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#FCM First Class Metals PLC – Grant Receipt, Tax Refund & Kerrs Gold Exclusivity

First Class Metals PLC (“First Class Metals” “FCM” or the “Company”) the UK listed metals exploration company seeking economic metal discoveries across its extensive Canadian, focused in north west Ontario land holdings, is delighted to announce the following update in regard to the Ontario Junior Exploration Program (OJEP) Grant, Canadian Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax credit and an Exclusivity over the Kerrs Gold Property.


  • First Class Metals (FCM) has signed an exclusivity agreement with a Canadian vendor for the Kerr’s Gold Project in Northeastern Ontario. This project holds a historic resource estimate of 386,467 Oz (ounces) of Au (gold) as per the NI-43-101 standard
  • CAD$200,000 OJEP Grant received from the Canadian Ministry of Mines for the Zigzag lithium & critical metals property.
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST) /Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) credit for the year ending 2023. The amount received totalled CAD$212,780.03.

James Knowles Executive Chairman Commented:

“We are pleased to have swiftly completed the necessary paperwork that enabled the release of the grant funding for our Zigzag project from the OJEP team. Our dedicated geology team (Emerald Geological Services) in Canada demonstrated professionalism and worked diligently to ensure the documentation was completed promptly, aligning with the timelines for payment release by the Canadian Fiscal Year end on March 31, 2023.

Additionally, we are pleased to receive a GST/HST refund of $212,780.03 for the full year 2023. This refund further strengthens our financial position and provides us with confidence to pursue opportunities like the Kerrs Gold Property and the other recent additions to the portfolio. These payments also give us the confidence to start the planned 2024 field work program.

During times of uncertainty and market downturns, such as those we are currently witnessing with junior metal explorer stocks, there is indeed a unique opportunity for strategic investment. First Class Metals recognizes this opportunity and believes in the proactive approach of expanding its portfolio with quality assets available at distressed prices.

Entering into an exclusivity agreement for the Kerrs Gold Property fits this remit. Located in a highly productive gold mining district with numerous active mines, the property’s low-cost entry and substantial NI-43-101 historic reportable resource of 386,467 ounces of gold make it an incredibly exciting prospect, especially with the price of gold continuously reaching new all-time highs.

By capitalising on the market turbulence and acquiring undervalued assets, First Class Metals can fortify its portfolio and position itself for future growth. This approach allows the Company to benefit from potential appreciation in asset value as market conditions stabilise and improve.

Furthermore, First Class Metals understands the importance of divestment in a well-managed portfolio. When the time is right by selectively divesting certain assets,  the Company can generate capital and maximise returns on investment. This disciplined approach to divestment ensures that First Class Metals remains agile and focused on maintaining a strong and balanced portfolio.”

OJEP Grant

FCM announced on the 120 March RNS we had been awarded a $200,000 grant from the OJEP Fund for work completed on the Zigzag property, we are pleased to confirm these funds have now been received. 1polaris.brighterir.com/public/first_class_metals/news/rns/story/ry7ooyr

GST/HST Refund 2023

We have received a GST/HST tax refund for the year ended 2023 for CAD$212,780.03. Goods and Services Tax (GST)/Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) is the Canadian direct equivalent of Value Added Tax (VAT) in the United Kingdom. This refund relates to the entire year of 2023.

Kerrs Gold Exclusivity

FCM has signed a thirty day exclusivity agreement and is currently in the process of finalising commercial terms with a Canadian vendor in respect of an ‘earn in’ to acquire 100% of the Kerrs Gold Property located in the Larder Lake Mining Division of Northeastern Ontario. The property holds a resource estimate of 386,467 Oz Au resource as per an historical NI-43-101 standard.


For further information, please contact:

James Knowles, Executive Chairman JamesK@Firstclassmetalsplc.com 07488 362641
Marc J Sale, CEO MarcS@Firstclassmetalsplc.com 07711 093532


Novum Securities Limited


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David Coffman/ George Duxberry  www.novumsecurities.com (0)20 7399 9400



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