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Dixons Challenged in UK Mobile Market

Dixons Carphone plc DC  has been facing challenging conditions in the UK mobile phone market as owners hold onto their existing mobiles for longer, partly due to price rises reflecting the weakness of sterling. It may also have something to do with people waking up to the fact that they do not need to change their mobile every time the model is brought out in a new colour. Apart from that the group produced a good performance in electricals for the 13 weeks to the 29th July, with group like for like revenue rising by 6%, even in Greece – perhaps a sign that at long last that country may be beginning to emerge from the years of austerity. Overall core profit for the year is expected to be in line with last year.

John Laing Group JLG concentrates on NAV in its interim results for the 6 months to the 30th June preferring that rather than more interesting  basics such as profit before tax which slumped from from last years £108.3m to this years £36.6m. or even earnings per share which similarly dropped from 29.1 to 10.2p per share. The interim dividend is increased from 1.85p to 1.91p per share.

Hunting plc HTG Despite a 64% rise in revenue in the half year to the 30th June, the company still remains loss making, although the retiring CEO claims that positive EBITDA of $12.1m. indicates that profitability has returned in some of the company’s businesses, especially when one compares it with 2016’s EBITDA loss of $29.5m. The underlying operating loss hows a healthy reduction from $50.8m to to $9.1m. The out look for the full year however, still remains dependent on the price of oil.

CRH plc CRH claims a satisfactory start to 2017 with key European markets stabilising and growth in the Americas. First half profit before tax rose by 27% and basic earnings per share by 29% although sales revenue only grew by 2%. The interim dividend is to be increased by 2.1% and the present momentum is expected to continue for the remainder of the year.

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fastjet says goodbye to Stelios and easyGroup Holdings

Fastjet FJET says it has made steady progress in implementing stabilisation efforts, including inter alia, a re-fleeting process, relocation of its headquarters from London to Johannesburg and a right-sizing of its operations in Zimbabwe and Tanzania. Accordingly fastjet aims to achieve a cashflow break-even position for the final quarter of 2017. The Company also announces that it has, on 29 June 2017, entered into an agreement with easyGroup Holdings Ltd to acquire all intellectual property rights associated with the fastjet brand for a total consideration of $2.5m, to be satisfied in cash, resulting in saving to the Company over the next 5 years. This agreement represents a major step forward as the Company continues with its stabilisation efforts under new management. Bye bye Stelios!

Angus Energy ANGS increases interim LBT of £(985,000) (2016: LBT £344,000). Says production guidance for the Lidsey Oil Field remains unchanged while production from the Brockham Oil Field could improve materially after bringing X4Z on stream from the Kimmeridge.

John Laing Group JLG says its investment portfolio as a whole is performing in line with expectations in a pre-close update for the half-year ending 30 June 2017.

Trinity Mirror TNI updates on trading and says group revenue is expected to fall by 9% on a like for like basis over the period. CEO Simon Fox said: “The trading environment for print in the first half remained volatile but we remain on course to meet our expectations for the year. I anticipate that the second half will show improving revenue momentum as we benefit from initiatives implemented during the first half of the year.”

TipTV – Dr David Paul of VectorVest looks at undervalued shares including Carnival (CCL), AB Dynamics (ABDP) & John Laing Group (JLG)

VectorVest takes into account the Earnings per Share (EPS), and picks undervalued shares that could offer safety as well as healthy returns in a rising overall market.

In this segment, David Paul, MD of Vector Vest lists Carnival (CCL), Siphon (SPE), AB Dynamics (ABDP) and John Laing Group (JLG) as the preferred stocks to play the short-term uptrend in the market as suggested by the VectorVest composite index. For the above mentioned stocks…technicals have perfectly aligned with the fundamentals, thus painting a bullish picture.

Check out the whole segment to know Paul’s ‘Tip of the day’. The segment is hosted by Presenter Jenny Hammond and Alan Green, CEO of Brand Communications.

CHOO Sees Significant Growth Potential Ahead

Jimmy Choo plc CHOO claims an excellent first half performance with margin expansion, impressive growth in China and a weak pound, all helping operating profit to rise by 42.6%.  Total revenue rose by 9.2% and adjusted earnings per share by 26.7%.  A strong start has been made to the second half and the company still sees significant growth potential ahead.

John Laing Group JLG Has more than tripled its profit before tax  for the half year to the 30th June with a rise from £32.6m to £108.3m. External assets under management rose by 12.5% and the yield from the investment portfolio rose from £11.4m to £18.3m An interim dividend of 1.85p per share will be paid in October.

CRH PLC. CRH First half profit before tax rose more than sixfold to 407m Euro and reported EBITDA more than doubled to 1.12 billion Euro. Sales were up by 35%  or 8% on a like for like basis. The interim dividend is being increased by 1.6% to 18.8p Early stage signs of economic recovery in Europe have been seen and further progress is expected in the second half, with continuing positive momentum in the Americas.

STV Group STVG is enjoying its sixth continuous year of profit growth with a 50% rise in pre tax profit for the half year to 30th June. Revenue was up by 5% and statutory earnings per share by 55%. Net debt fell by 17%. the interim dividend is increased by 33% to 4p per share and it is intended to pay a final dividend of 12p. The company puts its success down to (inter alia) its ambitious vision.

Coral Products plc CRU made further progress during the year to 30th April and expects to continue increasing its market share in the medium term. Revenue rose by 7.4% and profit before tax by 296% or 22.2% on an underlying basis. The final dividend is to be increased from 0.7p to 1.0p

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