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Alan Simpson, Chief Technology Officer, Catenae Innovation P.L.C. (LON:CTEA) Interview

Catenae (AIM: CTEA), the AIM quoted provider of digital media and technology announces the following changes to its senior Management team and Board.

Proposed appointment of Alan Simpson CTO to the Executive Board

Alan is a highly regarded technologist with vast experience in a number of high-profile projects in a career ranging from Military Cryptologist through to those projects which can be publicly named such as being the Technical Delivery Manager for BBC’s flagship iPlayer project.

Alan joined the Company in June 2018 and has been responsible for the delivery of technical projects within the Company including Sequestrum, its DLT/Blockchain platform, and the recently launched Onsite. This appointment recognises the contribution and commitment Alan has shown to the Company.

This, combined with his broad technical expertise, and commercial experience will be a welcome addition to the Board. A further announcement providing information pursuant to AIM Rule Schedule 2(g) will be made in due course.

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