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Feedback (FDBK) subsidiary Cambridge Computed Imaging announces exclusive distributor arrangement with Korea Computer Motion ISG

Feedback plc subsidiary Cambridge Computed Imaging Ltd (CCI) is pleased to announce the signing of an Exclusive Distributor arrangement with Korea Computer Motion ISG (Korea ISG) based in Seoul, South Korea for sales and distribution of its TexRAD® texture analysis research software. 

TexRAD will be used by customers for research purposes, performing advanced analysis of routinely acquired medical diagnostic images (e.g. CT, MRI) in South Korea.

As outlined in our recent investor presentations, this is a significant step for CCI Ltd as part of its plans to expand sales of TexRAD software to meet the fast-growing demand in Asian markets, identifying and engaging with distributors who are experts in the local market, and who can leverage the TexRAD brand awareness to help build a regional sales pipeline.

Dr Balaji Ganeshan, CEO of TexRAD Ltd and Director of New Business at Feedback Plc said; “We are pleased to sign this significant Distributorship agreement with Korea ISG to support the interest and acceptance of TexRAD in the rapidly growing and important South Korean medical imaging research market. We are confident that by working with an experienced team led by the CEO Jacob Woo, who has a great understanding of the market and customer base, we stand to increase the TexRAD revenue potential and market reach and meet our customer needs.”

Mr Jacob Woo, CEO of Korea ISG commented; “We are pleased to have started to work with CCI Ltd this year to promote the highly acclaimed TexRAD texture analysis software in South Korea which has attracted a lot of interest amongst the top University Hospitals who are also our potential-customers. Following a recent installation for research at the prestigious Korea University Hospital, I anticipate a very successful business relationship, rapidly increasing TexRAD software sales and working closely with Dr. Balaji Ganeshan and CCI. Our team has a first class reputation amongst researchers in the region, and offers unrivalled in-depth market-access and know-how in South Korea.”

About CCI

CCI Ltd is owned by AIM listed Feedback Plc (FDBK), based in Bourn, Cambridge UK. CCI focusses on the development and supply of advanced software including TexRAD, for texture analysis of medical images and storage and interpretation of imaging data.

About Korea Motion ISG

Korea ISG has installed and supported MRI/CT 3D processing imaging software to about 120 prominent Korean hospitals for 23 years, and is the largest medical imaging software distribution (sales and service/support) company in South Korea. They are experienced distributors of medical software from other world leading suppliers, with a wide customer base.

About TexRAD

TexRAD is a highly advanced, patented image texture analysis software tool that analyses routinely acquired diagnostic medical images (e.g. CT, MRI) to reveal features that are not always evident to the human eye. The platform also comprises a novel data-mining tool to assist the research customer to undertake statistical analysis to identify interesting parameters demonstrating association with patient outcome and clinical parameters. A number of research studies published in numerous peer-reviewed journals and conference presentations show that TexRAD texture metrics may have the potential to predict prognosis, disease severity and treatment prediction/evaluation in a number of cancer applications.

Contact for press enquiries

CCI Ltd: Mike Hayball, CEO     Tel: 01954 718055

TexRAD Ltd: Dr. Balaji Ganeshan, CEO     Tel: 01954 718072

Feedback plc: Alastair Riddell, Chairman     Tel: 01954 718072

Brand Communications: Alan Green        Tel: 07976 431608

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