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Tag Archives: Katie Pilbeam

Spectrum X executive team present late Spring listing plans

Spectrum X founder and CEO Damien Hancox is joined by Aziz McMahon, Executive Chairman and Barry Saint, Chief Financial Officer to talk about the process for their late Spring IPO

SpectrumX CEO Damien Hancox joins Proactive Katie Pilbeam in the London studio to talk about the SPC-069 treatment

SpectrumX CEO Damien Hancox joins Proactive Katie Pilbeam in the London studio to talk about the SPC-069 treatment and what the roadmap looks like for releasing to the market.

Proactive Investors – Technology Minerals #TN1 hails Recyclus operation deal with battery collection group

Technology Minerals #TM1 – Chairman Robin Brundle joins Proactive London’s Katie Pilbeam about their 49% owned Recyclus Group signing a deal with Slicker Recycling to collect battery waste from around the UK and deliver it to its plants.

Recyclus has unique technologies that allow it to reprocess both lead-acid and lithium-ion power units. Next year the business expects to deal with 16,000 tonnes of the former and 5,000 tonnes of the latter.

Slicker Recycling has 13 depots and uses 25,000 collection points nationally.

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