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Kavango Resources #KAV – CEO Ben Turney talks to Alan Green, April 2023
Kavango Resources #KAV – CEO Ben Turney talks to Alan Green, April 2023. We discuss the latest developments at the Ditau Farms lode gold project, and Ben covers upcoming developments that investors can look forward to in the coming months.
Kavango takes major step towards JV partnership at key KSZ project – Will Schafer
NB: This article is written by Brand Comms contributor Will Schafer
Please note the Brand UK Ltd Disclosure Policy here
Kavango Resources (LSE:KAV) took a major step towards opening the door for joint venture partners at its flagship Kalahari Suture Zone (“KSZ”) project today.
In an update, the explorer released a comprehensive “Proof of Concept” report authored by industry veteran Richard Hornsey that concludes its drilling programme for the Botswana-based asset.
The company was not only able to provide geochemical proof of mineralising processes for magmatic nickel, copper, and platinum group elements (“PGEs”), but it was also able to identify previously unrecognised PGE potential at the south of its project.
The KSZ is a 450km-long anomaly in Botswana where Kavango is searching for nickel, copper, and PGE-rich orebodies across a land package spanning nearly 9,000km2. Signs of the project’s prospectivity are by no means new, with work previously outlining a number of highly prospective targets.
However, in today’s report, which follows a drilling campaign that concluded earlier this year, Kavango has been able to introduce new deposits that will allow it to vector towards the right host rocks and upgrade future targeting.
Not just that, but it has also been able to confirm it is using the appropriate geophysical technologies and data analysis techniques to isolate potential mineral-bearing targets in a scalable programme.
The company will now make Hornsey’s reports, of which there are three, available to potential joint venture partners and other parties interested in the KSZ project. A detailed executive summary can be viewed here.
As highlighted by CEO Ben Turney earlier today, the company Kavango has now completed “the most comprehensive and successful exploration programme ever” at the KSZ.
Indeed, the KSZ was first investigated by explorers back in the 1980s. However, the depth of sand, or “Kalahari cover”, overlying the project was so extreme it precluded further work. Using modern-day exploration techniques, Kavango is now mapping out and drilling the trend to an unprecedented degree.
“When Kavango first set out on this project it was purely conceptual in nature. Today, we have assembled a significant data set that validates the discovery potential,” said Turney.
“We are the first company to demonstrate that mineralising processes have occurred throughout the KSZ, based upon evidence of nickel, copper and PGE depletion and enrichment. This suggests there is a high likelihood that potentially economic magmatic mineralisation may exist, both within the Karoo and the Proterozoic Tshane Complex. The main questions to answer now are where and at what depth.”
Included in today’s report were recommendations for improvements to Kavango’s exploration programme. Using these, the company will now launch into two parallel streams of work.
One of these will focus on deploying CSAMT and TDEM surveys in the field to learn more about the “B conductors” it is preparing to drill. Meanwhile, the other will involve Kavango stepping up its efforts to search for JV partners, with today’s report representing a substantial piece of work that contextualises the KSZ based on the company exploration efforts to date.
As Turney states, this should enable the company to undertake “much more informed discussions with interested parties.”
Today’s report refers specifically to the “Norilsk-style” mineralisation Kavango is proving at the KSZ. Norilsk is located 2,800km northeast of Moscow and accounts for 90% of Russia’s nickel reserves, 55% of its copper and virtually all of its PGMs, and the company’s licences display a geological setting with some similarities to the project.
But it’s worth remembering that, beyond this Norilsk potential, the KSZ also offers a second mineralisation target type.
Indeed, Kavango’s drill holes over the KSZ’s Great Red Spot anomaly at the project appear to support a late 1990’s theory that the area could host a form of Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold, or “IOCG”, style mineralisation.
IOCG systems can host highly valuable copper, gold and uranium ores. The large size and relatively simple metallurgy can produce extremely profitable mines. Specifically, the Great Red Spot exhibits similar geophysical signatures to the world-renowned Olympic Dam IOCG ore deposit in Australia.
Kavango is currently investigating the KSZ’s IOCG potential by way of further AMT surveying and reporting ahead of drill testing.
