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Tag Archives: Joe Biden

Alan Green on markets after Biden election, plus Mosman Oil & Gas #MSMN, Eddie Stobart #ESL & Destiny Pharma #DEST on UK Investor Mag podcast

Biden and the next chapter for global stock markets

Alan Green joins the UK Investor Magazine Podcast as Joe Biden is inaugurated as the President of the United States. Biden’s inauguration marks the next chapter for equity market, not only because of optimism surrounding stimulus promised by his administration, but because of the removal of the last great uncertainty of 2020.

With a Joe Biden Presidency, markets are now free of concerns over Trump’s unpredictability, which adds to the recent Brexit trade deal and the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine in improving market sentiment.

However, with much of this positive news priced in, are markets now vulnerable to a correction with little fresh catalyst for upside on the horizon?

We also discuss Eddie Stobart (LON:ESL), Destiny Pharma (LON:DEST) and Mosman Oil & Gas (LON:MSMN).

Alan Green on Trump/Biden, plus Open Orphan #ORPH, Erris Resources #ERIS & Tertiary Minerals #TYM on the UK Investor Mag podcast

Alan Green discusses the Trump/Biden effect on the markets, plus Open Orphan #ORPH, Erris Resources #ERIS and Tertiary Minerals #TYM with Jonathan Roy on the UK Investor Magazine podcast.

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