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Irish Independent – Open Orphan subsidiary starts testing drug for treating Covid-19

by Ellie Donnelly

A subsidiary of Open Orphan has started testing a drug that could potentially treat Covid-19.

Open Orphan is a Europe- focused pharma services company specialising in rare disease and so-called orphan drugs.

The tests are being carried out by its London-based subsidiary Hvivo on behalf of its client Nearmedic International.

The drug being tested has both potential anti-viral and anti-inflammatory activity, and therefore could reduce both virus infectivity and disease severity respectively, a statement from Open Orphan said.

Hvivo will be testing its utility against a panel of viruses that include influenza virus, “normal”, circulating betacoronavirus and ultimately SARS-CoV2 (Covid-19).

Cathal Friel, chairman of Open Orphan, said: “We are very happy to be assisting in the battle against Covid-19 and are delighted to be working with Nearmedic International.”

“Hvivo is a world leading provider of services to global vaccine and antiviral development companies and our scientists have considerable knowledge from previous anti-viral trials which gives us confidence in our testing,” he added

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IMC Exploration – Geological Survey of Ireland Tellus Survey Reveals High Levels of Gold in streams near the Goldmines River and Avoca regions of County Wicklow.

IMCThe directors of IMC Exploration Group plc (IMCP) note the unprecedented Irish press coverage of a geological survey that has revealed higher than expected levels of gold and platinum in the streams and rivers of Wicklow and Wexford in south east Ireland.

Articles published in recent days in the Irish Times, the Independent, the Journal and several other publications tell how the Geological Survey of Ireland’s (GSI) Tellus programme made the discovery by applying modern testing methods to stream samples collected in the 1980s.

The survey confirms high levels of gold in streams near the Goldmines River and Avoca regions of Wicklow, and the new data identifies high gold values in streams that flow across and along the edges of the Leinster granite.

All five of IMC’s gold prospecting licenses in Wicklow and Wexford are sited centrally in the survey region, and are operated as a Joint Venture agreement with Koza Limited (a subsidiary of Koza Altin Isletmeleri A.S.).

IMC is currently listed on the ISDX market (ticker: IMCP) and is at an advanced stage of seeking a standard listing on the main market of the London Stock Exchange.

Chairman Liam McGrattan commented ‘These encouraging GSI survey results further confirm our own findings for the region.  This report justifies, confirms and validates our geological exploration programme underway with Koza Limited.  We are very excited by this.’


IMC Exploration Group plc (IMC) was incorporated in Ireland in June 2011 with a view to identifying precious and base metal deposits in Ireland

  • IMC holds 15 mineral prospecting licences in Ireland:
  • 5 precious metal licences
  • 10 base metal licences
  • JV agreement commenced in July 2015 between IMC and Koza Gold (a subsidiary of Koza Altin Isletmeleri AS with a current market capitalisation of over US$1 billion) on IMC’s precious metal licences in Wicklow and Wexford
  • IMC is currently listed on the London based ISDX market (Ticker: IMCP)


Tellus Survey Uncovers Platinum and Gold in south east Leinster:

  • Precious metal platinum identified in numerous stream sediments for the first time in Leinster
  • More gold in Wicklow, Wexford and Waterford than previously known

Applying modern testing methods to stream samples collected in the 1980s, the Geological Survey of Ireland’s Tellus Programme has discovered there is more platinum, gold and precious metals in the streams and rivers of south east of Ireland than previously believed.

  • Stream sediment geochemistry – Gold
  • Stream sediment geochemistry – Platinum

As well as reconfirming high levels of gold in streams near the Goldmines River and Avoca regions of Wicklow, the new data identifies high gold values in streams that flow across and along the edges of the Leinster granite, a complex area long thought to be a source for the gold mineralisation in the region.

High gold values in streams have also been identified in County Waterford.  The recently reanalysed data from the Tellus Survey team also highlights a broad zone of gold in County Wicklow.  It is hoped that this new data, along with additional data from samples due to be released later this year, will offer a fresh perspective of Ireland’s natural resources with the scope for further exploration attracting additional inward investment.

The new geochemical data for south east Ireland and all previous phases of the Tellus Survey are available, free of charge, to view and download at www.tellus.ie. The new data released today will be showcased next week at a major international convention, the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) in Toronto on the 7th March.

Contact Details:

IMC Exploration Group Plc
Mr. Liam McGrattan
Tel. Ireland: +353 87 2745427

Brand Communications
Mr. Alan Green
Tel. +44 (0)7976 431608

Gold explorer IMC close to main market London listing – Irish Independent

by Gavin McLoughlin




Irish minerals explorer IMC expects to be listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange by the end of March as it seeks to reap the benefits of Ireland’s ‘gold coast’

The company owns prospecting licenses in Wicklow and Wexford, in which there is more gold and platinum than previously thought, according to a study released by the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) earlier this week.

IMC, currently listed on London’s ISDX market, has done a deal with Turkish giant Koza as part of its efforts to get gold out of the ground. Separately, the company plans to raise £1m as part of its efforts to tap into its interests in base metals like zinc in Ireland.

“These encouraging GSI survey results further confirm our own findings for the region. This report justifies, confirms and validates our geological exploration programme underway. We are very excited by this,” IMC chairman Liam McGrattan told the Sunday Independent.

“The price of gold has gone up 16pc since the first week of January. It’s a good time for gold, and it’s the right time for IMC to list on the main market of the London Stock Exchange.

“Koza Gold will expend €3.4m on our five precious metal licences in Wicklow and Wexford,” McGrattan said.

Earlier this week, the GSI said there is more platinum, gold and precious metals in the streams and rivers of the south east of Ireland than previously believed.

“As well as reconfirming high levels of gold in streams near the Goldmines River and Avoca regions of Wicklow, the new data identifies high gold values in streams that flow across and along the edges of the Leinster granite, a complex area long thought to be a source for the gold mineralisation in the region,” it said.

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