Kavango Resources #KAV – KSZ drilling update
Kavango Resources plc (LSE:KAV), the exploration company targeting the discovery of world-class mineral deposits in Botswana, is pleased to announce the Company has successfully completed the first downhole electromagnetic (“DHEM”) survey on Hole KSZDD002 to a depth of 350m.
The measured DHEM response now indicates that the B1 Conductor Target (the “B1 Conductor”) has a conductance of 11,000 Siemens. This is an increase of 37.5% from the original modelled response, derived from a surface Time Domain Electromagnetic (“TDEM”) survey (announced 02 July), confirming this is a strong conductor.
To provide context, Kavango has provided a table on its website that presents an idealised resistivity and conductivity spectrum for rocks and mineralisation. The link to this table can be seen below:
According to the updated DHEM model, the B1 Conductor has more elongate dimensions of 600m by 350m, however the position and dip of the plate remain the same. The drill hole is therefore still positioned optimally to intersect this target when drilling resumes in January. The estimated depth to top is 420m, and the dip continues to indicate that the B1 Conductor is cross-formational. This suggests the B1 Conductor may have been emplaced by an as yet unspecified intrusive event and is unlikely to be formational.
As originally planned, Hole KSZDD002 is oriented towards the centre of the B1 Conductor. The Company estimates it will intercept the B1 Conductor between 525m and 575m.
The stratigraphy encountered so far in Hole KSZDD002 is analogous to the stratigraphy encountered in Hole KSZDD001, 1km away.
Kavango’s strategic partner, Spectral Geophysics (“Spectral”), completed the DHEM survey and the data has been separately independently analysed and verified.
Hole KSZDD002 has now been cased off to 350m with HQ casing as part of Kavango’s updated strategy to handle the drilling conditions and maintain hole stability. Equity Drilling and Mindea Exploration and Drilling Services (Pty) have paused drilling operations for the Christmas break and are scheduled to recommence early in the New Year.
Ben Turney, Chief Executive Officer of Kavango Resources, commented:
“We now have the clearest indication yet that Hole KSZDD002 is on course to intercept a major conductor. What that conductor is remains to be seen, but I am extremely grateful for the effort our partners have put into completing the first downhole EM survey.
This drilling campaign in the Kalahari Suture Zone has been a major engineering challenge. Completing downhole EM has proven to be particularly difficult, because we have had to case the boreholes to protect their integrity.
Given the importance of the B1 Conductor in testing our geophysical exploration methods, we knew we had to do everything we could to complete this first survey. Spectral went to great lengths to ensure we had equipment on site to perform the survey as soon as the drillers were ready.
This extra effort has paid off and we look forward to recommencing drilling early in the New Year.”
Further information in respect of the Company and its business interests is provided on the Company’s website at www.kavangoresources.com and on Twitter at #KAV.
For further information please contact:
Kavango Resources plc
Ben Turney
First Equity (Joint Broker)
+44 207 374 2212
Jason Robertson
SI Capital Limited (Joint Broker)
+44 1483 413500
Nick Emerson
Kavango Competent Person Statement
The technical information contained in this announcement pertaining to geophysics have been read and approved by Mr. Jeremy S. Brett, M.Sc., P.Geo., Senior Geophysical Consultant, Jeremy S. Brett International Consulting Ltd. in Toronto, Canada. Mr. Brett is a member of the Professional Geoscientists of Ontario, the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada, the Canadian Exploration Geophysical Society, and the Society of Economic Geologists. Mr. Brett has sufficient experience that is relevant to geophysics applied the styles of mineralization and types of deposits under consideration to act as a Qualified Person as defined under the Canadian National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
Kavango Resources KSZ #KAV – distinctly magnetised 30km target identified
Kavango Resources plc (LSE:KAV), the exploration company targeting the discovery of world-class mineral deposits in Botswana, is pleased to announce the Company has identified 30km strike length of distinct magnetic Proterozoic gabbro (the “30km Strike Length”) within Target Area A of the Kalahari Suture Zone (“KSZ”) Project, in the vicinity of Hole TA2DD002.
The 30km Strike Length is now a high-priority exploration target for the detection of possible large-scale nickel/copper/platinum group element (Ni/Cu/PGE) mineralisation.
