photograph: Britishvolt/PA

Britishvolt is one of two major UK battery manufacturing projects that has secured funding, alongside an expansion of an existing plant at Sunderland owned by China’s Envision that supplies to Nissan.

The company is hoping to build the plant rapidly with the aim of supplying a large part of the UK car industry’s needs as it transitions from internal combustion engines to electric cars that produce zero exhaust emissions. It is in talks with several potential clients, and sportscar maker Lotus has signed a memorandum of understanding, Bloomberg reported on Thursday.

A new electric vehicle charging station in Slough.

The plant will employ about 3,000 workers when it is at full capacity in around 2028. The first batteries are scheduled to start production in 2024 to take advantage of rising demand ahead of the UK’s 2030 ban on new cars without a battery.

The government and Britishvolt declined to detail the size of the government investment, citing commercial confidentiality. However, a source with knowledge of the negotiations said it was worth about £100m.

The government-funded Advanced Propulsion Centre calculates that the UK will need to produce batteries with a capacity of 90 gigawatt hours (GWh) a year if it is to retain a car industry of a similar size. Current UK production capacity is less than 2GWh, but Britishvolt hopes to produce 30GWh.

Local authorities in the West Midlands and Somerset are trying to attract investors to two more potential battery manufacturing sites. The West Midlands site at Coventry airport last week gained pre-emptive planning permission.

Rolton said: “The company was still working on the timing of a planned stock market listing which will raise the money to build the production line. The full project is expected to cost £3.8bn, but the government backing has already helped in conversations with potential investors.”


Britishvolt has previously won backing from Glencore, the FTSE 100 miner, and preparatory construction work at the 93-hectare site has begun.

Securing investment in UK-based battery manufacturing has been an important goal for the government. The prime minister, Boris Johnson, has on several occasions referred to his hopes for the project as part of his plans to “level up” parts of the country that have missed out on investment in recent decades.

The plant will be based in the constituency of Wansbeck, narrowly retained by Labour in the 2019 general election. It is next door to Blyth Valley, a seat formerly part of Labour’s “red wall”, which voted in a Conservative MP for the first time in that election.

Johnson said the plan “is a strong testament to the skilled workers of the north-east and the UK’s place at the helm of the global green industrial revolution”. He added that the factory will “boost the production of electric vehicles in the UK”.

Rolton said Britishvolt had taken part in a jobs fair in the area which prompted “queues round the block”, while some parents even took children out of school to attend. “That’s what it means for the area,” he said.

Read this on The Guardian

#KDNC Cadence Minerals – Cadence Minerals’ lithium asset upgrade after Cinovec’s ‘outstanding results’

Cadence Minerals have enjoyed a dramatic improvement in the quality of their lithium investments after ‘outstanding’ results from the Cinovec mine in the Czech Republic.

The Cinovec mine is operated by European Metal Holdings which has a 49% in the mine. Cadence Minerals holds 8.7% of the equity in European Metal Holdings.

In an announcement made this week, the Cinovec asset received significant upgrades to the resources that included revisions higher to the annual output and the impact of higher lithium prices.

The most recent feasibility study found it is possible to amend the mining process to incorporate the use of paste backfill which will be instrumental in increasing the mines output by 16%.

As a consequence, the Cinovec mine’s expected output has been increased from 25,267 tpa to 29,386 tpa.

The combination of rising lithium prices and the increased production means the projects NPV8 (post tax) increases from $1.108B to $1.938B. This is based on lithium prices of $17,000 which is significantly below the current market price.

“An increased mine life and a resource upgrade that takes the NPV8 from USD1.1bn to USD1.94bn adds substantial value to Cinovec’s already exceptional potential as a future battery grade lithium supply hub for Europe and the rest of the world,” said Cadence CEO Kiran Morzaria.

“Cadence are pleased to remain shareholders and supporters of EMH, and we look forward to further developments.”

The news has seen European Metal Holdings share soar this week to trade at 81p.

