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Legendary Investments #LEG Exec Chairman Zafar Karim interview with Jenny Hammond

Jenny Hammond @JournalistJenny interviews Zafar Karim, Exec Chairman at Legendary Investments #LEG following the latest NAV hike and swing to profitability announced in the recent trading update.

TipTV – Dr David Paul of VectorVest looks at undervalued shares including Carnival (CCL), AB Dynamics (ABDP) & John Laing Group (JLG)

VectorVest takes into account the Earnings per Share (EPS), and picks undervalued shares that could offer safety as well as healthy returns in a rising overall market.

In this segment, David Paul, MD of Vector Vest lists Carnival (CCL), Siphon (SPE), AB Dynamics (ABDP) and John Laing Group (JLG) as the preferred stocks to play the short-term uptrend in the market as suggested by the VectorVest composite index. For the above mentioned stocks…technicals have perfectly aligned with the fundamentals, thus painting a bullish picture.

Check out the whole segment to know Paul’s ‘Tip of the day’. The segment is hosted by Presenter Jenny Hammond and Alan Green, CEO of Brand Communications.

Brand CEO Alan Green talks markets,EU, Cranswick (CWK) & Topps Tiles (TPT) with Jenny Hammond on TipTV.

Brand CEO Alan Green talks markets, the EU, Cranswick Plc (CWK) and Topps Tiles (TPT) with Jenny Hammond on TipTV.

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