Spectral Geophysics (“Spectral”), the Company’s strategic partner, has produced an updated 3D magnetic susceptibility model (the “Updated Mag Sus Model”) of the Proterozoic gabbro in Target Area A. This maps the 30km Strike Length.
According to the Updated Mag Sus Model, zones of the 30km Strike Length can be intercepted as shallow as 500m. Given that the Updated Mag Sus Model has been constrained using stratigraphic data from Hole TA2DD002, the Company is confident in this depth prediction.
Kavango’s confidence in the Updated Mag Sus Model is based on:
I. Physical evidence seen in Proterozoic drill core from Hole TA2DD002 ( announced 14 September )
II. Initial results from the downhole electromagnetic (“DHEM”) survey of Hole TA2DD002 ( announced 29 October )
III. Spectral’s recognised technical experience and expertise
Ø Spectral inverted and reinterpreted ground magnetic survey data to create the Updated Mag Sus Model in the vicinity of Hole TA2DD002
– Spectral has prepared a report for the Company, which describes the analytical methods it used to produce the Updated Mag Sus Model. Kavango will publish this report on its website.
Ø Spectral’s Updated Mag Sus Model:
– Accurately predicts the intersection of TA2DD002 with the Proterozoic gabbro at 650m
– Confirms that Proterozoic rocks are one set of causative bodies for the magnetic anomalies, identified from both aeromagnetic and ground surveys
– Confirms that the extent of the Proterozoic rocks can be mapped using both aeromagnetic and ground magnetic surveying
– Shows that Hole TA2DD002 appears to have clipped the western edge of the more magnetic Proterozoic rocks, which are hosted within the main body of Proterozoic. The main body of the more magnetic Proterozoic rocks appears to extend approximately 350m to the east
– Indicates the Proterozoic rocks could be intercepted at <500m depth to the NNW of TA2DD002
– Suggests the Proterozoic rocks are possibly shallower to the south on the same geological trend
Ø As with the Great Red Spot ( announced 22 November ), Kavango increasingly believes the 30km Strike has potential to host stacked Karoo-age and Proterozoic-age Ni/Cu/PGE mineralisation
– Based on visual inspection of core samples taken from TA2DD002 and KSZD001, the Company’s preliminary view is the Proterozoic rocks in these two areas experienced differing intrusive and/or metamorphosing events ( announced 16 November )
– Kavango will test this theory with detailed petrographic work and various assay techniques, performed by internationally accredited laboratories in South Africa.
Ø Kavango expects to use the Updated Mag Sus model to guide future exploration in the KSZ, specifically to position future Time Domain Electromagnetic (“TDEM”) surveys
Ø The Company will publish images from the Updated Mag Sus Model on its website ( www.kavangoresources.com ) and its Twitter feed ( @KavangoRes )
Ø Kavango will host a shareholder webinar in early December to present its future exploration strategy for the KSZ. Key members of Kavango’s technical team will participate in this event. Details will be published shortly.
Ben Turney, Chief Executive Officer of Kavango Resources, commented:
“Today’s news shows how the various threads of this year’s complex exploration efforts in the Kalahari Suture Zone are starting to tie together. We’ve used the latest remote sensing technology to identify distinct targets, have nearly completed a ground-breaking drill campaign and recovered physical evidence in core samples to support our upgraded geophysical modelling.
It very much feels like we are closing in on a scalable exploration strategy to crack the 5-decade challenge posed by the KSZ.
Spectral Geophysics’ updated magnetic susceptibility model of Target Area A illustrates the enormous prospective potential of our licence areas in this region.
The 30km-long magnetised body, within the Proterozoic gabbro, is just one possible host environment for large-scale nickel/copper/platinum group element mineralisation. Above that sits the Karoo, which still remains a core focus of ours.
The fact that we have at least four other sizeable target zones within 25km distance of of the 30km Strike Length (including the Great Red Spot) highlights how big this project is. The possibility of stacked plays overlying each other, simply adds to the overall promise.
Now that we are increasingly confident in our ability to explore our ground successfully, we look forward to running accelerated field programmes next year. We will present more detail about our updated strategy in our hosted webinar, early next month.”
Further information in respect of the Company and its business interests is provided on the Company’s website at www.kavangoresources.com and on Twitter at #KAV.