Cadence Minerals owns approximately 8.7% of European Metal Holdings following a placing conducted by European Metal Holdings to raise A$14.4 million.

Cadence Minerals stake is worth circa £12.4m with European Metal Holdings shares trading at 81p.

To put this in to context, Cadence Minerals entire market cap is £41m so the market is effectively currently attributing a value of just £28.5m to the rest of Cadence’s assets.

Cadence Minerals Portfolio

Although the latest developments at Cinovec adds tremendous value to a publicly-traded holding of Cadence’s portfolio, their flagship project is the Amapa Iron Ore project which has targets to produce $725 million iron ore per annum.

Cadence Minerals has additional exposure to lithium at the Sonora mine operated by Bacanora Minerals, as well as interest in Northern and Western Australia.

Cadence also has a 30% interest in the Yangibana Rare Earths project operated by Hastings Technology Metal in Western Australia.


Read the article on UK Investor Magazine

Cadence Minerals #KDNC – European Metals #EMH Cinovec PFS Update Delivers Outstanding Results.

Cadence Minerals (AIM/AQX: KDNC; OTC: KDNCY) is pleased to note that European Metals Holdings Limited (“European Metals” “EMH”) has announced the results of the mining update to the 2019 Pre-Feasibility Study (2022 PFS Update), led by mining definitive feasibility study (DFS) consultant Bara Consulting, on the backfilling potential of the Cinovec mine, in which it has a 49% economic interest, in the Czech Republic.


  • The 2019 PFS Update for the Cinovec Project has been updated to demonstrate the effect of changes in the mining process to incorporate the use of paste backfill, which results in an increase in annual production, together with changes in lithium and by-product prices to reflect current and expected market conditions.
  • Annual production of battery grade lithium hydroxide monohydrate modelled to increase from 25,267 tpa to 29,386 tpa, an increase of 16%.
  • NPV8 (post tax) increases from US$1.108B to US$1.938B, an increase of 74.9%, based upon a lithium hydroxide price of USD17,000 per tonne which is significantly less than the current price.
  • NPV8 (post tax) increases to over USD 3.09B with a 30% increase in the lithium hydroxide price.
  • Post tax IRR of 36.3% and a payback period of 2.5 years from the commencement of production.
  • Up-front capital cost due to backfilling plant and additional capital costs to produce 29,386 tpa lithium hydroxide increased to US$644m.
  • This 2022 PFS Update assumes the life of mine extraction of 13.1% of the Measured and Indicated JORC Resources at Cinovec.
  • Use of tailings for backfill will result in a far smaller environmental impact, further enhancing the Project’s already strong ESG credentials.

The study updates the outcomes of the previously updated pre-feasibility study announced on 17 June 2019 (2019 PFS Update), for changes in the mining process as well as an increase in annual production and changes in lithium and by-product prices.

As a result of the conclusions of the study, Geomet s.r.o. (Geomet) has changed the planned mining method for the Cinovec orebody from open stoping to longhole stoping with backfill using paste backfill. This change, together with other changes to the material assumptions outlined in this update, increases the Cinovec mine’s proposed ore extraction from 34.5mt up to 54.5mt, enabling an increase in the annual processing rate by approximately 33% per annum over the previous 21-year life of mine, from 1.69mtpa to 2.25mtpa over a now 25-year life of mine.

Link here for the full EMH announcement: https://www.londonstockexchange.com/news-article/EMH/pfs-update-delivers-outstanding-results/15293716

European Metals Executive Chairman Keith Coughlan commented; I am very pleased to report to shareholders on the completion of this 2022 PFS Update for the Cinovec Project which adds significantly to the already robust forecast economics for the project. The results of the study are very positive for the overall economics, resulting in a far greater amount of the ore resource being utilised for production of lithium and increasing the after tax NPV8 from USD1.1B to USD1.94B. The increased NPV assumes a long-term price for lithium hydroxide of US$17,000 per tonne. An increase in the lithium hydroxide price to USD 22,100 would increase the NPV8 (post tax) to over USD 3BN. Given the current price of lithium hydroxide is in the vicinity of USD 40,000 per tonne it is clear that that the Cinovec Project will be critical to European battery self-sufficiency.

