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Alan Green talks Itaconix #ITX, Airtel Africa #AAF & Shell #RSDSB on Vox Markets podcast

Alan Green talks Itaconix #ITX, Airtel Africa #AAF & Shell #RSDSB with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets podcast. Interview is 24 minutes 35 seconds in.

Alan Green talks FTSE100 mining stocks, plus Cadence Minerals #KDNC, Itaconix #ITX & Mode Plc #MODE on the UK Investor Magazine podcast

Inflation has unnerved markets sending bond yields higher and shares higher. This Podcast addresses the dynamics around higher inflation and what it means for shares listed in London.

Alan Green joins us to look at FTSE 100 Bond-proxies that have the characteristics of strong cash flows and reliable shareholder distributions and explore the outlook in an environment of rising bond yields.

With multiple analysts and economists predicting a commodities super cycle, we touch on FTSE 100 mining shares and how much of a metals rally is already priced into shares.

Mode listed in London last year and investors have questioned ever since whether the Banking App company can be compared to the hugely successful Argo Blockchain. We look at this comparison and whether it would be sensible to make comparisons.

We discuss Cadence Minerals (LON:KDNC), Mode (LON:MODE) and Itaconix (LON:ITX).

Alan Green discusses ESG and renewables, plus British Honey Co #BHC, Open Orphan #ORPH & Itaconix #ITX on UK Investor Magazine podcast

Why your portfolio needs to improve it’s ESG exposure

Alan Green discusses ESG and renewables, plus British Honey Co #BHC, Open Orphan #ORPH & Itaconix #ITX with Jonathan Roy on the UK Investor Magazine podcast

Alan Green talks markets, Eddie Stobart #ESL, Arkle Resources #ARK & BrandShield #BRSD on the UK Investor Magazine podcast

Are stock markets correctly pricing COVID-19 economic devastation?

Alan Green joins the UK Investor Magazine Podcast shortly after news the Pfizer vaccine will be rolled out in the UK over the next week. Market reaction was muted and we explore whether stocks have already priced in all the good news related to the economic reopening. We also discuss Arkle Resources (LON:ARK), Brand Shield (LON:BRSD) and Eddie Stobart (LON:ESL)

Alan Green talks markets, Power Metal Resources #POW, Itaconix #ITX & Venture Life Grp #VLG on the UK Investor Magazine podcast

FTSE 100: The influences of vaccines and Brexit on London’s leading index

Alan Green talks markets, Power Metal Resources #POW, Itaconix #ITX & Venture Life Grp #VLG with Jonathan Roy on the UK Investor Magazine podcast

Alan Green talks markets, Itaconix #ITX, AB Dynamics #ABDP & Gfinity #GFIN on the UK Investor Magazine podcast

Alan Green discusses markets, US Elections, Itaconix #ITX, AB Dynamics #ABDP & Gfinity #GFIN on the UK Investor Magazine podcast.

Alan Green talks Travis Perkins #TPK, Itaconix #ITX & Power Metal Resources #POW on VOX Markets podcast

Alan Green discusses Travis Perkins #TPK, Itaconix #ITX & Power Metal Resources #POW with Justin Waite on the VOX Markets podcast. Interview is 37 minutes 46 seconds in.

Alan Green talks Santa Rally, Funds, JD Sports #JD, Tiziana Life Sciences #TILS & Itaconix #ITX on Vox Markets podcast

Alan Green discusses Santa Rally, funds, JD Sports #JD, Tiziana Life Sciences #TILS & Itaconix #ITX with Justin Waite on the Vox Markets podcast. The interview is 19 minutes 13 seconds in.

Alan Green discusses Cadence Minerals #KDNC, Tiziana Life #TILS, JD Sports #JD & Itaconix #ITX on the Vox Markets podcast

Alan Green discusses Cadence Minerals #KDNC Amapa project, Tiziana Life Sciences (AIM: #TILS, Nasdaq: #TLSA), JD Sports #JD and Itaconix #ITX on the Vox Markets podcast. The interview is 14 minutes 28 seconds in.

Alan Green CEO of Brand Communications talks about Itaconix #ITX Cora Gold #CORA Europa Metals #EUZ

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