For further information please contact:
Kavango Resources plc
Ben Turney
First Equity (Joint Broker)
+44 207 374 2212
Jason Robertson
SI Capital Limited (Joint Broker)
+44 1483 413500
Nick Emerson
Kavango Resources #KAV – Operations Update
Kavango Resources plc (LSE:KAV), the exploration company targeting the discovery of world-class mineral deposits in Botswana, is pleased to provide an operational update.
Ø Recruitment of new senior commercial and exploration personnel
– Tiyapo (Tipps) Ngwisanyi is the former and founding CEO of the Government owned Botswana Geoscience Institute. Tipps has joined the Company as Managing Director of Kavango Minerals (Pty) Ltd
– John Lauderdale is a Chartered Geologist and seasoned exploration professional, who has run large-scale exploration programmes across Africa. John has joined Kavango as Senior Consulting Geologist
– Jeremy S. Brett is an internationally recognised Professional Geoscientist who has worked previously in the Kalahari Suture Zone (“KSZ”). Jeremy is now working with Kavango as a Senior Consulting Geophysicist.
Ø Updated geophysical model of Target Area B
– Target Area B covers the “Great Red Spot” magnetic anomaly, which has been subject to previous exploration
– Historic exploration of the Great Red Spot was limited by the technology available at the time
– The Company now believes the primary source of the Great Red Spot’s magnetic anomaly is towards its northern edge
– This appears to be coincidental with Target B1 (announced 2 July 2021). Planned drilling to test this assessment.
– Target B1 is a 475m by 550m conductive anomaly, with a conductance reading of 8,200 Siemens and a decay constant estimated to be in excess of 350ms.
– Jeremy Brett and Kavango CEO Ben Turney have given a short video presentation about the updated geophysical model of Target Area B, which is available through the following link – https://youtu.be/0yQx_vLD8_Y
Ø Drilling update
– Downhole gyroscopic survey complete. TA2DD002 successfully drilled to within 1 degree of original target
– Drilling recommenced at TA2DD002, with target depth of 1,000m expected overnight on Wednesday 22 September
– On completion of operations in Target Area A, the rig will be mobilised to Target Area B
– Kavango will then drill one geological hole into the Great Red Spot and one borehole to intersect the conductor of Target B1
Ben Turney, Chief Executive Officer of Kavango Resources, commented:
“Our vision is to build a world-class minerals exploration firm in Botswana. These senior appointments are a significant step on our way to achieving this vision .
I am delighted to welcome Tipps, John and Jeremy on board. Each brings valuable skills, expertise and experience to Kavango. These senior appointments are the culmination of months of hard work and reflect the significant progress we have made as a business over the course of 2021.
We still have a lot to do to make our first discovery, but it feels like the pieces are falling into place.”
Recruitment of senior team members
Over recent months, Kavango has made the following appointments:
– Tiyapo (Tipps) Ngwisanyi (Managing Director, Kavango Minerals (Pty) Ltd))
Tipps is a geoscientist, who began his career at the Botswana Department of Geological Survey. In 2010 Tipps became Director of the Geological Survey and was then appointed as founding CEO of the Botswana Geoscience Institute in 2015, a position he held until he joined Kavango at the start of August.
As Managing Director of Kavango Minerals (Pty) Ltd, the Company’s local operating subsidiary in Botswana, Tipps is responsible for in-country commercial management and liaisons with all stakeholders, from the Department of Mines to local farmers and community representatives.
– John Lauderdale (Group Consulting Geologist)
John is a Chartered Geologist and seasoned exploration professional, who has been responsible for annual budgets of up to $80million and run teams of <350 personnel. During his career John has successfully worked on projects throughout Africa, from Morocco to South Africa.
Over the last three months John has been helping Kavango implement a comprehensive overhaul of the Company’s in-country operations. John works full time for Kavango and reports directly to the board of directors.
– Jeremy S. Brett (Senior Consulting Geophysicist)
Jeremy is an experienced geoscientist, with a strong geophysical, geological and project management background. Over the last 27 years Jeremy has designed, supervised, quality assured and interpreted geophysical and geological exploration programmes across many base and precious metal projects around the world.