“The use of approximately 54% of the plant tailings for backfill will result in a far smaller environmental impact, with much smaller dry stack tailings storage required, further enhancing the already strong ESG credentials of the Project.

“The significant increase in lithium produced will further add to the supply security of the European battery industry. Importantly, even at this increased production rate, the resource is nowhere near fully utilised – paving the way for future assessment of further production increases.

“Cinovec is strategically located in central Europe, in close proximity to the continent’s vehicle manufacturers. With increasing demand for electric vehicles and the expected demands of grid storage capacity, the project is very well placed to supply the European lithium market for many decades.”

Cadence CEO Kiran Morzaria added; “Our congratulations to Keith Coughlan and the European Metals team on an outstanding result at Cinovec. An increased mine life and a resource upgrade that takes the NPV8 from USD1.1bn to USD1.94bn adds substantial value to Cinovec’s already exceptional potential as a future battery grade lithium supply hub for Europe and the rest of the world.”

“Cadence are pleased to remain shareholders and supporters of EMH, and we look forward to further developments.”

Cadence Minerals Holding in EMH following placing

In a separate announcement today, EMH stated that it had conducted a Placement at A$1.40 per CDI to raise approximately A$14.4 million. The Placement issue price represents a 0.7% premium to the Company’s last traded price on 18 January 2022 (A$1.39). Following the placing, Cadence holds approximately 8.7% percent of the equity in European Metals, which, through its wholly owned Subsidiary, Geomet s.r.o. (“Geomet”), controls the mineral exploration licenses awarded by the Czech State over Cinovec.

Link here for the full EMH placing announcement:  https://www.londonstockexchange.com/news-article/EMH/successful-placing-to-raise-aud14-4m/15293733

– Ends –

For further information:

Cadence Minerals plc +44 (0) 7879 584153
Andrew Suckling
Kiran Morzaria
WH Ireland Limited (NOMAD & Broker) +44 (0) 207 220 1666
James Joyce
Darshan Patel
Novum Securities Limited (Joint Broker) +44 (0) 207 399 9400
Jon Belliss


Qualified Person

Kiran Morzaria B.Eng. (ACSM), MBA, has reviewed and approved the information contained in this announcement. Kiran holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Geology) from the Camborne School of Mines and an MBA (Finance) from CASS Business School.

Forward-Looking Statements:

Certain statements in this announcement are or may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are identified by their use of terms and phrases such as ‘‘believe’’ ‘‘could’’ “should” ‘‘envisage’’ ‘‘estimate’’ ‘‘intend’’ ‘‘may’’ ‘‘plan’’ ‘‘will’’ or the negative of those variations or comparable expressions including references to assumptions. These forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors’ current expectations and assumptions regarding the Company’s future growth results of operations performance future capital and other expenditures (including the amount. nature and sources of funding thereof) competitive advantages business prospects and opportunities. Such forward-looking statements reflect the Directors’ current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information currently available to the Directors.  Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements including risks associated with vulnerability to general economic and business conditions competition environmental and other regulatory changes actions by governmental authorities the availability of capital markets reliance on key personnel uninsured and underinsured losses and other factors many of which are beyond the control of the Company. Although any forward-looking statements contained in this announcement are based upon what the Directors believe to be reasonable assumptions. The Company cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with such forward-lookingstatements.

Technology Minerals – Recycling Blueprint for the EV and Battery Industry a Racing Certainty?

By Arjun Thakkar and Alan Green

Along with Christmas parties, the most oft discussed topic in 2021 was almost certainly the COP26 conference, net zero carbon neutrality, sustainability, climate change and other aspirational matters pointing to an internal combustion engine free world. There’s plenty of awareness of the issues surrounding climate change and the environment, but the simple facts are that the leading economies around the world (never mind the developing nations) are woefully underprepared to tackle these issues and create the circular economy required to support sustainability.


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