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Cadence Minerals #KDNC – Interview with Kiran Morzaria direct from Santana, Brazil

Alan Green talks to Cadence CEO Kiran Morzaria direct from Santana Port, Brazil. Today, Cadence has announced a substantial upgrade in total Measured, Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources, to 276.24 Million Tonnes at a grading of 38.33% Fe at the Amapa iron ore project. Valued by former owner Anglo American at $600m in 2012, an investment of just $6m has seen Cadence acquire a 27% stake in the project, with an option to increase to 49%. Kiran explains how this upgrade contributes to the current ongoing pre-feasibility study, and the steps the company needs to take to bring Amapa back into production. We look at potential revenue forecasts for the fully recommissioned mine, and how important it is for the region in regard to employment, health and education. Kiran then covers the lithium and rare earth investment returns from Australia, and in particular the Yangibana Rare Earths project, plus the Sonora and Cinovec Lithium project investments. We finish with a look at upcoming news, plus Kiran comments on the market valuation vs. assets.

Golden Metal Resources – Alan Green talks to CEO Oliver Friesen ahead of the IPO

Alan Green talks to Golden Metal Resources #GMT CEO Oliver Friesen ahead of the IPO. Following an overview of the company and projects, at 4:40 Oliver discusses slides from the Pilot Mountain Tungsten Project, the MRE of 12.53Mt of Tungsten and the recent IP survey. At 11:24 we move onto the Golconda Gold & Copper project and initial exploration programme, before moving onto the geochemistry survey at the Garfield copper and gold project at 17:50. We wrap up with a summary of the Stonewall project targets at 21:20, and what investors can look forward to.

#PSN Persimmon, UK Inflation, and #POW Power Metal Resources and #AQX Aquis Exchange with Alan Green

Persimmon, UK Inflation, and Power Metal Resources with Alan Green

UK Inflation hit 10.1% in July as soaring energy and food prices dragged the headline inflation figure to the highest levels for 40 years. We discuss how inflation is taking its toll on households and whether the new UK Prime Minister can do anything to bring it under control, given UK inflation is among the highest of the G7.

Persimmon results can be viewed as a comprehensive indicator of the health of the UK economy and we question what falling completions mean as average selling prices rise. We look at the Persimmon yield and how their cash generation can support this yield going forward.

Power Metal Resources soared 45% yesterday after the announcement of favourable findings at their Molopo Farms Complex Project in Botswana. Alan outlines what investors can look forward to in the near future.

We finish by exploring the offering AQUIS provides for investors and exciting growth companies following the announcement Hargreaves Lansdown would provide electronic trading for the APEX segment of the AQUIS Stock Exchange.

Power Metal Resources #POW – Molopo Farms Complex Discovery. Paul Johnson talks to Alan Green

Alan Green talks to Power Metal Resources #POW CEO Paul Johnson about today’s discovery at the Molopo Farms Complex in Botswana. Paul talks through the images and drill results from Molopo, and the nickel samples taken on the edge of what appears to be a substantial ore body.

ECR Minerals #ECR – Adam Jones and Alan Green talk through the upcoming Blue Moon Drilling Campaign

Adam Jones and Alan Green discuss the upcoming Blue Moon drilling campaign. We discuss the intriguing and unique style of mineralisation at Blue Moon, and the impressive grades and widths from the previous 2019 campaign assay results. Adam explains the previous soil geochemistry work undertaken at Blue Moon prior to the previous drilling campaign, before we discuss the upcoming campaign in a few weeks, with a four initial drill holes planned using ECR’s own MIDAS drill rig.

Alan Green discusses #TEK Tekcapital, #LFT Lift Global Ventures, #TYM Tertiary Minerals & #EAAS eEnergy on the Vox Market Podcast

Alan Green discusses #TEK Tekcapital, #LFT Lift Global Ventures, #TYM Tertiary Minerals & #EAAS eEnergy on the Vox Market Podcast

Listen to the podcast here

Alan Green discusses #WTB Whitbread, #POLB Poolbeg Pharma & #FCM First Class Metals on the Vox Market Podcast

Alan Green discusses #WTB Whitbread, #POLB Poolbeg Pharma & #FCM First Class Metals on the Vox Market Podcast

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Power Metal Resources #POW – Quarterly Business Update with CEO Paul Johnson

Alan Green talks to Paul Johnson about today’s Quarterly Business Update. Paul provides background on today’s statement, and covers all the projects and developments outlined in the RNS, and with a view to the future, he talks through some upcoming events for investors to watch out for.

On the Vox Market Podcast, Alan Green discusses #OTMP OnTheMarket, #ROO Deliveroo and #TM1 Technology Minerals


On the Vox Market Podcast, Alan Green discusses #OTMP OnTheMarket, #ROO Deliveroo and #TM1 Technology Minerals

Listen to the podcast here

On the Vox Market Podcast, Alan Green talks about #ABDP AB Dynamics, #SNOX SulNOx Group & #ANR Altona Rare Earths

On the Vox Market Podcast, Alan Green talks about #ABDP AB Dynamics, #SNOX SulNOx Group & #ANR Altona Rare Earths

Listen here 

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