Jeremy has specific relevant experience in exploring for Nickel-Copper-PGEs mafic/ultramafic complexes, having previously worked on the Kalahari Suture Zone for Canadian firms in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Jeremy was responsible for the siting of Hole GRS1, which targeted the centre of the “Great Red Spot” and was drilled to a depth of 934m in 2002.
Jeremy published a paper on the KSZ in the Journal of African Earth Sciences in 2002, titled “Geophysical exploration of the Kalahari Suture Zone”. He has been assisting Kavango since March this year and is now conducting a review of the Company’s geophysical strategy.
Geophysical update on Target Area B
Once current drilling operations are complete at Target Area A in the KSZ, Mindea Exploration and Drilling Services (Pty) (“Mindea”) will immediately mobilise the rig to Target Area B to commence drilling there.
Target Area B is in a distinct geological setting to Target Area A. It covers an area that is known as the “Great Red Spot”, thanks to its physical appearance on magnetic maps. The Great Red Spot is a previously identified large-scale magnetic anomaly that has been subject to limited historic exploration.
In 2002 a Canadian junior exploration company, Opawica Exploration Inc (“Opawica”), drilled Hole GRS-1 into the centre of the Great Red Spot. GRS-1 was drilled to a depth of 934m, encountering 17m of gabbroic rocks from 917m. However, the Company believes that limitations in available geophysical technology meant that accurate profiling of the Great Red Spot was not possible at that time.
Thanks to significant advances in geophysical technology and analytical software over the last two decades, Kavango believes it has now been able to create a more accurate geophysical model of the Great Red Spot (the “New GRS Model”). The New GRS Model combines historic data with data gathered by the Company in its exploration of the KSZ.
The New GRS Model estimates that the primary source of the magnetic anomaly of the Great Red Spot is positioned much closer to its northern boundary than previously recognised. Kavango believes this magnetic anomaly could be associated with a combination of Karoo and/or Proterozoic intrusions.
According to Kavango’s analysis, Target B1 appears to be coincidental with the edge of the magnetic anomaly. The Company will seek to confirm this interpretation through drilling.
Kavango’s Consulting Geophysicist Jeremy Brett and CEO Ben Turney have given a video interview to Alan Green, CEO of Brand Communications, to provide greater context about the Company’s modelling of Target Area B.
The link to this presentation can be viewed here:
Drilling update Hole TA2DD02
Drilling at Hole TA2DD002 was temporarily halted on Tuesday 21 September at 950m to allow for the downhole gyroscopic survey. A gyroscopic survey is used to measure the angle of a borehole. This survey was successfully completed and confirms Hole TA2DD002 has been drilled to within 1 degree of the original objective. Given challenging drilling conditions closer to surface and the depth Hole TA2DD002 has been drilled to, the Company regards this as a notable technical success by Mindea and Equity Drilling Ltd.
Drilling has subsequently resumed and is expected to reach the final target depth of 1,000m overnight on Wednesday 22 September.
Kavango has used a TLB Loader to prepare a 20km roadway from Target Area A to Target Area B, so that the drill rig and accompanying equipment can be transported quickly and safely.
Kavango has also prepared drills pads and now plans to drill two boreholes:
– First, the Company plans to drill a geological hole to a depth of up to 1,000m, targeting what it believes to be the shallowest point of the magnetic high of the Great Red Spot. Kavango expects to encounter Karoo and Proterozoic gabbros in this hole.
– Second, the Company plans to drill a hole to intersect Target B1 to an estimated depth of up to 600m. Target B1 is a 475m by 550m conductive anomaly, with a conductance reading of 8,200 Siemens and a decay constant estimated to be in excess of 350ms. Kavango’s geophysical model estimates that Target B1 is positioned at the northern edge of the Great Red Spot.
The primary objective of both boreholes is to extract core samples for full sweep rock analysis.
Further information in respect of the Company and its business interests is provided on the Company’s website at www.kavangoresources.com and on Twitter at #KAV.
For additional information please contact:
Kavango Resources plc
Ben Turney
+46 7697 406 06
First Equity (Joint Broker)
+44 207 374 2212
Jason Robertson
SI Capital Limited (Joint Broker)
+44 1483 413500
Nick Emerson
Kavango Competent Person Statement
The information in this press release that relates to “geological and/or geophysical results” for the KSZ Project is based on information compiled or reviewed by Mr Mike Moles BSc (Geology) & BSocSci (African Studies), a competent person who is a Member of the Australian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy. Mr Moles has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration and to the activity, which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’. Mr Moles consents to the inclusion in this release of the exploration results for the Project in the form and context in which it appears. Mr Moles is a beneficial shareholder of Kavango Resources plc.
Kavango Resources #KAV – KSZ Update & Expansion
Kavango Resources plc (LSE:KAV), the exploration company targeting the discovery of world-class mineral deposits in Botswana, is pleased to provide an update on its Kalahari Suture Zone (“KSZ”) Project.
Ø Update on Hole TA2DD002:
– TA2DD002 is the second hole in the planned 6-hole programme currently being undertaken to investigate the Karoo gabbros in the Hukuntsi section of the KSZ.
– Double shift drilling commenced on Friday 20 August
– As of 1800 on Sunday 22 August the Hole was at 137m
– Hole to test deeper Karoo gabbro “keel”, believed to be connected to the same gabbro encountered in Hole TA2DD001 (announced 16 August 2021), 1km to the west
– Additional objective to test potential contact between Karoo and Proterozoic gabbros, which might represent a possible ‘feeder zone’
– Hole to target western part of the same >1km geophysical anomaly (“Target A2”) drilled at Hole TA2DD001 (announced 20 April 2021)
– Anticipated target depth of 400m to 450m (though preparations in place to drill up to 800m depending on contact with any gabbro encountered)
Ø Downhole electromagnetic (“EM”) survey Hole TA2DD001
– Hole cased down to 393m from surface with steel casing, because of broken ground conditions
– EM probe run by Spectral Geophysics Ltd (“Spectral) from 394m to 560m
– According to analysis from Spectral, the A2 Time Domain Electromagnetic (“TDEM”) anomaly has been masked by the steel casing at 370m (i.e. the EM signal could not penetrate it)
– Results inconclusive, but alternative options being evaluated for future hole design and possible downhole EM surveys
Ø Award of two new PLs in the KSZ covering a combined 1,258km2
– Applied for in March 2021
– PL081/2021 covers 987.8km2 across the eastern edge of the KSZ
– PL080/2021 covers 270.4km2 and is contiguous with the Company’s existing PLs in the northern section of the KSZ
– Both are 3-year licences, with the option of two 2-year renewal periods
– £52,000 spending commitment in each PL over first 3 years
– Kavango now holds 14 PLs in the KSZ, covering 8,751.7km2
Ben Turney, Chief Executive Officer of Kavango Resources, commented:
“I’m very pleased at how quickly we’ve progressed to double shift drilling at Hole TA2DD002. We are now successfully moving through the gears of this drill campaign. The speed at which Equity Drilling/Mindea safely mobilised the rig to the new site is encouraging.
Core recovery continues to be consistent and of the highest standard.
Meanwhile, the inconclusive results of the downhole EM survey of Hole TA2DD001 emphasise some of the engineering challenges we face. Keeping a deep hole open to depth in the KSZ is tough. It’s a credit to the drillers that Spectral got the EM probe from 394m depth to 560m, but the steel casing from surface to 393m meant readings could not be taken below this depth. We now believe the primary A2 Conductor is at 370m.
While the cores we extract are by far the most important data source, it would have been helpful to see the EM response of the A2 Conductor at its base. The steel casing will be left in place for the time being, until the downhole survey (to confirm the orientation of the hole) is completed. At this point we will seek to remove the casing and possibly run another, shallower downhole EM survey. However, given what we have experienced so far with the ground closing in on itself, we have modest expectations about whether this will be possible.
Whatever the case, the results of the assays and the whole rock geochemical analyses should provide us with the most valuable evidence we need to guide future exploration.
With the award of 1,258km2 of new prospecting licences and working capital over £3million, Kavango is well-positioned to take full advantage of its strategic hold over this highly prospective region.”
Further information in respect of the Company and its business interests is provided on the Company’s website at www.kavangoresources.com and on Twitter at #KAV.
For further information please contact:
Kavango Resources plc
Ben Turney
First Equity (Joint Broker)
+44 207 374 2212
Jason Robertson
SI Capital Limited (Joint Broker)
+44 1483 413500
Nick Emerson
Kavango Competent Person Statement
The technical information contained in this announcement and the map of the A-C Corridor have been read and approved by Mr Mike Moles (BSc (Geology) & BSocSci (African Studies), who is a Member of the Australian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy (MAusIMM) and has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposits under consideration to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the ‘Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves’. Mr Moles is a beneficial shareholder of Kavango Resources plc.
Note to Editors:
Kavango’s 100% subsidiary in Botswana, Kavango Minerals (Pty) Ltd, is the holder of 14 prospecting licences covering 8,751.7km2 of ground, including 12 licences over a significant portion of the 450km long KSZ magnetic anomaly in the southwest of the country along which Kavango is exploring for Copper-Nickel-PGM rich sulphide ore bodies. This large area, which is entirely covered by Cretaceous and post-Cretaceous Kalahari Sediments, has not previously been explored using modern techniques.
The area covered by Kavango’s KSZ licences displays a geological setting with distinct similarities to that hosting World Class magmatic sulphide deposits such as those at Norilsk (Siberia) and Voisey’s Bay (Canada).
The Norilsk mining centre is about 2,800km northeast of Moscow and accounts for 90% of Russia’s nickel reserves, 55% of its copper and virtually all of its PGMs. Kavango’s licenses in the KSZ display a geological setting with distinct geological similarities to the magmatic sulphide deposits at Norilsk. Magma plumbing systems are a key feature of these deposits.
EM Super Conductors: are bodies of highly conductive minerals such as graphite, magnetite and metal sulphides, which conduct electricity very rapidly provided the mineral grains are in contact with each other.
Gabbro/gabbroic: A coarse grained, medium to dark coloured rock, formed from the intrusion of mantle derived molten magma into the earth’s crust. Gabbroic rocks (or “gabbros”) are formed as the molten magma crystallizes and cools.
Gabbroic sills: Relatively thin, planar, horizontal bodies of solidified gabbroic magma that intruded into layers of sedimentary rock whilst still molten.
Karoo: The Karoo System covers 1.5 million km2 of the semi-desert region of Southern Africa. Rocks in this system formed 180-310 million years ago.
Massive sulphide: When a deposit consists almost entirely of sulphides it is termed “massive”. When it consists of grains or crystals of sulphide in a matrix of silicate minerals, it is termed “disseminated”.
Metal/Magmatic sulphide: Deposits of sulphide mineral concentrations in mafic and ultramafic rocks, derived from immiscible sulphide liquids. To view a video of how metal/magmatic sulphides form please visit –
Norilsk Style: copper/nickel/PGE mineralisation associated with the intrusion into the upper parts of the Earth’s crust of mafic magma, which form magma chambers that sit below volcanic vents or fissures that extrude basaltic lava onto the surface (Hawaii is a possible modern equivalent). The Norilsk intrusions tend to have distinct morphologies, combining thin gabbro sills (wings) with deep keels (thought to be associated with feeder dykes) at the base.
Norilsk Model: a genetic geological model similar to that pertaining to the Norilsk/Talnakh deposits in Siberia. Traditionally, it was thought that, during emplacement, the magma incorporated sulphur rich country rock (e.g. coal measures) or evaporites into the melt, which allowed the molten magma to become sulphur saturated. The free sulphur would then combine, preferentially, with Cu/Ni/PGE metal ions to form metal sulphides, which, being heavy, tended to accumulate in traps or into the keel of the magma chamber. However, modern research suggests that the process might be more complex and may also involve changes of the chemical and physical properties of the magma during the introduction of new pulses of molten material from below. Such sudden changes may have caused rapid segregation of metal sulphides within and above the feeder dykes within the keel of the intrusion.
Sulphide mineralisation: If there is sufficient sulphur in the molten magma, it will tend to combine with metals (Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, Pb, PGEs etc.) to form metal sulphide complexes, which may coalesce to form massive sulphide deposits. If the melt is sulphide poor, the metals will be taken up into the silicate minerals that form as the magma cools and will not usually form economic deposits.